Jesus died on cross and rose in three days ?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What is Good Friday?
A Catholic holiday.

Is that why all Christians - Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic - recognize it?

Your post was an ignorant attempt at Catholic-bashing. I should get mad but I can't because it was too stupid. It would be like getting mad at a retarded person.

What is Good Friday?

Yah! Why DO we call it Good Friday when it is the day on which Jesus suffered and died! That IS a good question. Because we immediately see the suffering and death Jesus endured for us on that day, which understandably brings us—or should bring us—great sorrow.

And yet, because Jesus died for our sins on that day (1 Tim. 4:5-6), we see that it is indeed a “good” day; and, in some ways, “good” seems to fall a little short, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church indicates:

Death is transformed by Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, also himself suffered the death that is part of the human condition. Yet, despite his anguish as he faced death, he accepted it in an act of complete and free submission to his Father's will. The obedience of Jesus has transformed the curse of death into a blessing (CCC 1009; see also 612-14).

For more on the etymological origins of “Good Friday,” please see this article: Click Here.
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New member
Is that why all Christians - Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic - recognize it?

Your post was an ignorant attempt at Catholic-bashing. I should get mad but I can't because it was too stupid. It would be like getting mad at a retarded person.

Yah! Why DO we call it Good Friday when it is the day on which Jesus suffered and died! That IS a good question. Because we immediately see the suffering and death Jesus endured for us on that day, which understandably brings us—or should bring us—great sorrow.

And yet, because Jesus died for our sins on that day (1 Tim. 4:5-6), we see that it is indeed a “good” day; and, in some ways, “good” seems to fall a little short, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church indicates:

Death is transformed by Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, also himself suffered the death that is part of the human condition. Yet, despite his anguish as he faced death, he accepted it in an act of complete and free submission to his Father's will. The obedience of Jesus has transformed the curse of death into a blessing (CCC 1009; see also 612-14).

For more on the etymological origins of “Good Friday,” please see this article: Click Here.
There should be no question of when and where Jesus, the son of God, the Redeemer, died. That date should have been written in stone considering how important it is. When my parents or family member pass on I will never forget the date. The early Christians should had immortalizes the day, the hour when Jesus took his last breathe but instead we have good Friday to Sunday morning (not three days), we have Wednesday to fit 3 days 3 nights time constraint and anything in between. The whole concept of the resurrection is at stake. The day Jesus was born and died there should not be any controversy at all, no room for questioning. But there is, very sloppy and unprofessional. I think the Jewish people may be closer to the truth when it comes to Jesus death than the Christians. You can not build a sturdy house on a crooked foundation.

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There should be no question of when and where Jesus, the son of God, the Redeemer, died. That date should have been written in stone considering how important it is. When my parents or family member pass on I will never forget the date. The early Christians should had immortalizes the day, the hour when Jesus took his last breathe but instead we have good Friday to Sunday morning (not three days), we have Wednesday to fit 3 days 3 nights time constraint and anything in between. The whole concept of the resurrection is at stake. The day Jesus was born and died there should not be any controversy at all, no room for questioning. But there is, very sloppy and unprofessional. I think the Jewish people may be closer to the truth when it comes to Jesus death than the Christians. You can not build a sturdy house on a crooked foundation.

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Well, maybe the authors did not anticipate 21st century people arguing over the obvious. The date is quite obvious in scripture to me.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The whole concept of the resurrection is at stake. The day Jesus was born and died there should not be any controversy at all, no room for questioning. But there is, very sloppy and unprofessional. I think the Jewish people may be closer to the truth when it comes to Jesus death than the Christians. You can not build a sturdy house on a crooked foundation.

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Hopefully, you're talking about the 'secular history of Christ's death and resurrection?' We must remember that the Bible is the fully inspired 'Word of God' and if God had wanted us to be privy to the actual hour, day and week of the event, He would have placed it in His Holy Scriptures.


New member
Hopefully, you're talking about the 'secular history of Christ's death and resurrection?' We must remember that the Bible is the fully inspired 'Word of God' and if God had wanted us to be privy to the actual hour, day and week of the event, He would have placed it in His Holy Scriptures.
So what is "Good Friday and Easter Sunday" about, horse racing?

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New member
Knowing the correct date and observing that day is very important. Why is the Sabbath important if dates mean nothing. Go to church and give thanks on any day, why Saturday or Sunday. Why Easter and Christmas. If you love God and believe in Jesus celebrate anytime you feel like if dates are not important.
Does knowing the exact date change your faith in God, or lack thereof? If it does then your faith is not based on very much.

I thought I demonstrated the day earlier.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So what is "Good Friday and Easter Sunday" about, horse racing?

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How are they; EXACT days? Aren't you speaking of the fact that we KNOW or don't know the EXACT days of the death and resurrection? Isn't that your premise? Are you a Catholic?


New member
How are they; EXACT days? Aren't you speaking of the fact that we KNOW or don't know the EXACT days of the death and resurrection? Isn't that your premise? Are you a Catholic?
No, I am not Catholic. Jesus died on Friday in the afternoon (Good Friday). Sunday morning Jesus's tomb was empty (Easter Sunday). Why is Jesus death and resurrection celebrated on these two days if it is false or not relevant to Chrisitanity. Jesus died and rose in three days that is the premise, Friday afternoon to Sunday morning is not three days and nights. So are these dates false (as someone stated there are no dates in the Bible concern this matter) and where,who,why chose Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I use to wear my best suit for these occasions.

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Is that why all Christians - Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic - recognize it?
Well, actually, yes, it is basically.

Your post was an ignorant attempt at Catholic-bashing.
No it wasn't. I answered an obviously loaded question with the obvious answer. The answer you thought I'd be scared to give.

I should get mad but I can't because it was too stupid.
It wasn't any more stupid than the question it was intended to answer.

It would be like getting mad at a retarded person.
Hypocrisy is a sin.

If you don't want superficial answers, don't ask asinine questions that you think are going to trap people. Some of us aren't stupid and know just how to turn them around.

The real point is that good Friday is irrelevant. I don't care what it is because it isn't biblical. You can have your tradition and I'll take the plain reading of God's word. My bible tells me that Jesus died before the "High Day" (i.e. not just any Sabbath a.k.a The Passover) and was already risen when Mary and Martha went to the tomb on Sunday morning. Wednesday evening through Saturday Evening. That's three days and three nights exact as Jesus Christ Himself said.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
No, I am not Catholic. Jesus died on Friday in the afternoon (Good Friday). Sunday morning Jesus's tomb was empty (Easter Sunday). Why is Jesus death and resurrection celebrated on these two days if it is false or not relevant to Chrisitanity. Jesus died and rose in three days that is the premise, Friday afternoon to Sunday morning is not three days and nights. So are these dates false (as someone stated there are no dates in the Bible concern this matter) and where,who,why chose Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I use to wear my best suit for these occasions.

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While agree that there is not three days between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, it is, in fact, true that by Jewish reckoning, if Jesus entered the grave on Friday, Sunday would be counted as the "third day" and so regardless of where else we might agree, your argument is not on the firmest of ground such that it would justify your sarcastic tone.

Nobody gives a rip about what days you used to dress up for. You aren't going to persuade anyone with such comments. In fact, you aren't going to persuade anyone - period. No one here is ever persuaded of anything (hardly). The only point of this is to sharpen your own steel. You might as well do that by making solid arguments. I suggest you start by dropping the notion that Jesus died on a Friday.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Knowing the correct date and observing that day is very important. Why is the Sabbath important if dates mean nothing. Go to church and give thanks on any day, why Saturday or Sunday. Why Easter and Christmas. If you love God and believe in Jesus celebrate anytime you feel like if dates are not important.

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Exactly right!

Romans 14:5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it

Colossians 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.


New member
Well, actually, yes, it is basically.

No it wasn't. I answered an obviously loaded question with the obvious answer. The answer you thought I'd be scared to give.

It wasn't any more stupid than the question it was intended to answer.

Hypocrisy is a sin.

If you don't want superficial answers, don't ask asinine questions that you think are going to trap people. Some of us aren't stupid and know just how to turn them around.

The real point is that good Friday is irrelevant. I don't care what it is because it isn't biblical. You can have your tradition and I'll take the plain reading of God's word. My bible tells me that Jesus died before the "High Day" (i.e. not just any Sabbath a.k.a The Passover) and was already risen when Mary and Martha went to the tomb on Sunday morning. Wednesday evening through Saturday Evening. That's three days and three nights exact as Jesus Christ Himself said.

Thank you, kind sir.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, I am not Catholic. Jesus died on Friday in the afternoon (Good Friday). Sunday morning Jesus's tomb was empty (Easter Sunday). Why is Jesus death and resurrection celebrated on these two days if it is false or not relevant to Chrisitanity. Jesus died and rose in three days that is the premise, Friday afternoon to Sunday morning is not three days and nights. So are these dates false (as someone stated there are no dates in the Bible concern this matter) and where,who,why chose Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I use to wear my best suit for these occasions.

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I thought you were looking for the exact day of the week, the month of the year, and the exact year the death and resurrection occurred? If I misunderstood what you were getting at, I apologize.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
re: "Did you not read my post?"

Of course, and in it you mentioned Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the first day of the week which is Sunday. That's five calendar days. That is also 4 night times and at least 4 daytimes.

re: "By the way, why add the 'around 3pm' to what I said?

I think "about the 9th hour" is generally considered to be referring to around 3pm.
He would be in the belly of the earth 3 days and three nights.
Just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish.
The timing starts when He was buried, not when He died.


New member
While agree that there is not three days between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, it is, in fact, true that by Jewish reckoning, if Jesus entered the grave on Friday, Sunday would be counted as the "third day" and so regardless of where else we might agree, your argument is not on the firmest of ground such that it would justify your sarcastic tone.

Nobody gives a rip about what days you used to dress up for. You aren't going to persuade anyone with such comments. In fact, you aren't going to persuade anyone - period. No one here is ever persuaded of anything (hardly). The only point of this is to sharpen your own steel. You might as well do that by making solid arguments. I suggest you start by dropping the notion that Jesus died on a Friday.

I think you are a little off the mark here. Did somewhere in my post did I say I agreed with Roman Catholic traditions of "Good Friday" and "Easter Sunday"? I started this thread questioning these very same concepts.
Now are you saying Jesus did not die on Friday?

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New member
I thought you were looking for the exact day of the week, the month of the year, and the exact year the death and resurrection occurred? If I misunderstood what you were getting at, I apologize.
Can you give me that information? Sometimes I get the sense you know more than you are letting on.

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