Did the law shed it's blood on the cross for me?
The law doesn't bleed, it would smear the words. What a goofy thought you have,
:cigar: Nope, no cigar.
Did the law shed it's blood on the cross for me?
We are not subject to Israel's law. Also we are not subject to Russian law or Islamic law.
But we are subject to NT law. I'm not saying you observe NT law, I realize you don't.
Why not repent and believe Jesus' gospel of the kingdom?
Judaism didn't exist until Isaac.
And barely. It wasn't until Moses that it took real form.
That's why I can't take this thread seriously. It's humorously naivelain:
Judaism exists from the time of Abraham.
The law was meant to point out and convict of sin. This is it's only function.
This is what some Christians think. But it is simply false. Have you ever read the "Old " Testament?
Because of the law the whole world stands guilty before God, Romans 3:19.
We are not subject to Israel's law. Also we are not subject to Russian law or Islamic law.
But we are subject to NT law. I'm not saying you observe NT law, I realize you don't.
Why not repent and believe Jesus' gospel of the kingdom?
Jesus' gospel of the Kingdom was the Tanach. Every time he referred to the Word of God, he had the Tanach in mind. The NT he never even dreamed would ever rise. The NT is the gospel of Paul. It was according to the gospel of Paul that Jesus was the Christ the Messiah and resurrected. (II Timothy 2:8) To repent and believe the gospel of Jesus, one must join God's Covenant with His People and get a name better than sons and daughters. (Isaiah 56:1-8)
This is what some Christians think. But it is simply false. Have you ever read the "Old " Testament?
Why do you distort scripture? Paul qualified his statement as being to those who are under the law.
Why do you distort scripture? Paul qualified his statement as being to those who are under the law.
You're under the law of sin and death Jamie. Do you sin, are you subject to death?
Paul said, "The whole world stands guilty before God to those who are under law" We are all under the law because of sin. Only those who profess faith in Christ will escape the judgment.
Paul said that if we judge ourselves we need not be judged.
What did Paul mean by that statement?
He meant that if you judged yourself you would become aware of the fact that you are a sinner and you would accept Christ as your savior and escape the judgment.
Nope, Paul explained what he meant.
Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.
But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. (1 Corinthians 11:27-32)
Jesus said if you hate you're a murderer and if you lust you're an adulterer. Not found in the Tanach.
Before God told him he would become a father to many nations his name was Abram.
When God called Abram he was an uncircumcised Gentile.
We are not subject to Israel's law. Also we are not subject to Russian law or Islamic law.
But we are subject to NT law. I'm not saying you observe NT law, I realize you don't.
Why not repent and believe Jesus' gospel of the kingdom?