Jesus Will Never Return

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Now, imagine, Paul and Barnabas together, teaching such an anti-marriage doctrine, what could happen? Exactly what happened in Antioch if you read Acts 13:50. The Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them both out of their town. I couldn't blame them. Mothers preparing their daughters to be married and these two bachelors forbidding men to marry them! What could be expected for a reaction?
They were discouraging people from having families, because it was the last days of the nation of Israel. You have a women, but she has a 1 month old son too, and you want to "raptured." I would highly advise against such a scenario, though it did happen sometimes.


Would you please provide me with the quote that Caiaphas said what you claim above? I mean chapter and verse and not two chapters.

That's not a description of Pilate. According to Josephus, Pilate did not behave that way. It did not mean to Pilate how many Jews he had to crucify, since as many they were it would satisfy him better.

How about the Prophets whose words Jesus came to confirm down to the letter? (Mat. 5:17-19) They said that no one could die to atone for the sins of any one else. Don't you believe the Prophets? (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

Paul was a liar and Jesus' words in Mat. 5:11 did apply to him for falsely accusing the Jews with the death of Jesus.

And you are making things worse by reminding the zealots of today that the Jews did kill Jesus which is not true at all. (Mat. 5:11)

Which never happened as Caesar gave no chance to Paul to present his defense. After two years in Rome he died in his own house arrest.

Oh! So you know that Pilate would never consult the Jews regarding the crucifixion of one of them. But, as you know that not every one reads Josephus, you threw in your coin in favor of Pilate. Not fair!
Josephus is wrong on many, and the behavior of Pilate given by him is a fantastic tall untale. The gospels have him weeding out the false prophets, and those with the Messiah complex. And it is state cleary in Acts that the apostle Paul did not die at the hand of Caesar. If Paul died in Rome, then Jonah died at Nineveh.


New member

Wait and see .

7 Year Tribulation Sept 23, 2017 - Jesus returns circa Sept. 2024


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The lines from Caiahphas are Jn 11, sorry. Vs 49+. Then 18:13+. I mention whole chapters at a time for the sake of greatest context.

Yes, Pilate did crucify many, but on this one he had misgivings. Wives' dreams/visions go a long ways.

You must think, then, that the mob scene is artificial. How could you reconstruct that?

Yes the prophets said that in cases where people were in denial of their own. By "owning" and realizing their inability to pay, the Gospel of Christ's righteousness is more powerful. As you may know, Abraham was credited someone else's righteousness, too.

Paul in I Cor referred to the leaders and rulers. But in his theology, it is 'an act of God' anyway: he laid down his own life; knew it would happen. That's why the theological explanation never sounds like the crass medieval blame formula. And anyway, those medieval people will have to explain why they didn't see the destruction of Jerusalem as 'enough, already.' There is no warrant for ongoing harm after that event.

What Paul did want was to have as many of his countrymen in the mission of the Gospel as possible; Rom 11, Acts 26:29. My conclusion about the Jewish War is that it was inevitable once the appeal of the apostles to their people to join the mission was refused. The issue is not the crucifixion because God was making that happen anyway. The issue is the refusal to join the mission. The zealots then aggravated everything with Rome, while the apostles and others in the mission spread the Gospel from Spain to India in one generation. Obviously, two opposing views, two infinitely different results.

Caesar's not giving Paul a chance to speak does not change why the material was chronicled and compiled. No fair.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

They were discouraging people from having families, because it was the last days of the nation of Israel. You have a women, but she has a 1 month old son too, and you want to "raptured." I would highly advise against such a scenario, though it did happen sometimes.

Scatological reasons to forbid marriages is just too hard to buy, especially in the Israel of that time.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Josephus is wrong on many, and the behavior of Pilate given by him is a fantastic tall untale. The gospels have him weeding out the false prophets, and those with the Messiah complex. And it is state cleary in Acts that the apostle Paul did not die at the hand of Caesar. If Paul died in Rome, then Jonah died at Nineveh.

I've failed to see any correlation between Paul and Jonah although none is mentioned to have died in Rome and the other in Nineveh.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return


Wait and see .

7 Year Tribulation Sept 23, 2017 - Jesus returns circa Sept. 2024

The seven-year tribulation of the 70 week/years of Daniel 9:24-27 happened during the Maccabean wars with the Greeks of King Antiochus IV when the abomination of desolation was settled in the Temple and the sacrifices discontinued for 3.5 years until the purification of the Temple aka Hanukah.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

The lines from Caiahphas are Jn 11, sorry. Vs 49+. Then 18:13+. I mention whole chapters at a time for the sake of greatest context.

Yes, Pilate did crucify many, but on this one he had misgivings. Wives' dreams/visions go a long ways.

You must think, then, that the mob scene is artificial. How could you reconstruct that?

Yes the prophets said that in cases where people were in denial of their own. By "owning" and realizing their inability to pay, the Gospel of Christ's righteousness is more powerful. As you may know, Abraham was credited someone else's righteousness, too.

Paul in I Cor referred to the leaders and rulers. But in his theology, it is 'an act of God' anyway: he laid down his own life; knew it would happen. That's why the theological explanation never sounds like the crass medieval blame formula. And anyway, those medieval people will have to explain why they didn't see the destruction of Jerusalem as 'enough, already.' There is no warrant for ongoing harm after that event.

What Paul did want was to have as many of his countrymen in the mission of the Gospel as possible; Rom 11, Acts 26:29. My conclusion about the Jewish War is that it was inevitable once the appeal of the apostles to their people to join the mission was refused. The issue is not the crucifixion because God was making that happen anyway. The issue is the refusal to join the mission. The zealots then aggravated everything with Rome, while the apostles and others in the mission spread the Gospel from Spain to India in one generation. Obviously, two opposing views, two infinitely different results.

Caesar's not giving Paul a chance to speak does not change why the material was chronicled and compiled. No fair.

I had found the text. I did not return to you because I found the text to be excessively un-Jewish. The opposite was rather true that the Pharisees were more than one time involved on trying to save Jesus from being arrest. The first time is I am not mistaken was when Herod had sent his guards to arrest Jesus and a Pharisee undercover, blue the whistle by revealing the Herod's plot to Jesus, Jesus listened to the warning and escaped arrest. (Luke 13:31) The next time was at the entrance of Jerusalem when Jesus' disciple were acclaiming him king of the Jews and the Pharisees approached him and asked Jesus to stop his disciples or he would be arrested by the Imperial Cohorts of Pilate. This time it seems that Jesus was enjoying the parade and replied to the Pharisees that the stones would shout if his disciples stopped. (Luke 19:37-40) Immediately, Jesus entered the Roman agenda as a possible crucifixion for insurrection. It didn't take too long afterwards and Jesus was arrested and judged as a rebel and crucified on the political charge of being acclaimed king of the Jews in a Roman province. Hence his verdict on the top of his cross read, INRI.

Bright Raven

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Acts 1:9-11 Modern English Version (MEV)

9 When He had spoken these things, while they looked, He was taken up. And a cloud received Him from their sight.

10 While they looked intently toward heaven as He ascended, suddenly two men stood by them in white garments.

11 They said, “Men of Galilee, why stand looking toward heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you to heaven, will come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Acts 1:9-11 Modern English Version (MEV)

9 When He had spoken these things, while they looked, He was taken up. And a cloud received Him from their sight.

10 While they looked intently toward heaven as He ascended, suddenly two men stood by them in white garments.

11 They said, “Men of Galilee, why stand looking toward heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you to heaven, will come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

The allusion is still to be verified as Jesus has not returned yet. In the meantime, faith has to remain as the only evidence that such a hope will be fulfilled.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Jesus returns to me every day of my life--and has been for some decades now.

But the promise of his return was not supposed to be individual and exoteric but literal and to the whole earth to know. Therefore, all you have is faith to corroborate your words.


Well-known member
could you explain more about 'young men...helped by a it was a mitzvah to help (them)...

Is a lot a drawing?

Isn't a mitzvah the coming of age ceremony of the 13th birthday?


Active member
re: "Jesus returns to me every day of my life..."

So do you know when He leaves for the day and then when He returns the next day?

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

could you explain more about 'young men...helped by a it was a mitzvah to help (them)...

Is a lot a drawing?

Isn't a mitzvah the coming of age ceremony of the 13th birthday?

"Helped by a lot" means only that, to help young men to get married was a kind of help which almost all Israel was willing to share with. And "Mitzvah" is the Hebrew term for an action of almost the size of a commandment.
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