OK so as far as you're concerned there can be no mitigating circumstances at all, never, it's simply murder. Be it severe congenital dysfunction or that the medical prognosis for the woman is likely to be death. For you then whatever the situation abortion is dogmatically always murder.
Correct. There is never a reason to stop delivering a child, whatever her problems, and kill her.
If you have a medical crisis it might be necessary to deliver the child, but it is never necessary to intentionally kill her.
Why? Why would you want to kill a person because her father was a rapist?However as far as I'm concerned there are many circumstances such as rape, and the above, when I'd support abortion.
So you think it's OK to murder people who might be rejected?At least then the woman could possibly have a child by someone she loved and a child too that would in turn be wanted and loved, not rejected.
Yeah, dude, in order to deny a person the ability to murder her child one is forced to deny that person the right to murder her child.This you would seem to deny her in order to cling to your dogmatic belief that abortion can never be justified.
You gotta think before you start typing. :thumb:
To not allow people to murder? Why?I think that is heartless, cruel and plain wrong btw.
Fortunately doctors and others are rather less dogmatic than you are.
You have a lot of people on your side who are not dogmatic that murder is wrong. :idunno: