Jesus SEPARATE from Jehovah; calls Jehovah "my God."

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You are a liar, you do not answer all scriptures, you avoid them.

If you had studied up the word "worship" then you would not be so ignorant.

You present verses which do not say what you claim and in no way prove the verses I gave you to be wrong in what they say.

Joh 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Joh 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
Joh 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

God is not the Son--

Isa 42:1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
Isa 42:2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
Isa 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
Isa 42:4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.
Isa 42:5 Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:
Isa 42:6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;


That's a lot of words for someone that tells others they use a lot of words...

Let's do the scriptural math... right here... right now!

Exodus 34:14

14 because you are not to bow down to any other god; since ADONAI -whose very name is Jealous -is a jealous God.

Malachi 3:6 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

6 “But because I, Adonai, do not change,
you sons of Ya‘akov will not be destroyed.

Philippians 2

9 Therefore God raised him to the highest place and gave him the name above every name; 10 that in honor of the name given Yeshua, every knee will bow - in heaven, on earth and under the earth 11 and every tongue will acknowledgeb that Yeshua the Messiah is ADONAI - to the glory of God the Father.

(Royal Flush)

I've got another one too... Who's lying?


Abusive? telling me I am evil is not?

Matthew 28:19

19*Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

1 Corinthians 1:13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?

You see... You deny that Jesus Christ came in Flesh...

Jesus Christ is the name of the Father, Son and Spirit!

2 John 1:7

Beware of Antichrist Deceivers

7*For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

You should be full of fear and trembling about now!

Demon Tongue!!!!
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Eclectic Theosophist

God is diminished my Arianism.

Hi EE,

I dont see how beyond what one is presupposing, projecting.

You are uplifting people that deny grace and universal Love. The point of God becoming one with us was the core of the message that God would wash our feet... The lowest position of servant hood.

You are confusing me now.

You say you believe in Universal Love... but by saying what you have said, you have denied the universal Love of God.

I'm being honest and sincere.

You are 'assuming' the above by your 'interpretation' of their theology. Love is undiminished. Actually it cant be diminished ultimately.

The biblical... Triune God... Drinks wine with sinners and self sacrifices on multiple levels...

Arianism binds people to a God that would slaughter a creation that is Called His son.

Do you not see this? ... Which God?

The King that self sacrifices? ... Or the King that Sacrifices?
You are the one contradicting your atonement of Love thread.

If it comes to a Meta Discussion... I'm not afraid...

The Self Saceificing King wins every time! Do you not see your giving these Arians an excuse to blaspheme grace, judge and divide?

I would break bread with anyone... beer and all... but... seriously?

Do you defend the self-righteous out of Love?

This is continuing to make a judgment based on a former presupposition which further enforces the assumption derived thereby :crackup: - its not funny, but it verging there :)

Again, this is based on many preconceptions which are in turn producing your resulted judgments and assumptions. LOVE is NOT diminished! - only because you are assuming it is by various theological propositions or positions which conflict with your current sentiments. Love remains omniradiant.

In whatever Christology,...Jesus gives his life (soul) for the sheep. God so loved the world. Nothing is changed, nothing is different, the goodnews of the kingdom continues, grace is made available for all to receive.


Hi EE,

I dont see how beyond what one is presupposing, projecting.

You are 'assuming' the above by your 'interpretation' of their theology. Love is undiminished. Actually it cant be diminished ultimately.

This is continuing to make a judgment based on a former presupposition which further enforces the assumption derived thereby :crackup: - its not funny, but it verging there :)

Again, this is based on many preconceptions which are in turn producing your resulted judgments and assumptions. LOVE is NOT diminished! - only because you are assuming it is by various theological propositions or positions which conflict with your current sentiments. Love remains omniradiant.

In whatever Christology,...Jesus gives his life (soul) for the sheep. God so loved the world. Nothing is changed, nothing is different, the goodnews of the kingdom continues, grace is made available for all to receive.



Remember Slaying?

Yes or no...

(Exodus 34:14). Is it true?

Or do you reject that God doesn't share worship...

Forget the jealousy part.

Yes or No?


Eclectic Theosophist


Remember Slaying?

Yes or no...

(Exodus 34:14). Is it true?

Or do you reject that God doesn't share worship...

Forget the jealousy part.

Yes or No?

Jealousy aside,

First off, some things...philosophically considered cannot be confined to a mere 'yes' or 'no', since there is are many dimensions and conditions factored into our determinations.

Obviously there is one universal reality, call it 'God' if you please. We can 'personify' this 'God' in any way also. I'd steer clear of the jealous God motif, and bring our focus back into the law of 'not worshipping any other God or false idols', since there is only One Infinite CREATOR-DEITY. - from there it so follows that this 'Being' is the sole and Original VALUE and value-giver,...since all life and its meaning, purposive direction and potential derives from this uni-versal SOURCE. So, I'd orient things within this context :)


Jealousy aside,

First off, some things...philosophically considered cannot be confined to a mere 'yes' or 'no', since there is are many dimensions and conditions factored into our determinations.

Obviously there is one universal reality, call it 'God' if you please. We can 'personify' this 'God' in any way also. I'd steer clear of the jealous God motif, and bring our focus back into the law of 'not worshipping any other God or false idols', since there is only One Infinite CREATOR-DEITY. - from there it so follows that this 'Being' is the sole and Original VALUE and value-giver,...since all life and its meaning, purposive direction and potential derives from this uni-versal SOURCE. So, I'd orient things within this context :)
Freelight would you call yourself or identify as panentheistic monist? Or is that redundant? I identify as Christian. :)


Aggressive and abusive. Evil. You're evil.

You are the one evil because you are lying to God by false claim of being a Christian even though you don't honor Jesus' word.

You call evil good and good evil. So typical of false Christian.


You are the one evil because you are lying to God by false claim of being a Christian even though you don't honor Jesus' word.

You call evil good and good evil. So typical of false Christian.
This whole post is horrible and abusive and disrespectful and you're an evil person.



This whole post is horrible and abusive and disrespectful and you're an evil person.


Suit yourself with your pretentious and self righteous faith.

I am done listing to your double minded and hypocritical talk.

good day.


BTW, Nihilo,

whatever happened to funny person and turned into such vicious person?

just saying.



Eclectic Theosophist
Expanding Consciousness......

Expanding Consciousness......

Freelight would you call yourself or identify as panentheistic monist? Or is that redundant? I identify as Christian. :)


That does describe me philosophically fairly close....more liberally a progressive theist, pan-entheist/monist, but when I relate to 'God' as a personality, and venture more within the bounderies of more orthodox theist traditions,...could could also be a 'mono-theist'. - I enjoy aspects of Gnosticism, neo-paganism, Esseneism, Theosophy, Spiritualism, Perennial Philosophy, the mystical traditions of east and west, because they all have the same golden thread of truth running thru them, by virtue of their source. I just share a more Unitarian view for praticality sake Christologically speaking, although as spiritualist-mystic I have no HUGE problem with a trinitarian Christology as far as that being a 'relational concept' in which to conceptualize the multi-faceted FACE of God, in this various personality-expressions. - on the surface its just 'conceptual'...nothing to become a martyr over.

As I've shared before the Urantia Book has a most wonderful description of what it calls the Paradise Trinity,....the highest original Godhead from which all other gods, deities, angels and mortals flow down from along a divine hierarchy. This 'Godhead' is at the very center of all reality, as all creation emenates forth outwards from it into the reaches of space. So a trinitarian relational-matrix is not foreign to me, and presents a relationally diverse matrix in which to engage 'God'. I just dont care for those pushing the orthodox definition of the Trinity as a 'dogmatic truth' or something, when I dont think it is. You can share the concept, and the only real value that concept will have is what meaning or value it can relay or communicate, as long as the conceptual frame remains coherent and useful.

As shared, there is an even higher Trinity and various other trinities (triodites, tri-unities) within the great cosmic hierarchy and systems of nature as revealed in the Urantia Revelation. There are also telepathic records and other ET sources communications that reveal most wonderful cosmologies and conceptual frames in which to reference reality. Calling our own little scope or rose-coloured glasses the only 'lens' in which reality is so defined is a bit myopic. There is so much more out there beyond our knowledge.

I also access many teachings from the Spirit-world from various schools and sources, and many spirits from those realms affirm a purely Unitarian monotheist/monist view of 'God', there is only one infinite universal SOURCE. The Law of One teachings by Ra are also seminal in this regard. So...there's lots of room for diversity but most all spirit-souls intuit a universal primal SOUL from which all is derived (the Over-Soul of Creation). There is One Supreme Being, which includes the totality of all actuals and potentials, since this 'Being' includes all evolution, all souls in its totality. - in this sense 'God' grows within the expanse of His infinite potential, interacting with creation, as all potentials and possibilities, and in this way Creator and Creation are engaged :) - a wonderful marriage isn't it?


Eclectic Theosophist
BTW, Nihilo,

whatever happened to funny person and turned into such vicious person?

just saying.


I think it best sometimes before judging another negatively, that perhaps we try a positive affirmative spin on our observation, which inspires the other person to consider the positive view point. In this way we can engage in 'creative dialogue' and like artists, use our words in the most resourceful ways ;)

Eagles Wings

New member
I think it best sometimes before judging another negatively, that perhaps we try a positive affirmative spin on our observation, which inspires the other person to consider the positive view point. In this way we can engage in 'creative dialogue' and like artists, use our words in the most resourceful ways ;)


Literal lunatic

That does describe me philosophically fairly close....more liberally a progressive theist, pan-entheist/monist, but when I relate to 'God' as a personality, and venture more within the bounderies of more orthodox theist traditions,...could could also be a 'mono-theist'. - I enjoy aspects of Gnosticism, neo-paganism, Esseneism, Theosophy, Spiritualism, Perennial Philosophy, the mystical traditions of east and west, because they all have the same golden thread of truth running thru them, by virtue of their source. I just share a more Unitarian view for praticality sake Christologically speaking, although as spiritualist-mystic I have no HUGE problem with a trinitarian Christology as far as that being a 'relational concept' in which to conceptualize the multi-faceted FACE of God, in this various personality-expressions. - on the surface its just 'conceptual'...nothing to become a martyr over.

As I've shared before the Urantia Book has a most wonderful description of what it calls the Paradise Trinity,....the highest original Godhead from which all other gods, deities, angels and mortals flow down from along a divine hierarchy. This 'Godhead' is at the very center of all reality, as all creation emenates forth outwards from it into the reaches of space. So a trinitarian relational-matrix is not foreign to me, and presents a relationally diverse matrix in which to engage 'God'. I just dont care for those pushing the orthodox definition of the Trinity as a 'dogmatic truth' or something, when I dont think it is. You can share the concept, and the only real value that concept will have is what meaning or value it can relay or communicate, as long as the conceptual frame remains coherent and useful.

As shared, there is an even higher Trinity and various other trinities (triodites, tri-unities) within the great cosmic hierarchy and systems of nature as revealed in the Urantia Revelation. There are also telepathic records and other ET sources communications that reveal most wonderful cosmologies and conceptual frames in which to reference reality. Calling our own little scope or rose-coloured glasses the only 'lens' in which reality is so defined is a bit myopic. There is so much more out there beyond our knowledge.

I also access many teachings from the Spirit-world from various schools and sources, and many spirits from those realms affirm a purely Unitarian monotheist/monist view of 'God', there is only one infinite universal SOURCE. The Law of One teachings by Ra are also seminal in this regard. So...there's lots of room for diversity but most all spirit-souls intuit a universal primal SOUL from which all is derived (the Over-Soul of Creation). There is One Supreme Being, which includes the totality of all actuals and potentials, since this 'Being' includes all evolution, all souls in its totality. - in this sense 'God' grows within the expanse of His infinite potential, interacting with creation, as all potentials and possibilities, and in this way Creator and Creation are engaged :) - a wonderful marriage isn't it?

So that woman had the power to demand that a spirit leave if it wasn't of Christ.

Stop it boy, it stinks already.

Flamin' freak.
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