I see you blurring the lines between muslims and radical Islam, I have no truck with radical Islam. Its evil, the actions of Jihadis are evil, vile and wrong. Islamic state will need to be fought and destroyed.
However most Muslims I know distance themselves from the Paris and other attacks. Islamic States kills far more Muslims than it does French people or Americans. Millions of Muslims have fled Syria to get as far away from IS as possible.
Your equation of Muslim equals Jihadi is just as evil and dehumanising as there equation of westerner equals infidel. The work of the devil here isn't only Islam, it is circles of violence and hatred which you are embracing and equally culpable of.
No, that is how you are interpreting what I just said, your reading skills are lacking. I paint "radical islam" with the broad brush it requires, I did not however say that every muslim is radical now did I? That is the problem with you liberals you hear what you want to hear, you read into things that are just not there.
What is you end game here? How many people do you want to kill to win? What is your final solution?
Terminating this radical scourge from the earth would work for me... and victory is not measured with a body count Manc.
So your response to the question about innocent children as casualties is "So what? They are the enemy, it happens in war" if that is the case your just as evil as the guys who pulled them trigger in California a few days ago.
Then you would also say the same of Churchill & the rest of the allies that bombed Germany mercilessly, including innocents to stop that war? Are you really that naive to think you can vanquish an enemy without collateral damage? War is cruel, brutal, and ugly, we did not ask for it but, if we enjoy civil society than you better understand how to win a war again, and it won't be by playing footsie with the enemy.
Mindless violence will only lead to more circles of mindless violence.
Wrong! the force for good must overcome the force of evil or the world becomes more violent, & more people die, can't you see how flawed that logic is? This evil will not go away, and will not live peaceably among us, it must be faced, as ugly as you may find that prospect.
We will have to fight IS, it will be bloody and hard and it will need to end with boots on the ground.
Sad as it may be you are correct, and the sooner it takes place the more lives that will be saved.
We need a plan, a diplomatic solution and to isolate IS from the wider Muslim community if we are going to win.
I believe that diplomacy with this group is fruitless, their goal is ideological and if muslims want to be separate from their radical counterparts it is high time that they separate themselves and take a vocal stand against it. The job of separating the wider muslim community is theirs, not the West's.
Mindless bombing and return hate plays into there strategy or an all out Christian Muslim war.
You are rather duel minded when expressing yourself Manc, on one hand you admit that we will have to fight IS, yet you consider fighting for western culture as hate, mindless, etc. Who hates who here? Who is attacking innocents right now? You need to think this out a bit more and try to put your emotions aside while you do.