Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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Well-known member
And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. :)


And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door. :)

Deuteronomy 5:1 - Deuteronomy 31:26

James 2:10 + Galatians 3:10; 5:4

Ephesians 2:8, 9 + Romans 4:4-5


The Testimony of Yahshua holds :thumb:


Love does not rejoice in evil. The "Testimony of Yeshua" that Daqq proclaims is absolute denial that God loved us enough to literally join with us and die for all of our sins. Daqq further denies that simply by accepting SAVIOR's free gift, while admitting that He is our only hope... is our salvation. That is not the Gospel. Daqq is fully opposed to the self sacrificing work of Infinite Love... YeHoshua.

Worse yet...

You and I know that salvation is a free gift that comes from the place of infinite Love. We discussed this on the Slaying thread.

Daqq proclaims that Jesus was not our Sin Bearer.
Daqq denies that YHWH Loved us enough to Join with us as (Son of God) and (Son of Man).
Daqq denies that Jesus Fulfilled the Law for all who turn to Him as their full fulfillment of righteousness.
Daqq has turned the true "Testimony of Yeshua" into the "Testimony of Daqq".

Proverbs 27:6

I will not lie to a friend on theological matters that go far beyond theology.

If God did not atone for our sins... we are thoroughly without hope.

- Nameste

To be blunt... If TRUTH is "relative", than "THE TRUTH" never became our relative.


Classic evil. Like I said, denying the right of self defense gives away your ill intent.

You are not only a pinhead, you are a nincompoop too.

It is sad that you don't honor His word and try to be true to Him, rather you want to be loyal to your pope.




Love does not rejoice in evil. The "Testimony of Yeshua" that Daqq proclaims is absolute denial that God loved us enough to literally join with us and die for all of our sins. Daqq further denies that simply by accepting SAVIOR's free gift, while admitting that He is our only hope... is our salvation. That is not the Gospel. Daqq is fully opposed to the self sacrificing work of Infinite Love... YeHoshua.

Worse yet...

You and I know that salvation is a free gift that comes from the place of infinite Love. We discussed this on the Slaying thread.

Daqq proclaims that Jesus was not our Sin Bearer.
Daqq denies that YHWH Loved us enough to Join with us as (Son of God) and (Son of Man).
Daqq denies that Jesus Fulfilled the Law for all who turn to Him as their full fulfillment of righteousness.
Daqq has turned the true "Testimony of Yeshua" into the "Testimony of Daqq".

Proverbs 27:6

I will not lie to a friend on theological matters that go far beyond theology.

If God did not atone for our sins... we are thoroughly without hope.

- Nameste

To be blunt... If TRUTH is "relative", than "THE TRUTH" never became our relative.


Further more... per Ecclesiastes 7:20

"20 For there isn't a righteous person on earth who does [only] good and never sins."

"Good Teacher" ... "Only God is good"

"I am the GOOD sheapherd."


You are not only a pinhead, you are a nincompoop too.

It is sad that you don't honor His word and try to be true to Him, rather you want to be loyal to your pope.


"Only God is Good"
"I am the GOOD Shepherd"

You are as dead inside as the Calvinists. You and Daqq...

I am dead inside too... if not for the simple acceptance that Ephesians 2:8 is true.

Now... the Truth isn't scripture to me... The Scripture TESTIFIES of the TRUTH! And God's name... Is Jesus... HE is the WAY, TRUTH, LIGHT and LIFE...

We... are darkness... NO indwelling LIGHT...

Utter Darkness!


Well-known member

Love does not rejoice in evil. The "Testimony of Yeshua" that Daqq proclaims is absolute denial that God loved us enough to literally join with us and die for all of our sins. Daqq further denies that simply by accepting SAVIOR's free gift, while admitting that He is our only hope... is our salvation. That is not the Gospel. Daqq is fully opposed to the self sacrificing work of Infinite Love... YeHoshua.

Worse yet...

You and I know that salvation is a free gift that comes from the place of infinite Love. We discussed this on the Slaying thread.

Daqq proclaims that Jesus was not our Sin Bearer.
Daqq denies that YHWH Loved us enough to Join with us as (Son of God) and (Son of Man).
Daqq denies that Jesus Fulfilled the Law for all who turn to Him as their full fulfillment of righteousness.
Daqq has turned the true "Testimony of Yeshua" into the "Testimony of Daqq".

Proverbs 27:6

I will not lie to a friend on theological matters that go far beyond theology.

If God did not atone for our sins... we are thoroughly without hope.

- Nameste

To be blunt... If TRUTH is "relative", than "THE TRUTH" never became our relative.

Dear Freelight, Evil.Eye. freely admits that he worships Azazel.
And, Evil.Eye. why do you tell so many lies? Oh yeah, because you worship Azazel. :chuckle:


Dear Freelight, Evil.Eye. freely admits that he worships Azazel.
And, Evil.Eye. why do you tell so many lies? Oh yeah, because you worship Azazel. :chuckle:

Dear Daqq,

You are so predictable. It is theologically acceptable to refer to the Goat that goes outside the camp as "The Azazal Goat". It is not I that deny that Jesus bore my sins.

Jesus is not the CURSE... Jesus BECAME a CURSE... to free us from it...

1 Peter 2:24 + Galatians 3:13 and ... Hebrews 13:13

But no shocker at what you have said... you are predictable...

False Theological accusations.

; )

"Be sure and your sins will find you out"

You did not deny a single thing I wrote.


Well-known member
False Theological accusations.

No, it is not a "False Theological accusation", that is rather what YOU are doing when you keep telling lies about what I believe because you actually have no clue what I believe. You yourself however spoke quite proudly of how "Jesus became your Azazel" and how you believe you are supposed to go out to him into the desert outside the camp. Do you not worship Jesus? Yes, you do. Do you not say that Jesus became your `Aza'zel? Yes, you do, and therefore by default you worship your god who is `Aza'zel. I have not made up anything I have said here: you already told me what you believe and what you worship and where you are, (the desert). :)


No, it is not a "False Theological accusation", that is rather what YOU are doing when you keep telling lies about what I believe because you actually have no clue what I believe. You yourself however spoke quite proudly of how "Jesus became your Azazel" and how you believe you are supposed to go out to him into the desert outside the camp. Do you not worship Jesus? Yes, you do. Do you not say that Jesus became your `Aza'zel? Yes, you do, and therefore by default you worship your god who is `Aza'zel. I have not made up anything I have said here: you already told me what you believe and what you worship and where you are, (the desert). :)

Your tongue is full of lies...

Let the reader "SEE"...

Over 55,000 characters to expose your lies


You said it in my thread. I need not quote it or link to it. We both know it is true. The thread you linked to is the same call out thread you closed like the coward that you are because you cannot handle the truth. :)

Canned response for [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION]

Link to Core expression of what Daqq Rejects

Link to Daqqs Deceptive Tactics and a single example of thousands that Daqq can't answer with scriptural integrity

Link to over 50,000 characters exposing Daqqs Deceit and theological errors that he pushes continually


Eclectic Theosophist
For God's sake......................

For God's sake......................


Love does not rejoice in evil. The "Testimony of Yeshua" that Daqq proclaims is absolute denial that God loved us enough to literally join with us and die for all of our sins. Daqq further denies that simply by accepting SAVIOR's free gift, while admitting that He is our only hope... is our salvation. That is not the Gospel. Daqq is fully opposed to the self sacrificing work of Infinite Love... YeHoshua.

Worse yet...

You and I know that salvation is a free gift that comes from the place of infinite Love. We discussed this on the Slaying thread.

Daqq proclaims that Jesus was not our Sin Bearer.
Daqq denies that YHWH Loved us enough to Join with us as (Son of God) and (Son of Man).
Daqq denies that Jesus Fulfilled the Law for all who turn to Him as their full fulfillment of righteousness.
Daqq has turned the true "Testimony of Yeshua" into the "Testimony of Daqq".

Proverbs 27:6

I will not lie to a friend on theological matters that go far beyond theology.

If God did not atone for our sins... we are thoroughly without hope.

- Nameste

To be blunt... If TRUTH is "relative", than "THE TRUTH" never became our relative.

I have yet to see proof of the above, and I think alot of extra expended energy could best be served in other directions, those more edifying and faith-promoting, instead of targeting a specific individual with continuous judgments and accusations.

Neither do I feel it my calling to be a 'referee' in any petty fighting that is beyond what is civilly proper and ethically permissable when engaging in a constructive discussion on any particular matter of importance. I try to serve as a 'peace maker' naturally by calling, as such gifts of grace naturally express themselves.

We can as 'adults' simply share our view, the reasons why we hold whatever 'interpretation' or 'belief' we have and engage a 'dialogue' with another discussing the 'points', 'concepts', 'logics', 'insights', 'correlaries', 'conclusions' that such viewpoints afford. We may discuss and criticize the interpretations without demonizing or devaluing the individual themselves, UNLESS they are CLEARLY engaging in immoral, unethical, rude, spiteful, cruel or condescending manners, OR violating TOL rules of forum conduct.

AS YOU KNOW,..I have openly held a more Unitarian view for the sake of 'creative dialogue' here, because I do not see the advantage of a dogmatic belief of the orthodox Trinitarian CREED, in her specific details and assumptions, to which Anthanasius rendered 'anathemas' upon anyone who didnt accept its 'terms',...which is ridiculous! - damning to 'hell' anyone who disagrees,...typical 'orthodox' pomp and fanfare. ALSO, I have maintained that an UNITARIAN view....EVEN a wholly traditional ARIAN JUST as acceptable if not MORE than any trinitarian/modalist or some 'hybrid' inbetween. ALL these groups worship 'God' the FATHER and venerate and follow His Son, the Lord Jesus...and take him as God's MESSIAH and SON! Its only those trying to prove that Jesus is YHWH that are vehement about any teaching that does not believe that, but is more Unitarian in its Christology. SO? - you can harp over the fine points and strain at gnats, split some hairs while your at it (dont over strain yourself),...but after all that is said (scrutinized) and done (dont get too exhausted)....only the 'pure in heart see God'. Only those who DO God's will actually...can completely (fully) realize and enjoy His blessing. FAITH, while being essential,...can only be completely (fully) realized in its 'fulfilmment' WHEN that faith is ACTED upon.

What I recommend, is redirecting your energies to dialogue that is more uplifting and edifying, agreeing to disagree about some areas of 'interpretation',...if differences for any reason appears, and USE this forum positively to be a channel of God's LOVE, and the sharing of his divine WISDOM thru 'creative and constructive dialogue'. - All that matters at the end of the day is the love and peace shared among God's children, in feeding on 'manna' from above that gives life, wisdom, encouragement, empowerment, hope, strength and LIFE! - anything that is working contrary to love's will and motives, and the free exploration of consciousness, in our study of truth, seeking to enlarge our revelation of 'God' and HOW to love better, is either trivial or 'satanic' (hindering) in its activity. Just like Peter thought he was so passionately stepping up to the plate for 'God',....Jesus said "GET BEHIND ME SATAN". 'Satan' is the hinderer, adversary, accuser.

I have other posts to attend, so please knock off the religious kindergarten antics (this goes for all of us) and show some spiritual adulthood maturity around here. This FORUM is already filled with so much petty discourse, polemics and politicizing of doctrine (in one form or another) as it is. Yes....'discussion' of religion is the purpose here,...but by golly, this isnt a 'contest' of egos for God's sake. Remember Jesus said let your 'yes' be 'yes',...and your 'no' be 'no'....because anything more than this of the evil one? - this is because when we let ourselves drift off and 'exaggerate' points that are NOT fundamental or essential...getting bombastic on the non-essential which we THINK or BELIEVE are most important....we loose ourselves. Since God and his gift of life thru His Son is YES.....and all that is against love, life, truth, goodness, wisdom, NO....lets us consider these ultimatums.

I may be withdrawing some, as engaging in too many discussions is spreading myself too thin, while other more pertinent subjects need attending. Thank you all for considering your contribution, and HOW you can also be instrumental in enhancing the discussion experience of this board in God's honor, by healthy uplifting and friendly discourse here, and most of all in brotherly love, after all, if 'God' is truly our Father, then we are his children.
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