Yes, something just doesn't add up GM. If he truly understood he wouldn't have done it. I mean what keeps us from not doing things against God today. I think that's the problem we have today. God has to give us wisdom and understanding and much more or we would be just like Adam and Eve continuously. We must have something more to do right. For some reason God didn't come in and save Adam. He had every opportunity to come in and say NO ADAM don't do it. But He didn't. He wouldn't have stopped Adams freewill for He could see Adam was going to make the wrong choice. He chose to let Adam go through with it. Therefore i see some irony there.
That's where things become subjective. God set up the world the
way He wanted things to be. He choose to create man with a
"Free-will choice." Evidently, He didn't want "Robot/puppets"
that would just do whatever He wanted them to do. He created
a world where, mankind could, "choose" what they wanted to do,
in any given situation. There have been times when He has
intervened in the world. We're living in a time known as, "The
Dispensation of Grace." We don't see God intervening, like He
did in the Old Testament times.
Basically, man chooses his own destiny. The "True Gospel" is
being preached all over the world, people are hearing it and
choosing to place their faith in Christ or reject Him. God desires
to have ALL of mankind to come to Christ. However, man has
free-will choice. God doesn't "force" anyone to respond to His