Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Jehovah


Well-known member
Paul said, "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed..." (1 Corinthians 15:51)

1 Corinthians 11:30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.​

Paul asserted soul sleep, why do you say Paul was teaching a false doctrine?

Paul didn't advocate soul sleep but he did the 'sleep' of the body in the grave.

He said, 'to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord'.

The Lord said that those who believe on Him have passed from death unto life and shall not come into condemnation.

Have you passed from death unto life?

If you have, do you really anticipate that you will cease to exist at the death/sleep of your body?

Paul also said, 'to die is gain'. Why would he say that if he was going to cease to exist for two-thousand years?


Well-known member
Another topic but linked because you believe that the Lord Jesus is two persons, which He isn't.
No so, he is one person with the son spirit in him.

Many spirits can live in a man, demons are spirits. A legion of them were in a man and sent into the sheep. Why is it so hard for you to see that a spirit can control a man? Don't you believe all that is in the scriptures?

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Well-known member
"You can stuff your 'sorrys' in a sack, Mister!"
RD thinks he knows it all and has stopped learning.
Do you feel the same way?
I feel sorry for anyone who does not need to learn any more.
I will never stop seeking what's in his words.

You should change your attitude Mister, I was serious.

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Well-known member
No one is asking you to be a church puppet, just consider the scriptures.
I have, for over seventy years.

I am not bound by the restrictions of any organized social club they call a church. I have been there, for a very long time I was there. It pinched my feet for it did not match what is written in scripture.

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New member
Paul didn't advocate soul sleep but he did the 'sleep' of the body in the grave.

He said, 'to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord'.

Did Paul ever mention anything about a resurrection?


Well-known member
You lie about me keypurr. But you're a confused individual.
The only thing I posted is that you have a lot to learn, we all do so don't think that makes you or I special. I sometimes offend when I share my thoughts, but we are here to discuss and share so everyone should know that their person is not being attacked. I could just tell everyone "yes, your right" but TOL would end up a very boring site.

RD I am sorry that we can not agree but that does not mean I do not like you.

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Well-known member
RD thinks he knows it all and has stopped learning.
Do you feel the same way?
I feel sorry for anyone who does not need to learn any more.
I will never stop seeking what's in his words.

You should change your attitude Mister, I was serious.

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RD hasn't stopped learning and he knows it.
But his understanding far surpasses yours.
I recommend you listen to him.

My attitude is just fine.
When faced with the absurdities of some of the positions held here and their not changing inspite of the knowledge offered, one sometimes resorts to levity because there is no other place to go.


Well-known member
RD hasn't stopped learning and he knows it.
But his understanding far surpasses yours.
I recommend you listen to him.

My attitude is just fine.
When faced with the absurdities of some of the positions held here and their not changing inspite of the knowledge offered, one sometimes resorts to levity because there is no other place to go.
No his and your ability to open your mind has not been shown. You can not look beyond what you think the scriptures are saying. I know how you are for I was the same way. Then I made my choice as to who would control my thoughts. The church lost.

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