Some thoughts for on the way out.............
Some thoughts for on the way out.............
I apologize to any sincere Christian for anything deemed inappropiate from me to their God loving-fearing sensibilities, I have written on this forum... Goodbye to all other mentally challeged religous people who can't, who refuse to "connect the dots". Get saved, is the best advice I can give.
I will be over on the "Christian" only forum if anyone is interested. I will limit my replies to born again Christians trying to sort out the issues; those who are seeking God to know Him, should they ask of me. (John !7:3)
Don't forget to consider Love's will
ECT is deplorable, nonsensical and insane. The view of 'conditional immortality' or 'universal reconciliation' offers a more tenable eschatology from a 'biblical' perspective (any and all views can use 'scripture' to support their views, especially with the distortion and variableness with translation/interpretation issues). I explore and research outside of just a limited Bible format, since resources within Spiritualism, modern day psychical research, and consciousness studies add more to our knowledge when considering the Afterlife, etc.
Then we have sound universal laws/principles such as the law of compensation (karma) where all words, thoughts, actions have their own consequences and every soul reaps what it sows, no matter what realm or dimension of existence, here and in the afterworld. So these 'laws of God' hold, and they guide along the progressive evolution of all sentient beings. "God (cosmic law and all principles) are not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows that also shall he reap", no one suffers or is rewarded beyond what their choices and actions merit or bring into consequence, measure for measure, fairly, justly, and all this takes place within divine providence, Love willing the highest good for all. Any system of 'endless unending torment and suffering' (TO NO END) is antithetical to love, contrary to divine will.
So, ECT is a most satanic doctrine since it 'hinders' and 'obstructs' sentient beings from fulfilling their purpose of being, having the opportunity of repentance and purification, and insists 'God' has no other divine way or wisdom to relieve or save these suffering souls, but to KEEP them in such a state forever. This is pure insanity. It defies all laws of logic and life.
In 'conditional immortality', it is held that sin or iniquity fully embraced can have the ultimate consequence of a final 'death' to a soul, that soul is disintegrated, the personality is terminated, it is no more a conscious living entity. It has undergone the 'second death' from which there is no resurrection. Death is a state of non-existence, disintegration, negation in this sense. Other religious traditions and Spiritualism in general sees souls existing beyond mortal flesh and given opportunities for progress in the spirit worlds or in some process of reincarnation, you certainly don't have a monopoly on universal truth necessarily (especially in such a cruel teaching), but a preferred interpretation or doctrinal perspective found within a particular religious tradition.
While the biblical options of life or death, seem to simplistically settle the score of possibilities, there is probably more, but in the meantime John 3:16 holds for most