Jesus is God.


Well-known member
Moses is your accuser.

John 5:45 "But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set.


My hopes are set on the one and only true God Y-H-W-H who is one, and not on Moses.

Which part of 1 + 1 = 2 is it that you don't understand?

"And God spoke all these words, saying, "I am Y-H-W-H your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Ex 20:1+2


Well-known member
What was the ritual you went through to have 'the spirit of the world' and the 'prince of the power of the air' cast out of you?

The washing of Water INTO the Word, (Ephesians 5:26), which is immersion INTO the Word, (1 Peter 3:20-22), whereby also, as our example, Mariam Magdalene also sat at the feet of the Master soaking up his parables, allegories, idioms, sayings, doctrines, and teachings, and seven devils were cast out of her too.

Oh, I get it now, you also received the same 'new revelation' that keypurr received that came to him from out of nowhere. Was it at the same time? Did you guys were together when this 'new revelation' of a twice possessed Jesus came to you guys?

This is not a "new revelation" but is rather called the adoptionist view. It is older than mainstream Trinitarianism and is what the main argument was really all about when the Trinitarian arguments began to develop. The Messianic believers, (Jews), of the first century were adoptionists and this is clearly shown in the patristic evidence where your so-called church fathers fought against this view when the trinitites began to rear their murderous heads. It was your fathers who slaughtered so many of my fathers in an attempt to stamp out the truth while at the same time destroying original writings and retransmitting-translating them into other languages. You really should do your homework before you spew such buffoonery because you only serve to show how ignorant you really are of your own religious history, (your fathers are murderers). The adoptionist view was not even actually "anathematized" until the Second Council of Constantinople in the middle of the sixth century, (553AD), because so many still continued to adhere to what was handed down to them from the real church fathers out of Yerushalaim and Galilee. :)

God's Truth

New member

My hopes are set on the one and only true God Y-H-W-H who is one, and not on Moses.

Which part of 1 + 1 = 2 is it that you don't understand?

"And God spoke all these words, saying, "I am Y-H-W-H your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Ex 20:1+2

You do not obey God. You do not obey His Word. You do not obey Moses. You pretend to be a Jew but you are from the synagogue of Satan.

Revelations 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.


Well-known member
You might know more than your husband.

You are right about that, but I want to help you to know God better. I think you want to do the same for me because you too deeply love God; however, the TRUTH is the only thing that matters. The truth is the only way to get deeper into the Lord. It is the only way to get closer to the Lord. How can I get closer to the truth? How can you get closer to the truth? The only way is by obeying Jesus' teachings and listening to Jesus, not the teachings of mere men.

Jesus SAYS he will reveal himself to those who obey, see John 14:21.

We have to be careful not to fill our hearts and minds with all kinds of teachings from all kinds of teachers and books. Check on everything that we are taught. Read the written Words of God in the Holy Bible, and do what Jesus says. We have to watch our doctrine and our lives closely. See 1 Timothy 4:16.

Good intentions are not enough.

We have to be careful how we judge, for with the measure we judge others we too will be judged.

I do not tell people they are not saved, but they say it to me all the time. I am not going to say that to you. I am glad that you will not say it to me, but do know that those who claim that, are all the denominations, all the denominations claim others are not saved. If you are involved in a denominations who preaches that, then you are bound to say what they say.

I understand your fear. Just think of this while you think about what I have Jesus love? How do you know that Jesus is love? I know how, but do the scripture say plainly "Jesus is love"? After you think about that, come back and let's keep discussing things deeply.

You keep searching, keep being humble, and watch out for the things that are really teachings from men and not from God.

My husband loves God deeply.

I see Jesus is love by his heart. The love of God poured out of him. He has the heart, mind and strength of the living God, because

Jesus said

John 15

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends

Jesus didn't just lay his life down for his friends, but for all of us, to bring us the truth and to bring us the love of the living God

How much more love can he have had, than to be hanging on the cross and then to say.

"father forgive them, for they know now what they do"

As for judging others, I believe that there are good and bad in all denominations, and God knows his own. I was sitting in my garden and there are many different flowers. And I thought that this is like Gods people. We are all different. With different gifts and levels of understanding, we bloom at different times, some are stronger than others. But all belong in the garden of God. It's not the denomination, it's the love and obedience that we have in our hearts for him and the love given to us from him that counts, and we have to show that love in our lives to others, sharing the light to those around us and those who are in darkness and bring them to Christ.

I never judge, because I have met people from different churches who I've heard God in.

One young man was a mainstream Christian. I was at the beach and he came over to me and started talking about God. He was only 22, and we had a good talk. Anyway, after about an hour, I asked him if he had ever seen anything in God and he said this.

He was sitting in a hotel that morning, and the sun came out, and it shone straight through the window, he closed his eyes and felt the warmth, he said that even though the sun is far away, he could still feel the warmth here on earth, the window couldn't keep it out, and he felt close to God.

I had the same thought one day when i was in my garden too, he had a lovely soft heart

Then I spoke to a man, who many here would say he's in a cult, another soft heart and he said this

He put a closed topped milk bottle in the sink and turned the water on to cool it down, but the water made as shield right over the bottle covering it completely and he said that he saw that this is what happens with us, when we have the armour of God covering us. We are washed and covered in his word.

Both these men would be looked at as unsaved by others. But who are we to judge who God has his eye on. No denomination is perfect, and we are all flesh which loves to judge by the flesh. But God sees differently to us and he judges by his word through his his people. So even though i don't believe in a lot of church teachings, I don't judge people. Because God will be the one who will judge all of us, and we are naked in his sight. He sees the very depths of our hearts and knows us completely, we can't hide anything from him.

By the way, I only read the Bible :)

God's Truth

New member
My husband loves God deeply.

I see Jesus is love by his heart. The love of God poured out of him. He has the heart, mind and strength of the living God, because

Jesus said

John 15

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends

Jesus didn't just lay his life down for his friends, but for all of us, to bring us the truth and to bring us the love of the living God

How much more love can he have had, than to be hanging on the cross and then to say.

"father forgive them, for they know now what they do"

As for judging others, I believe that there are good and bad in all denominations, and God knows his own. I was sitting in my garden and there are many different flowers. And I thought that this is like Gods people. We are all different. With different gifts and levels of understanding, we bloom at different times, some are stronger than others. But all belong in the garden of God. It's not the denomination, it's the love and obedience that we have in our hearts for him and the love given to us from him that counts, and we have to show that love in our lives to others, sharing the light to those around us and those who are in darkness and bring them to Christ.

I never judge, because I have met people from different churches who I've heard God in.

One young man was a mainstream Christian. I was at the beach and he came over to me and started talking about God. He was only 22, and we had a good talk. Anyway, after about an hour, I asked him if he had ever seen anything in God and he said this.

He was sitting in a hotel that morning, and the sun came out, and it shone straight through the window, he closed his eyes and felt the warmth, he said that even though the sun is far away, he could still feel the warmth here on earth, the window couldn't keep it out, and he felt close to God.

I had the same thought one day when i was in my garden too, he had a lovely soft heart

Then I spoke to a man, who many here would say he's in a cult, another soft heart and he said this

He put a closed topped milk bottle in the sink and turned the water on to cool it down, but the water made as shield right over the bottle covering it completely and he said that he saw that this is what happens with us, when we have the armour of God covering us. We are washed and covered in his word.

Both these men would be looked at as unsaved by others. But who are we to judge who God has his eye on. No denomination is perfect, and we are all flesh which loves to judge by the flesh. But God sees differently to us and he judges by his word through his his people. So even though i don't believe in a lot of church teachings, I don't judge people. Because God will be the one who will judge all of us, and we are naked in his sight. He sees the very depths of our hearts and knows us completely, we can't hide anything from him.

By the way, I only read the Bible :)

You are wrong about others and all denominations being right and okay.

The Catholic church is a haunt for demons, as the Mormon church is a church for demons.

God's Truth matters.

A person's teachings can hinder others from being saved.

Do you think other's should belong to a church of demons?


Well-known member

You will be a cannibal of JC.

"Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth"
Isaiah 60:2

Quote: Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth"

Christ is the light that brings us our of the darkness in into the light by the word of God.

You will be a cannibal of JC.

"Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth"
Isaiah 60:2

God's Truth

New member
Quote: Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth"

Christ is the light that brings us our of the darkness in into the light by the word of God.

You don't even acknowledge that it is important if other denominations preach falseness. Jesus IS THE LIGHT, and the TRUTH.

If someone preaches things that are not true---it matters.


Well-known member
You are wrong about others and all denominations being right and okay.

The Catholic church is a haunt for demons, as the Mormon church is a church for demons.

God's Truth matters.

A person's teachings can hinder others from being saved.

Do you think other's should belong to a church of demons?

I don't think that you read my post properly? I said i don't believe their teachings, but, there are good people everywhere. There are also bad people too. You can't say that all Catholics and all mormans are demons

I personally don't believe in any denomination. But I wouldn't condemn all the people within them and say they are unsaved and going to hell!

Do you believe that only your denomination will be saved?

You are right about the teachings though, they can take people far away from God. Especially those churches that teach that even if we wilfully sin, were forgiven including all our future sins. And that we don't have to do anything but believe.

I believe that once we repented we were saved from our past sins. Because we did them in ignorance. But once we know God, then we have to turn from sin and obey him.


Well-known member
You don't even acknowledge that it is important if other denominations preach falseness. Jesus IS THE LIGHT, and the TRUTH.

If someone preaches things that are not true---it matters.
That's not true, I've said I don't believe in many church teachings, I just don't condemn every single person in those churches, you need to read my posts properly!


Well-known member
Humans are FLESH and SPIRIT.

We have our own spirit that lives inside of us.

Hebrews 12:9, Zechariah 12:1, and Malachi 2:15.

Zechariah 12:1 shows us that the spirit has a form.

Demons can live inside people.

Jesus gives his Spirit to live inside the saved.

Do you indeed fully understand Malachi 2:15? It has everything to do with the infancy Gospel narratives. Man is not given spirit at birth even as Adam was not given spirit but became a living soul when Elohim breathed into him nshamah-breath of life, (not the same as ruach). You will find ruach nowhere mentioned in Genesis 2:7 but rather, later, we read that YHWH Elohim walked in the Garden in the Ruach of the day, (Genesis 3:8). The Father reserves a residue of the Spirit to Himself and therefore He made the two one, and why? because He seeks an Elohim seed, (Malachi 2:15). Man unfortunately acquires the spirit of the world along his merry way through life but is not born with it. Also along the Way the Father begins to form the spirit of man within him for the good; and the two will begin to strive against each other, for the one knows what is upright while the other is fallen, (this is like the conscience at work). He forms this spirit by way of the "mother" covenant, (Yerushalaim of above), as even Paul says:

Galatians 1:15-18 KJV
15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.
18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days.

The "womb of his mother" here is not speaking of physical child birth, but rather Yerushalaim of above, for he speaks of the time immediately following his conversion. For the same reason the scripture says to Timothy, "And that from a brephos, (infant), you have known the holy scriptures", (2 Timothy 3:15a), because the passage speaks not of the physical infancy of a babe coming forth from the physical womb of its mother but rather speaks of a babe in Messiah which can be true no matter what the age of the natural body.

God's Truth

New member
I don't think that you read my post properly? I said i don't believe their teachings, but, there are good people everywhere. There are also bad people too. You can't say that all Catholics and all mormans are demons
I didn't say ANY of them were demons. You are the one who does not read and listen properly.

As for being good...that is not enough to bring us to the truth.

I personally don't believe in any denomination. But I wouldn't condemn all the people within them and say they are unsaved and going to hell!

All must submit and bow to THE TRUTH. Do you want Truth now in this life? Do you want to wait until after you die? If Jesus comes and you are still caught in sin, even the sin of false beliefs, it will be too late for you. When Jesus comes again he will NOT come to bear sin.

Do you believe that only your denomination will be saved?
I am in no denomination. They all preach falseness.

I used to search for the perfect denomination, and found that they all teach some falseness.

How much falseness is acceptable to you?

You are right about the teachings though, they can take people far away from God. Especially those churches that teach that even if we wilfully sin, were forgiven including all our future sins. And that we don't have to do anything but believe.

Oh you got that right. It is good to hear you say that. There ARE MANY WHO believe, preach and teach that lie. Just about every denomination is based on that lie.

I believe that once we repented we were saved from our past sins. Because we did them in ignorance. But once we know God, then we have to turn from sin and obey him.

Amen, Amen, and Amen.


Well-known member
I didn't say ANY of them were demons. You are the one who does not read and listen properly.

As for being good...that is not enough to bring us to the truth.

All must submit and bow to THE TRUTH. Do you want Truth now in this life? Do you want to wait until after you die? If Jesus comes and you are still caught in sin, even the sin of false beliefs, it will be too late for you. When Jesus comes again he will NOT come to bear sin.

I am in no denomination. They all preach falseness.

I used to search for the perfect denomination, and found that they all teach some falseness.

How much falseness is acceptable to you?

Oh you got that right. It is good to hear you say that. There ARE MANY WHO believe, preach and teach that lie. Just about every denomination is based on that lie.

Amen, Amen, and Amen.
I believe Jesus, and he said that he would return in that generation, and he did!

God's Truth

New member
That's not true, I've said I don't believe in many church teachings, I just don't condemn every single person in those churches, you need to read my posts properly!

We have to be contenders for the truth. You will know who those are who will not listen to you. You can only give a little here and there. There are many ensnared, but it is good to say something. The humble will listen and be saved whereas the prideful and stubborn will not, at least not now.

God's Truth

New member
Do you indeed fully understand Malachi 2:15? It has everything to do with the infancy Gospel narratives. Man is not given spirit at birth even as Adam was not given spirit but became a living soul when Elohim breathed into him nshamah-breath of life, (not the same as ruach). You will find ruach nowhere mentioned in Genesis 2:7 but rather, later, we read that YHWH Elohim walked in the Garden in the Ruach of the day, (Genesis 3:8). The Father reserves a residue of the Spirit to Himself and therefore He made the two one, and why? because He seeks an Elohim seed, (Malachi 2:15). Man unfortunately acquires the spirit of the world along his merry way through life but is not born with it. Also along the Way the Father begins to form the spirit of man within him for the good; and the two will begin to strive against each other, for the one knows what is upright while the other is fallen, (this is like the conscience at work). He forms this spirit by way of the "mother" covenant, (Yerushalaim of above), as even Paul says:

Galatians 1:15-18 KJV
15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.
18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days.

The "womb of his mother" here is not speaking of physical child birth, but rather Yerushalaim of above, for he speaks of the time immediately following his conversion. For the same reason the scripture says to Timothy, "And that from a brephos, (infant), you have known the holy scriptures", (2 Timothy 3:15a), because the passage speaks not of the physical infancy of a babe coming forth from the physical womb of its mother but rather speaks of a babe in Messiah which can be true no matter what the age of the natural body.

You have much truth, but you are still confused with some things...

God's Truth

New member
Deut. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our Eloheem[PLURAL] is one[SINGULAR] Jehovah.

You do not want to let go of the trinity doctrine. I understand that. I automatically believed the trinity doctrine, BECAUSE they got something right THAT MANY DID NOT GET RIGHT. The many say Jesus is not God, but only a Son, and they only understand that as an earthly son. However, 'ONE' MEANS---'THE SAME', and I want to prove to you---WITH SCRIPTURE THAT JESUS IS THE SAME AS GOD THE FATHER.