Jesus is God.

Cross Reference

New member
I'm not sure why you don't think I would agree with that, but I agree with your whole post :)

I've been saying that all along, but you've worded it better. I have said that Jesus was called Immanuel"God with us" because he had the absolute fullness of Gods holy spirit dwelling in him. He was his express image.

I was just being sure you understood to avoid further doubt and questions. Thank you for your kind works in the affirmative . .:)

But my point is, Jesus isn't the Almighty God. He is in subjection to God, and God is his God. But he was absolutely the image of God on earth. I will read John 17 again in a bit to try and see why you think I believe differently to you. But I agree with your whole post

I never meant infer you were believing differently. I did mean to imply that there is more to be understood that we rejoice in!

Consider this by you writing:

But my point is, Jesus isn't the Almighty God

If I said, "He is now" or will soon be when everything is "summed up" in Him; all His enemies are made His footstool, let there be no doubt about why God created man that this passage accruately portrays the conclusion of God's ultimate intention: "Wherefore God . . . hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should [will] bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" Philippians 2:9,10 (KJV). Heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus will be in union in that of what Jesus has already entered into, i.e., full Throneship in the Godhead! Everything of it to be forever manifested in Human Flesh! The Word eternally ensconced in Glorified Sons of God as Jesus, Son of man, presented Himself to His disciples after His resurrection.

"For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings."
Hebrews 2:10 (KJV)


Cross Reference

New member
It's pretty standard evangelical Christianity. Any good solid Biblical church that follows dispensationalism would agree. Those that try to "force" Revelation to apply to the Body of
Christ are in error. Revelation centers on the Great Tribulation and punishing man for
believing in the False Gospel of the Antichrist. If you believe in a False Gospel then
you are under the Wrath of God.

Sorry. I am not a dispensationalist and you presume too heavily upon that which you have bought into. Your conlusions are totally inadequate for "connecting the dots". You'll never make the journey riding on bald tires.


New member
You were given an answer to that question two days ago. Man can have more than one spirit within him. Demons are spirits that can overtake a body. Jesus sent legion of them into the swine.

Your lack of an open mind is not letting you see what could be. Your bound by the chains of tradition, you will never understand my thoughts, your not ready for the meat of scripture.

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Is that why you follow a twice possessed Jesus?


New member

“This is what Y-H-W-H says- Israel's King and Redeemer, Y-H-W-H Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no god.
Isaiah 44:6

Jesus says "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" - Revelation 22:13.


New member
You still don't get it. The express image, spirit son of the Father became flesh in the body of Jesus. This spirit SPOKE and acted through Jesus. This spirit took over everything Jesus said and did.

Your blinded by your hatred for truth as I posted earlier.

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No, you have asserted your opinion from the 'new revelation' that came to you out of the blue and you skirted the answer.

So, I'll ask again, What happened to the spirit that inhabited the body of Jesus before Jesus’ body was possessed by the Christ spirit at his water baptism as you 'new revelation' asserts happened?


Well-known member
So, I'll ask again, What happened to the spirit that inhabited the body of Jesus before Jesus’ body was possessed by the Christ spirit at his water baptism as you 'new revelation' asserts happened?

You apparently see spirits as always being literal entities when the reality is that testimony is also spirit. In fact without the Testimony of Yeshua one does not have the New Covenant "Spirit" which was not even complete until Yeshua said at Golgotha, "It is finished". But concerning Yeshua the Anointed One Paul says that he emptied himself, (Philippians 2:7), and you too are admonished to have the same mind in you. If then you have not emptied yourself, and waited upon the Father, what spirit is it that you now have? For we know that there is the spirit of the world and prince of the power of the air, ("power of the air" because testimony is spirit-wind-breath).


New member
You apparently see spirits as always being literal entities when the reality is that testimony is also spirit. In fact without the Testimony of Yeshua one does not have the New Covenant "Spirit" which was not even complete until Yeshua said at Golgotha, "It is finished". But concerning Yeshua the Anointed One Paul says that he emptied himself, (Philippians 2:7), and you too are admonished to have the same mind in you. If then you have not emptied yourself, and waited upon the Father, what spirit is it that you now have? For we know that there is the spirit of the world and prince of the power of the air, ("power of the air" because testimony is spirit-wind-breath).

If you "empty yourself" (as the Hindus do) you can easily be filled with "evil spirits",
unless you are Born-Again, in which case you can "empty yourself" of your SELF (ego) and be FILLED with the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
If you "empty yourself" (as the Hindus do) you can easily be filled with "evil spirits",
unless you are Born-Again, in which case you can "empty yourself" of your SELF (ego) and be FILLED with the Holy Spirit.

What you are essentially telling me is that you never did have the spirit of the world and the prince of the power of the air cast out of you to begin with. But I suppose that means you therefore have no need to worry about him coming back with seven other spirits more wicked than himself, (as the Master says). :)


New member
You apparently see spirits as always being literal entities when the reality is that testimony is also spirit. In fact without the Testimony of Yeshua one does not have the New Covenant "Spirit" which was not even complete until Yeshua said at Golgotha, "It is finished". But concerning Yeshua the Anointed One Paul says that he emptied himself, (Philippians 2:7), and you too are admonished to have the same mind in you. If then you have not emptied yourself, and waited upon the Father, what spirit is it that you now have? For we know that there is the spirit of the world and prince of the power of the air, ("power of the air" because testimony is spirit-wind-breath).

The question was not for you, daqq. The question is because of keypurr's assertion that the "Christ spirit" did NOT possess the body of Jesus until Jesus' was water baptized.

Therefore, the question to keypurr as to what happened to the spirit that inhabited the body of Jesus before Jesus’ body was possessed by 'the Christ' spirit at his water baptism as keypurr asserts.

God's Truth

New member
I'm going to have a read of the Bible with my husband, any more questions I'll answer later.
You might know more than your husband.

But please know this, I don't feel any bad towards you. And I can see you love God deeply,
You are right about that, but I want to help you to know God better. I think you want to do the same for me because you too deeply love God; however, the TRUTH is the only thing that matters. The truth is the only way to get deeper into the Lord. It is the only way to get closer to the Lord. How can I get closer to the truth? How can you get closer to the truth? The only way is by obeying Jesus' teachings and listening to Jesus, not the teachings of mere men.

Jesus SAYS he will reveal himself to those who obey, see John 14:21.

We have to be careful not to fill our hearts and minds with all kinds of teachings from all kinds of teachers and books. Check on everything that we are taught. Read the written Words of God in the Holy Bible, and do what Jesus says. We have to watch our doctrine and our lives closely. See 1 Timothy 4:16.

and God knows the sincerity of both our hearts.

Good intentions are not enough.

love him deeply too. Yet people who don't know my heart would call me unsaved and going to hell, because I don't believe as they do.
We have to be careful how we judge, for with the measure we judge others we too will be judged.

I do not tell people they are not saved, but they say it to me all the time. I am not going to say that to you. I am glad that you will not say it to me, but do know that those who claim that, are all the denominations, all the denominations claim others are not saved. If you are involved in a denominations who preaches that, then you are bound to say what they say.

We should never judge one another but let the word of God sink deep into our hearts and do the judging and the dividing, he knows us and he knows when have received the truth. He will be 'my judge and yours. I will ponder on the things you have said and go to God. But unless he reveals anything different to my heart, then I must believe the scriptures and to me they clearly say that God is the God of Jesus
I understand your fear. Just think of this while you think about what I have Jesus love? How do you know that Jesus is love? I know how, but do the scripture say plainly "Jesus is love"? After you think about that, come back and let's keep discussing things deeply.

By the way, I believe Jesus also, and he said that God is his God, and I believe him. And his apostles did too, they called God the God of our lord Jesus Christ. So if the apostles believe that, then so do I.

So we'll have to agree to differ

You keep searching, keep being humble, and watch out for the things that are really teachings from men and not from God.

God's Truth

New member
I've never said that Christ isn't in our hearts, I've said he's not God. If Christ isn't in our hearts, then we're not covered by his blood.

I've explained what I mean by this in a post above. I'm not saying it again. I'm going now to read. I'll speak to you again.

You have said Jesus is not God. The BIBLE SAYS there is only ONE SPIRIT. So then, how does Jesus live inside you if he is another Spirit?

God's Truth

New member
I am NOT a Jesus only Christian. However, my quest on this forum has been to make clear the result of what the perfect human intimacy that Jesus had with God achieved for mankind. So perfect was it that he included Himself [John 17:3] and didn't consider it to be easy to understand how the result could be such that for it to be more intimate he would have to be glorified. Jesus exampled this union and demonstrated it from His human "earthbound" flesh until He exhausted every "jot and tittle" example of the glory of God without Himself being glorified. "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." John 17:4 (KJV) AND Jesus had not even been to the cross yet when petitioning God: "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." John 17:5 (KJV)
That is why Paul could say this about the "Earthbound" Jesus:

". . . God was in Christ, [to the fullest possible, by the His use of these words "I AM" said to Pilate] reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:19 (KJV)

He was transfigured on the Mt with 3 disciples looking that demonstrated the success of His mission.

I STRONGLY suggest you reread the whole of John 17 from the KJV and be encouraged even more so.

[emphasis mine]

OMT: I believe God has given you His Spirit. I recognize it and thank Him.. . :)

What? You say you are not a Jesus only Christian?


New member

You do not believe your own Tanach rejecting your Suffering Servant.

Where is the altar where you offer your lamb to cover your sin?

Who is your high priest that your lamb can be approved for sacrificing?

Where is your Temple where you must go three times a year?

You are a very religious man but very UNsaved exactly as the ones who demanded that Jesus be crucified because He did not fit their idea of God's Savior.


Well-known member
The question was not for you, daqq. The question is because of keypurr's assertion that the "Christ spirit" did NOT possess the body of Jesus until Jesus' was water baptized.

Therefore, the question to keypurr as to what happened to the spirit that inhabited the body of Jesus before Jesus’ body was possessed by 'the Christ' spirit at his water baptism as keypurr asserts.

Not that I was answering for Keypurr but Keypurr and I know the same thing, being taught of Elohim, so your question to him is the same as if it was to me. The Son of Man descended from the heavens in the corporeal-bodily form of a Dove at the immersion of Yeshua. No one has ascended into the heavens, but he that descended out of the heavens, even the Son of man, (who is in heaven), John 3:13. And these are ancient and heavenly things going back to Genesis 1:26-27, (the second Man from the heavens). Paul clearly tells you that the first anthropos Adam was the one from Genesis 2:7, that is, choikos, earthy, dust-like, of dust from the adamah.


New member
What you are essentially telling me is that you never did have the spirit of the world and the prince of the power of the air cast out of you to begin with. But I suppose that means you therefore have no need to worry about him coming back with seven other spirits more wicked than himself, (as the Master says). :)

What was the ritual you went through to have 'the spirit of the world' and the 'prince of the power of the air' cast out of you?