Jesus: The end and the fulfillment of the Old Testament


New member
There are tribes in Africa and other parts of the world that know right from wrong without the Bible. I think that it is called a conscious. Everyone seems to have one.

It is called conscience silly...or are grammar laws abolished too

And Well smarty pants...conscience dont matter as law is abolished...

So do as thou your claim


New member
That is a really poor example.

The law brings us to Christ because we are sinners, lawless and disobedient, 1 Timothy 1:9.
only if the law why it points out sin...and our need of salvation and IS a shadow pointing to the good to HIM

This is not about learning multiplication and division. Its about learning that your righteousness falls short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23. And that you need a savior.

Newsflash: according to you...Law is abolished no one needs a savior...

john w

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Hall of Fame
Where do you find the rules for righteousness?
Where are "thou shalt not murder" and "thou shalt not steal" written down for everyone to learn?

As I/others have asked you, POPE Pate: What objective source, outside of yourself, defines right/wrong, i.e., sin? To what are you pointing? What is your reference point? It cannot be the law, as, according to you, "poof," it no longer exists.

Answer Divine POPE Pate.

He won't, as he will just spam another irrelevant bait'nswitch sound byte, and punt.


New member
There are tribes in Africa and other parts of the world that know right from wrong without the Bible. I think that it is called a conscious. Everyone seems to have one.
Do Christians do the things contained in the Law?

Romans 2:12-16
12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;
13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; )
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.​

God gave His Law to the children of Israel because they were His chosen people that were to show His righteousness to the nations.

Deuteronomy 4:5-8
5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
7 For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
8 And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?​

Christians have no reason to throw that away.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are tribes in Africa and other parts of the world that know right from wrong without the Bible. I think that it is called a conscious. Everyone seems to have one.

As I have been saying...His alleged "Holy Spirit that replaces the law," is now replaced by "a conscious."

And it is "conscience," moron, not " conscious."

You fraud. Tell us what you would say to one that says:

"My conscience, the Holy Spirit, teaches me that suicide bombings, bombing abortion clinics, is right."

Tell us, Pate. Go ahead.,


New member
Paul said, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17.

Living by laws, rules and religion is not living by faith.

A good son does not need to be told what to do, but the lawless and disobedient do, 1 Timothy 1:9.

A good son knows what is required of him and lives accordingly. He loves his Father and does not want to disappoint him by sinning against him.

This is known as living by faith and living according to the Holy Spirit.

A good son doesnt go around claiming his father’s house has no rules...inviting complete strangers to partake of the feast without putting on party clothes provided...

A good son knows his father’s house rules and teaches them to others and by demonstration...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Do Christians do the things contained in the Law?

Romans 2:12-16
12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;
13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; )
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.​

God gave His Law to the children of Israel because they were His chosen people that were to show His righteousness to the nations.

Deuteronomy 4:5-8
5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.
6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
7 For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
8 And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?​

Christians have no reason to throw that away.

God gave the law to the Jews because they were a rebelous bunch. The law was a keeper until Jesus arrived and then after Jesus arrived they were to live by faith and not the law. The law was replaced by the Holy Spirit.


New member
Correct. I've asked him, over, and over, what the believer's objective reference point is, in determining what is right/wrong, ifd the objective, written perfect, of God no longer exists? What is the believer's objective source? To what is he/sher pointing? Not the objective, written word of God, containing the laws re. rape, murder, lying, sodomy,lying................, as that was allegedly destroyed/abolished/made void-no longer exists, as he asserts "The Holy Spirit replaces the holy, perfect.... law of God," and there is NADA, outside of the believer, to make that objective determination, and thus, in "Divine Grandiose," must conclude that what the Holy Sprit teaches him, POPE Pate, re. right/wrong, "trumps" what the Holy Spirit tells others re. what is right/wrong, and can say nothing, to one, who counters:

One:"The Holy Spirit replaced the law of God, and I live by faith, not the law!!! You taught me that. The Holy Spirit taught me that suicide bombings, blowing up abortion good."

POPE Pate: Well, uh, urr, my Holy Spirit trumps yours. You are wrong!!!!

One: Says who? You, POPE Pate?

Correct. W/O an objective authority, outside of oneself, all it is situational subjectivism, moral relativism.....Judges 21:265 KJV..."ye shall be as gods...."(Genesis 3:3 KHV)=satanic

I have challenged POPE Pate on this, over 25 times, and he won't touch it,as his father, the devil has a gag order on him.


And more than mere objective authority it is a demonstration of His Character and what it will be like in the future when it is on earth as it is in heaven...cant repeat it enough...

His Law actually secures our right to have our access to the tree of life live forever with Him...worshipping and praising Him...His Way...for what was done by Him

His law is foundational to our being able to be adopted and become full citizens of His People...His House

And Bobby here wants to have all that abolished...

No Law means no access to His adoption to Citizen of Israel His people...His houserules

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
God gave the law to the Jews because they were a rebelous bunch. The law was a keeper until Jesus arrived and then after Jesus arrived they were to live by faith and not the law. The law was replaced by the Holy Spirit.

Tell us what you would say to one that says:

"My conscience, the Holy Spirit, which replaces the law, teaches me that suicide bombings, bombing abortion clinics, is right."

Tell us, Pate. Go ahead.

Let me guess POPE Pate's response:

"Well, what the Holy Spirit tells you, is wrong, as that is what the Holy Spirit told me. My Holy Spirit 'trumps' yours."

Months of silence from this fraud, on this question.


New member
God gave the law to the Jews because they were a rebelous bunch. The law was a keeper until Jesus arrived and then after Jesus arrived they were to live by faith and not the law. The law was replaced by the Holy Spirit.

Why if abolished?

Why replace it with Holy Spirit...

And the Holy Spirit guides us to to do what? KEEP THE LAW...still binding


New member

POPE Pate, in no uncertain terms, is "arguing" that God's perfect, holy, good, just, spiritual, "not void" law, is not perfect, is not holy, is not good, is not good, is not just, is not spiritual, is void, as it is contrary to us, not the sin debt/IOU, for breaking His perfect, holy, good, just, spiritual, "not void" law,and thus the Lord Jesus Christ's death was in vain, as the "solution" is to destroy/abolish/destroy the law, not blot out the sin debt/IOU.

That is satanic, and no scripture testifies that the Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy the of God. NADA.

Knock off defending Pate, and His "corresponding" "The Holy Spirit replaces the law of God" ethical subjectivism/moral relativism, and his assertion that Genesis through Malachi, Matthew-John, up until the DBR, has been ABOLISHED.

Read his on record posts. I/others have.

Many christians argue like our silly bobby here...

Normally it is problem with 9 of the Laws...just dont bring up the Sabbath...then suddenly it’s “all that is abolished”...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Many christians argue like our silly bobby here...

Normally it is problem with 9 of the Laws...just dont bring up the Sabbath...then suddenly it’s “all that is abolished”...
And Pate asserts that he is a sinner, even though he asserts that the law no longer exists, which defines what sin is, and thus asserts that no law/no sin......But, he is a sinner. He is spiraling into demonism, diminished capacity....


New member
And Pate asserts that he is a sinner, even though he asserts that the law no longer exists, which defines what sin is, and thus asserts that no law/no sin......But, he is a sinner. He is spiraling into demonism, diminished capacity....

Oh I read it as he is once in Christ then never sins there is no more law...

As there is no more law since AD 30ish not sure what prompted his desire to die to self as there is no more sin...

Bobby what is up with that? No law means you are sinless no need for Saviour...


New member
Oh I read it as he is once in Christ then never sins there is no more law...

As there is no more law since AD 30ish not sure what prompted his desire to die to self as there is no more sin...

Bobby what is up with that? No law means you are sinless no need for Saviour...

Hey Bobbie!!

ya got some explainin’ to do!!...

If the Law was abolished in AD 30ish why do you need to die to self?

Or need the Holy Spirit?


New member
God gave the law to the Jews because they were a rebelous bunch. The law was a keeper until Jesus arrived and then after Jesus arrived they were to live by faith and not the law. The law was replaced by the Holy Spirit.

You still have answered these either!!

“Here are they that...” do what Bobbie?...

Not those that “cry out LORD! LORD!” But do what Bobbie...?

Come on can do it...

it is scripture too...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You still have answered these either!!

“Here are they that...” do what Bobbie?...

Not those that “cry out LORD! LORD!” But do what Bobbie...?

Come on can do it...

it is scripture too...

Christians fulfill the law by being "In Christ". You cannot be any holier in God's eyes than when he sees you as perfect and complete in His Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:10.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
And Pate asserts that he is a sinner, even though he asserts that the law no longer exists, which defines what sin is, and thus asserts that no law/no sin......But, he is a sinner. He is spiraling into demonism, diminished capacity....

Spiritually, Christians are "In Christ".

Physically, they are "The Chief of Sinners".

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Spiritually, Christians are "In Christ".

Physically, they are "The Chief of Sinners".

No, that is more made up mumbo jumbo, as you just fabricate "doctrine." Scripture knows no such distinction,thing as "spiritually....but physically, ..." You are either a sinner, or you are not, deceiver.

You said that you were a sinner, Pate, and thus, as I predicted, your response is not one, is evasion, a sound byte, that means nothing. You said that only sinners need the law, quoting 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV, over, and over,Pate. You said that believers do not need the law-only sinners. You said that you were a sinner, arguing against others, on other threads, that we are not saints, that we are sinners. There is no "in between," so stuff your making up this jazz about "spiritually we are not sinners, but physically we are sinners." That is more of your demonic, dementia "reasoning."

Again...More meltdown into the world of confusion, deceit, diminished capacity,for this wolf. He has been caught, in another lie, contradiction, twisted, demonic "reasoning." To wit-He argues:

The reason Jesus abolished the law is because we cannot keep it. Where is no law there is no transgression....The law was made for sinners,not Christians-1 Timothy 1:9.

Thus, he continues to argue, that the law was abolished for Christians, but not for sinners, quoting 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV, dozens of times in recent days, asserting that the law only applies to sinners, not Christians. He asserts that Christians are not under the judgment of the law, because it no longer exists, citing "Where there is no law there is no transgression," i.e., no sin can be charged against Christians, as there is no law, to define the offense, the transgression. That is his on record "logic." And yet, in the "same breath," he asserts, again, on record,ad nauseam......
Post #32

Paul referred to himself as "The Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. And then he spoke about his struggle with sin in Romans 7;13-25. We never reach the point where we think that we have arrived. We remain needy sinners, always in need of God's mercy and grace.As long as we are in these Adamic bodies we are sinners, saved sinners, but still sinners. But we have hope. Paul said, "Hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees then why does he hope for it" Romans 8:24. Paul saw himself as a wretched man. He even referred to himself as "carnal sold under sin". But then he had hope that he would be delivered from sin, death and the devil, Romans 8:25.]

Posts #198, 200, 204......:

Paul is the one that referred to himself as "The Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. Your problem is that you cannot figure out how one can be a sinner and still be saved. This is because you don't know nor do you understand the Gospel. .... Paul is the one that referred to himself as the "Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. Paul also said, "That in his flesh dwells no good thing" Romans 7:18. Christians are called to live their lives before God as sinners[/B], 1 John 1:8. No one measures up to God's standards. We all come short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.... As long as we are in these Adamic bodies we are sinners. We only have the first fruits or the down payment of the Holy Spirit. We are waiting to be delivered from the flesh. See Romans 8:22-27.

Tell us, Pate, with more of your demonic "logic"- how can Christians be called sinners, i.e., be charged with committing sins, by definition, when, as you "argue," there is no law for Christians, only sinners(distinguishing them, the lost, as sinners, from Christians), you quoting 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV, when there is allegedly no law, it being abolished,according to you, to define sin for Christians, to define the offense?

Tell us, POPE Pate, how can a Christian be termed a "sinner," which, by definition, is one who commits a sin/transgression, if there is no law for them to be charged with a sin/offense/transgression?Your entire "argument" for the law being abolished for Christians, is, that if there is no law, the Christian cannot be charged with a sin/transgression, you quoting "Where there is no law there is no transgression." So, how is that a Christian, is a "sinner?" A sinner, by definition, commits a sin. What sin?

Pate quoted this, dozens of times, in his "argument:"

1 Timothy 1:9 KJV

Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

Pate:The law was made for sinners, John W., not Christians. Apparently, you need the law, being a sinner!!!!!!!!!!!

Other/me, to Pate: You said Christians are still considered sinners, Pate. How can that be, since, if there is no law, according to you, by which they can be judged to commit a sin/transgression? .Remember....Your "argument"....Where there is no law there is no transgression, no sin!!!!That is why the law had to be abolished, according to your premise.

Pate: Well, urr, uh,....You need the law....I am led by the Holy Spirit, you see, uh, urr....

Go ahead, Pate. Spin, lie, change biblical words, delete words, re-invent the meaning of words, to get yourself out of this ditch you are in.

Go ahead, Pate.

Watch the spam, 1 line sound bytes with which he replies. Watch...
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Spiritually, Christians are "In Christ".

Physically, they are "The Chief of Sinners".

Paul referred to himself as "The Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. And then he spoke about his struggle with sin in Romans 7;13-25. We never reach the point where we think that we have arrived. We remain needy sinners, always in need of God's mercy and grace.

As long as we are in these Adamic bodies we are sinners, saved sinners, but still sinners. But we have hope. Paul said, "Hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees then why does he hope for it" Romans 8:24. Paul saw himself as a wretched man. He even referred to himself as "carnal sold under sin". But then he had hope that he would be delivered from sin, death and the devil, Romans 8:25.

Posts #198, 200, 204......:

Paul is the one that referred to himself as "The Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. Your problem is that you cannot figure out how one can be a sinner and still be saved. This is because you don't know nor do you understand the Gospel. .... Paul is the one that referred to himself as the "Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. Paul also said, "That in his flesh dwells no good thing" Romans 7:18. Christians are called to live their lives before God as sinners, 1 John 1:8. No one measures up to God's standards. We all come short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.... As long as we are in these Adamic bodies we are sinners. We only have the first fruits or the down payment of the Holy Spirit. We are waiting to be delivered from the flesh. See Romans 8:22-27.

Jesus abolished the law,so that we won't be judged as sinners, under its judgment.

You are a sinner, physically, are you, Pate? How is that? How can you sin, thus be a sinner, if there is no law, according to you, to define sin/transgression-"poof," it is gone, according to you?

What sin?You commit sins, eh Pate? The law has been abolished, according to you!

I caught this demon.......He can say nothing, but spam irrelevant, emotional nothings.