Those are generalizations, not specifics. I could be just as pinched and stupid to claim that there are pedophiles in the GOP--Even in the Reagan White House:The perverts that run the pro abortion, pro homosexuality Democratic Party, who else would you think I'd be talking about?
The story in that link was suppressed the next day and the White House scandal disappeared.
My wife and I have worked in the medical field for nearly 40 years. My wife worked on the maternity ward and found out when children are born with indeterminent sex organs or a mix of genders, it works out best when the adults let the child decide when they are older. That way there is no drama or incidents of suicide.Can we both agree that we're products of our upbringing? But then maybe your parents didn't or wouldn't agree with you on certain issues like redefining the Bible to defend/promote sexual perversion?
I took care of a cancer patient who wore a beard and self-identified as a male even though he clearly had a vagina. He told me he was thankful his obstetritian did not force any surgery on him. His parents sounded really cool and supportive to me.
I think my parents saw the Bible as a text written by different and inspired human authors from different times and places.
I don't always make the best judgement calls, either.Yet children don't always make the best judgment calls, hence the reason loving parents take action when action is needed.
One thing I learned early on. Most parents I knew would hit their child with anger if the kid were caught running out in the street. It works so much better if you get down to their eye level and give their innocent soul a warm hug and then say "I got REALLY scared when I saw you running out in the street and not looking around for dangerous cars!" Tell them to be aware right then and there. Explain to them what can happen to a human body who is hit by an automobile.
And then in the future play a "game" with your little son or daughter to practice safety--Stop, Look and Listen. Make up ways for them to easily understand traffic lights and rules.
We're supposed to be teaching them how to leave the "nest" and live on their own. You never stop being a parent but we should always be aware of what the goal is. My daughter is 32 now and we both value the other's advice and are not afraid to make our own best personal choices.
Our daughter saw a lot little naked boy babies and she learned the adult words early on. When she was about two and a half she asked her mother "How come we call it menstruating? It should be 'LADY-straiting!' "