Jesus died on cross and rose in three days ?

Greg Jennings

New member
Ok, you got Jesus on your shield, you just knock off the ruling populace, you incorporate some of the local customs and rites into your version (Roman Catholic) of Christianity and all is right with world.Yep, definitely could have happen if you are the emperor. Constantine


Constantine is perhaps best known for being the first Christian Roman emperor. His rule changed the Church greatly. In February 313, Constantine met with Licinius in Milan where they made the Edict of Milan. The edict said that Christians could believe what they wanted.

Constantine the Great - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ... › wiki › Con...

Now that's power.

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Oh I couldn't agree more about Constantine's influence on the history of Christianity. I think saints have to been supposed to have performed a miracle, but he should be an honorary saint anyway. He brought an outlawed religion of peasants to become to largest and most influential that has ever existed. That's pretty much a miracle


Well-known member
Friday to Sunday morning is not three (3) days, so after a little research, I find that there are two (2) Sabbaths. If I turn in a term paper with as many contradictions and two-fold meaning, I. would certainly receive a failing mark. This is what I mean by man being destructive. There are people who still believe the earth is flat and we did not go to the Moon. The Bible as we know it today has been edited, change,rewritten to conform with however in charge at the time, that why you have so many different versions of the Bible. Easter is a pagan holiday which the Catholic church adopted for their version of Passover.

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That's wrong.

Matthew 12
39He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Mark 15:42-43
42 It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). So as evening approached, 43 Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body.

Matthew 28:1
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

Jesus died at about 3pm on the 14th Aviv (Preparation day). He was put in the tomb just before sunset at about 6pm which began the Sabbath. The day after the Sabbath He rose at sunrise on the 16th Aviv (The day of First Fruits) at about 6am. This means He was in the tomb for 3 days and 2 nights at most (about 36 hours). However the term 'Heart of the Earth' that Jesus spoke of was not the tomb. The Bible interprets the Bible and elsewhere we can find what Jesus meant by this phrase:

Matthew 15:19
For out of the heart come evil thoughts; murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

Therefore Jesus was talking about the wickedness of the whole Earth. The moment Jesus entered the wicked heart of the Earth was when He allowed Himself to be arrested and this is what He said at that moment:

Luke 22:53
“Every day I was with you in the temple courts and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour--when darkness reigns."

So it is from this moment that Jesus enters into the Heart of the Earth, which was around midnight on the 14th Aviv and means that He was indeed in the Heart of the Earth three days and three nights.


I told you a long time ago that I would not discuss with you, but I started to again in hopes you would be thankful for it. Don't discuss with me anymore.

Today is Rishon, Aviv 23. It is evening, night.

God Bless.




Active member
re: "Jesus died on cross and rose in three days ? Friday to Sunday morning is not three (3) days, so after a little research, I find that there are two (2) Sabbaths."

What was your reason for making those comments? Every word after that through all 69 posts deals with different issues.


New member
Friday to Sunday morning is not three (3) days, so after a little research, I find that there are two (2) Sabbaths. If I turn in a term paper with as many contradictions and two-fold meaning, I. would certainly receive a failing mark. This is what I mean by man being destructive. There are people who still believe the earth is flat and we did not go to the Moon. The Bible as we know it today has been edited, change,rewritten to conform with however in charge at the time, that why you have so many different versions of the Bible. Easter is a pagan holiday which the Catholic church adopted for their version of Passover.

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evening to evening is a "day" ... so thurs evening to friday eve is 1 day (Christ died around 3:00 in the afternoon so that is still "thursday" (day one) ... then Friday-Sat evening to evening (day 2) ... then he rose on the 3rd day ... on that day ... doesn't say the 3rd day was completed ... He rose on the 3rd day.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Friday to Sunday morning is not three (3) days, so after a little research, I find that there are two (2) Sabbaths. If I turn in a term paper with as many contradictions and two-fold meaning, I. would certainly receive a failing mark. This is what I mean by man being destructive. There are people who still believe the earth is flat and we did not go to the Moon. The Bible as we know it today has been edited, change,rewritten to conform with however in charge at the time, that why you have so many different versions of the Bible. Easter is a pagan holiday which the Catholic church adopted for their version of Passover.

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The bible never says anything about Friday to Sunday and there are a lot more than just two Sabbaths. Every major Jewish holiday is a Sabbath, including Passover. Also, in biblical times the days were counted from evening to evening, not morning to morning like we do today. So If Passover is on a Thursday, it actually begins on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm, by today's reckoning and Saturday at 6:00pm is the end of the seventh day Sabbath and the beginning (or "dawn") of the first day of the week.

Jesus died just before Passover started (Wednesday evening) (John 19:31) and rose some time before the morning of the first day of the week (Saturday evening) (Matthew 28:1). That's three days and three nights, just as the bible states (Matthew 12:40).

Wednesday Evening - Thursday Evening (24 hours)
Thursday Evening - Friday Evening (24 hours)
Friday Evening - Saturday Evening (24 hours)



Active member
re: "Jesus died [around 3pm] just before Passover started (Wednesday evening) (John 19:31) and rose some time before the morning of the first day of the week..."

That would mean that 5 calendar days would have been involved as well as at least portions of 4 daytimes and at least portions of 4 night times.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
re: "Jesus died [around 3pm] just before Passover started (Wednesday evening) (John 19:31) and rose some time before the morning of the first day of the week..."

That would mean that 5 calendar days would have been involved as well as at least portions of 4 daytimes and at least portions of 4 night times.

Did you not read my post?

Wednesday Evening - Thursday Evening (24 hours)
Thursday Evening - Friday Evening (24 hours)
Friday Evening - Saturday Evening (24 hours)

By the way, why add the "around 3pm" to what I said? I didn't say that. It may be true but that seems early to me. It's enough to say that He died early enough to be buried before the High Sabbath (Passover). I suspect the He died at about the same time as most all the Jews were killing their unblemished lambs.


P.S. I don't get notified that you've responded to me if you do not use the [quote ] tags. It's sheer luck that this didn't go days without being noticed.


Active member
re: "Did you not read my post?"

Of course, and in it you mentioned Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the first day of the week which is Sunday. That's five calendar days. That is also 4 night times and at least 4 daytimes.

re: "By the way, why add the 'around 3pm' to what I said?

I think "about the 9th hour" is generally considered to be referring to around 3pm.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
re: "Did you not read my post?"

Of course, and in it you mentioned Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the first day of the week which is Sunday. That's five calendar days. That is also 4 night times and at least 4 daytimes.
You state flatly that you read my post.

Are you stupid or just being intentionally asinine?

Wednesday Evening - Thursday Evening (24 hours)
Thursday Evening - Friday Evening (24 hours)
Friday Evening - Saturday Evening (24 hours)​

That's 72 hours, idiot. Precisely three whole days and three whole nights.

re: "By the way, why add the 'around 3pm' to what I said?

I think "about the 9th hour" is generally considered to be referring to around 3pm.
That is not the point. If you are going to respond to me then don't augment my comments.

Speaking of quoting me, I will not longer respond to you at all unless and until you use the forum correctly. Use the quote tags like everyone else or you can waste someone else's time.



Active member
Clete;5239344[/QUOTE said:
re: "You state flatly that you read my post."

Indeed I did. And in your post #72 you wrote: "Jesus died just before Passover started (Wednesday evening) (John 19:31) and rose some time before the morning of the first day of the week..."

Wednesday would be calendar day 1, Thursday would be calendar day 2, Friday would be calendar day 3, Saturday would be calendar 4 and Sunday would be calendar day 5. So by CatholicCrusader's Jewish reckoning that would be 5 calendar days that were involved.

Now then, by Wednesday evening I assume you are referring to the time between noon and sunset. That would be daytime 1, Thursday would be night time 1 and daytime 2, Friday would be night time 2 and daytime 3, Saturday would be night time 3 and daytime 4, and Sunday would be night time 4. There would be no daytime 5 if the resurrection occurred before sunrise.
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New member
re: "Jesus died on cross and rose in three days ? Friday to Sunday morning is not three (3) days, so after a little research, I find that there are two (2) Sabbaths."

What was your reason for making those comments? Every word after that through all 69 posts deals with different issues.
The two Sabbaths were made to compensate the time period. You see the connection or implication.

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New member
What is Good Friday?
The bible never says anything about Friday to Sunday and there are a lot more than just two Sabbaths. Every major Jewish holiday is a Sabbath, including Passover. Also, in biblical times the days were counted from evening to evening, not morning to morning like we do today. So If Passover is on a Thursday, it actually begins on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm, by today's reckoning and Saturday at 6:00pm is the end of the seventh day Sabbath and the beginning (or "dawn") of the first day of the week.

Jesus died just before Passover started (Wednesday evening) (John 19:31) and rose some time before the morning of the first day of the week (Saturday evening) (Matthew 28:1). That's three days and three nights, just as the bible states (Matthew 12:40).

Wednesday Evening - Thursday Evening (24 hours)
Thursday Evening - Friday Evening (24 hours)
Friday Evening - Saturday Evening (24 hours)


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