Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person


Well-known member
So you don't think those with "polyamorous natures" should be allowed to marry multiple people?
You are against polygamy?

Interesting questions.
Why don't you start a thread about these subjects?
This thread is about a judge's decision to support a genderless identity.


New member
Hall of Fame
Right. That is all a complete defamation.
I have only ever been one name here, Eider.

I know that you're a boss, or senior here, but I'll call for another moderator who can check out my whole history and background. To do that I will need to activate the 'report' exclamation mark. I have never needed to do that ever before.

When you lose, you really get very nasty, I think. :)

I actually think youre quite ammusing. I love watching fake believers who are really bad at it, think they can sway a real believer on the word of God, its clear you copy what you post from other websites, you cant even carry a conversation without posting someone elses stuff. Too bad you dont read all the context though. I love how it makes you look to those who check it.


Well-known member
No it doesnt and the only reason im still talking to you, is so you wont bother anyone else here.

It seems that you just cannot take a good argument to dismantle your prejudices, possibly?
It seems that when presented with clear evidence in the words of the Apostles and Jesus Himself that you just fall over into some kind of insulting hysteria.... ?


New member
Hall of Fame
It seems that you just cannot take a good argument to dismantle your prejudices, possibly?
It seems that when presented with clear evidence in the words of the Apostles and Jesus Himself that you just fall over into some kind of insulting hysteria.... ?

Ive already posted relevant scripture. You have no argument. You appeal to outside authority, while you misquote random verses without their context, without citing them without breaking them down. You think people here who actually study cant see what you are doing?

Any victory you think you get is moot, Jesus already won. A true believer wont give what you say the time of day, and those who follow after your lies, dont care about truth any more than you do.

since you wont answer questions or adress the points made in any way and are drive by trolling, im asking you be removed from my thread, thanks for stopping by.


Well-known member
I actually think youre quite ammusing. I love watching fake believers who are really bad at it, think they can sway a real believer on the word of God, its clear you copy what you post from other websites, you cant even carry a conversation without posting someone elses stuff. Too bad you dont read all the context though. I love how it makes you look to those who check it.

Wrong! I said you are a rubbish investigator!
The only quotes I have posted here have been from the bible, as far as I can remember. Do show me otherwise!
When you get personal, you know that you are losing...... you canot win this debate, given the scriptures that I have quoted accurately.


Well-known member
Why dont you answer anyones questions, troll?

Because I am sticking to the thread's title, and debating that a Judge's decision to support genderless identity is right. And the scriptures definitely do support that.

I'm listing your insults.... amazing.


Well-known member
Because I am sticking to the thread's title, and debating that a Judge's decision to support genderless identity is right. And the scriptures definitely do support that.

I'm listing your insults.... amazing.

Just a quick yes or no. No need for an entire thread.

Are you against polygamy?


Well-known member
Ive already posted relevant scripture. You have no argument.
No you have not. Give me the post numbers. :)

You appeal to outside authority, while you misquote random verses without their context, without citing them without breaking them down. You think people here who actually study cant see what you are doing?

I will happily provide deeper quotations. Both Jesus and Paul explained clearly what they meant, and my quotations are fair and accurate.
You have lost..... not by any great skill of mine, but because of THEIR WORDS!

Any victory you think you get is moot, Jesus already won.
You bet! You can say that again...... Jesus and Paul won.

A true believer wont give what you say the time of day, and those who follow after your lies, dont care about truth any more than you do.
A true believer gives ANYBODY the time of day.

since you wont answer questions or adress the points made in any way and are drive by trolling, im asking you be removed from my thread, thanks for stopping by.
I have been on this thread for some pages, not driving by, and the only reason you need me gone is because I have shown you that you are wrong.
You are in denial.


Well-known member
Because I am sticking to the thread's title, and debating that a Judge's decision to support genderless identity is right. And the scriptures definitely do support that.

I'm listing your insults.... amazing.

And you're the one that brought up "polyamorous natures." Remember?


New member
Hall of Fame
the only reason you need me gone is because I have shown you that you are wrong.
You are in denial.

I dont "need" you gone at all, watch this - you are now being placed on my blocked member list so whether they choose to remove your trolling or not, you wont be having conversation with me, im not wasting any more time on your trolling and i hope others are smart and do the same. :wave2:


Well-known member
Keep to the thread title!
I'll probably answer if you start a thread about something.

You brought up polamorous people. You then said I was wrong to say that you accept polygamy. I'm just following up on your own comments.

Was I wrong? Are you against polygamy?


Well-known member
Just a quick yes or no. No need for an entire thread.

Are you against polygamy?

Actions speak louder than words.
You would need to answer the above first if you are to receive my answer on this thread.

Do actions speak louder than words? Yes or No?