Short of any actual proof, it's all libel and I will not take part. I will not watch the video. (Just a standing rule of mine, I've wasted too much time watching Naz's nonsense).
Translation: "I will not examine evidences. I have preconcluded my conclusion."
I will freely admit that I have a bit of a personal bias, as my poor young niece in a bit for attention claimed "bad touch" against someone I love and only stopped their for her brother called her out. Another relative wasn't so lucky. Give me proof, not just innuendo and no context images. With proof, I may change my tune, until then, I'm just annoyed.
False accusations are far more frequent than most are willing to admit.
The number of people falsely convicted and entered into "sex offender" databases is legion,
and far exceeds credible numbers.
I deeply sympathize with all who have been either falsely convicted,
or have been convicted of criminal offences without sufficient evidence,
due process, probable cause, the presumption of innocence, or reasonable doubt aspects.
These days cops look for convictions and easy solutions to crimes,
and prosecutors look for convictions not truth.
And given that many in government and the courts are indeed members of
pedophile rings, its not surprising that some escape justice
and others are falsely convicted of the same crimes.
Mainly because Biden is just the latest in Naz's everyone in government is a pedophile conspiracy.
Not everyone. Only the people at the top.
I've always insisted that all criminal organizations use innocent people as their cover.
And it only takes a handful of CEOs to pull an ENRON.