Jesus isn’t going to be called things he is not. Isaiah scripture is about when Jesus does come.
Jesus is called the Alpha and the Omega.
You said "Jesus isn’t going to be called things he is not" say who, you? Of course you're going to say that, you NEED Jesus to be those things for your doctrine to make any sense, but just because you in your head think "Jesus isn’t going to be called things he is not" does not prove what you're saying is correct. You still miss the point, you say "Jesus isn’t going to be called things he is not",
he wasn't called those things, hence why the verse says "he will be called", he was only called those things when upon coming to earth, dying for us, and being
given all authority by the Father who is not Jesus. When you say "Jesus isn’t going to be called things he is not" you're imagining and presupposing the things he was called, for example, "mighty God" and "eternal Father" are the very and only titles of the Father when they are not. Anyone can be called Father of something if they are the founders of something. Who is the "father of the lie", Jesus said it was Satan, again, Jesus is the
"last Adam" (1 Cor 15:45), "Adam" was our first Father but of course, fell into sin, Jesus replaced Adam and took away Adamic sin, Jesus became the Father Adam was meant to be, since Jesus also lives forever he is called the "Eternal Father". You assume Jesus being the "eternal Father" means he is the Father, this cannot be true since again, at the time of Isaiah writing Isaiah 9:6 he was not the "eternal Father" hence the reason why Isaiah wrote "he will be called the eternal Father" and not "he is the eternal Father", no one called Jesus the Father when Jesus was on earth, he WAS called the "last Adam" though.
God's Truth said:
Jesus Is called the King of kings and the Bible says there is only one called that and it is God.
Jesus has every name above all. He has every name that God has.
If what you say above is true then why are Ar·ta·xerxʹes and Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar called kings if there is only one King of kings, an answer of "because they are on the earth" will not suffice as the Bible makes no such distinction. The Bible doesn't say "there is only one king of kings in heaven", therefore to claim anything otherwise is an assumption. Deal with the question, if there is only one king of kings why does the Bible state there are more?
Again, Jesus is called more than just god or savior. He is the Shepherd, the Redeemer, and you can’t claim that about Satan. You should shudder for trying to use Satan to prove Jesus is just a god and not the God Almighty come in the flesh. They have more than one name the same. They have all the same names.
Your evidence is riddled in assumptions. Jesus is called many things the Father is called yes, this is because Jesus acts on behalf of the Father with all the things the Father wants. Imagine, the Father see's the world and wants to save manking, Jesus seeing this offers to do the Fathers bidding and saves mankind on behalf of the Father, both the Father is savior and Jesus is savior despite their being only one source of the salvation, only one savior, God.
The Father wants to judge the world, instead of doing it himself directly he ordains Jesus to do it on his behalf, God, in turn, is judging the world through Jesus, Jesus and the Father both then act as judge.
"[God] has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed" (Acts 17:21)
The Father wants to send a message, instead of giving it directly he gets Jesus to deliver the message verbally himself, both the Father is the one giving the message and Jesus is the one giving the message, I could go on and on.
".For I have not spoken of my own initiative, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment about what to say and what to speak. (John 12:49)
The Father wants to create the universe, instead of doing it himself he gets Jesus to do it, thereby creating the world
through Jesus, both Jesus can state he created the world as can the Father. "..
there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things areand we through him.." (1 Corinthians 8:6)
Do you seriously think its a massive coincidence that everything Jesus is, the message he preached, him being savior, judge, redeemer and everything else is always as described as the Father being the source of it all and always speaks in a sense which any everyday reader would interpret as the Father and Jesus being separate people without having to play lingual gymnastics?