Is the Holy Spirit Female?


New member
I am quoting ENGLISH, the rules of which I am well being my native tongue. What you are claiming, according to the clear English presented, is that Jesus Himself is in error...I think not! I think rather it is you who are mistaking in your analysis.
How did I claim Jesus was in error?

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New member
Go ahead and limit GOD to a sex because it is deemed correct by the masses.

I GOD finds fault with me due to the character of my heart then fine; if HE finds fault with me because I understand the Spirit of GOD to be just that and as such not limited to the material, physical, creation or words of men then that's fine too obviously. I don't think the latter has anything to do with the former though; and tend to believe the Christ on the matter.

That you claim I blaspheme the Holy Spirit of GOD due to your own seeming lack of breadth within your own understanding has no affect on me and no merit as far as I am concerned.

You keep limiting GOD almighty to a person or three for that matter. That isn't idol worship at all.

Hope your heart is right.


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The purpose of my post to you was not to name-call or to condemn, but rather to warn and to leave my observations and understanding with you so that you might consider them as you take your stand on what you truly believe.
Also, it is not only the heart which God judges, but also our actions...usually if one's heart is right then the actions prove that out. God grants knowledge, but we are not to believe every spirit as I John warns. Test everything. Now there is a type of intrigue in "finding new knowledge" but we all must reject that intrigue and proceed carefully and rationally proving everything out against the Word. Bible translators for the most part have made Greek/Hebrew study their life's work...much to consider...usage changes of words over time and so much more. We can, I believe, be confident in a long-used translation and prove out our faith with such a Bible.
Pray you take this in the right spirit.


New member
The purpose of my post to you was not to name-call or to condemn, but rather to warn and to leave my observations and understanding with you so that you might consider them as you take your stand on what you truly believe.
Also, it is not only the heart which God judges, but also our actions...usually if one's heart is right then the actions prove that out. God grants knowledge, but we are not to believe every spirit as I John warns. Test everything. Now there is a type of intrigue in "finding new knowledge" but we all must reject that intrigue and proceed carefully and rationally proving everything out against the Word. Bible translators for the most part have made Greek/Hebrew study their life's work...much to consider...usage changes of words over time and so much more. We can, I believe, be confident in a long-used translation and prove out our faith with such a Bible.
Pray you take this in the right spirit.
I agree friend.


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New member
Why do you say you agree when you definitely do not?
I indeed did and do agree with everything they said in that post.

Why are you saying I do not as if you know otherwise? I agree that GOD judges the content of our heart which is the cause of our actions. I agree that we are told to test all spirits to see if they are indeed of GOD. I also agree with the sentiment that individual exuded in their post.

Why are you saying otherwise and attempting to stir contention?

I'm really not too interested in speaking with you if you hadn't noticed. I also can agree with one post of an individual and yet, not agree with a separate post from that same individual, though you may not even notice such; and evidently choose to hastily judge me.

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God's Truth

New member
I indeed did and do agree with everything they said in that post.

Why are you saying I do not as if you know otherwise? I agree that GOD judges the content of our heart which is the cause of our actions. I agree that we are told to test all spirits to see if they are indeed of GOD. I also agree with the sentiment that individual exuded in their post.

Why are you saying otherwise and attempting to stir contention?

I'm really not too interested in speaking with you if you hadn't noticed. I also can agree with one post of an individual and yet, not agree with a separate post from that same individual, though you may not even notice such; and evidently choose to hastily judge me.

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You are a false judge calling me contentious. You are not being truthful about me and you are not being truthful about the other poster calling you up on your lie about the Holy Spirit being a female, or no gender; when in fact God is Spirit and He is a 'He' and a 'Father'.


New member
Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as He, while you claim that is in error, that the Holy Spirit is not a He.
Nope; I said the spirit of GOD is not limited to any sexuality or gender because GOD is what all existence is from and also spirit. As if spirit is limited to the material or something....

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New member
You are a false judge calling me contentious. You are not being truthful about me and you are not being truthful about the other poster calling you up on your lie about the Holy Spirit being a female, or no gender; when in fact God is Spirit and He is a 'He' and a 'Father'.
Great; are you done with your little rant?

Will you leave me alone now?

What do you call yourself doing?

Other than accusing based on your own narrow perception and/ or preconception?

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God's Truth

New member
Great; are you done with your little rant?

Will you leave me alone now?

What do you call yourself doing?

Other than accusing based on your own narrow perception and/ or preconception?

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I am not doing what you are accusing me of doing. How about you get off a discussion and debate site if you want people to leave you alone?

God's Truth

New member
Nope; I said the spirit of GOD is not limited to any sexuality or gender because GOD is what all existence is from and also spirit. As if spirit is limited to the material or something....

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God does not ever call Himself 'Mother' or a 'She'.


New member
Nope; I said the spirit of GOD is not limited to any sexuality or gender because GOD is what all existence is from and also spirit. As if spirit is limited to the material or something....

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We all know God...all three persons, for they are three yet not limited to the material or anything. Calling God He stems from God's own reference to Himself as He. He does not mean a human man, it means male in this sense. We are not naive or stupid!


New member
We all know God...all three persons, for they are three yet not limited to the material or anything. Calling God He stems from God's own reference to Himself as He. He does not mean a human man, it means male in this sense. We are not naive or stupid!
So what other sort of male is being referenced then if not the human male?

Who said anyone was naive or stupid? Not me.

Oh; and you shouldn't limit GOD to concepts you agree with only; regardless of if you believe them because the mass says so or your "church".

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New member
So what other sort of male is being referenced then if not the human male?

Who said anyone was naive or stupid? Not me.

Oh; and you shouldn't limit GOD to concepts you agree with only; regardless of if you believe them because the mass says so or your "church".

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I quote you...So what other sort of male is being referenced then if not the human male?
Answer...The God male who is mysterious in nature and Scriptures itself states:
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. --Ephesians 4:6 so much for being a male with human limitations. This is just one quick example of the nature of God.

Also, you did not call me or us naive or stupid, but you are presenting an argument which does not hold up with the light of Scripture in such a way that you appear to consider us as such...want you to be aware of that. As for the influences of the masses...I read Scripture as do many if not most in those masses...and in so doing we become a mass with common beliefs.


New member
I quote you...So what other sort of male is being referenced then if not the human male?
Answer...The God male who is mysterious in nature and Scriptures itself states:
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. --Ephesians 4:6 so much for being a male with human limitations. This is just one quick example of the nature of God.

Also, you did not call me or us naive or stupid, but you are presenting an argument which does not hold up with the light of Scripture in such a way that you appear to consider us as such...want you to be aware of that. As for the influences of the masses...I read Scripture as do many if not most in those masses...and in so doing we become a mass with common beliefs.

Common belief doesn't make said belief true, nor does the literalists translation of 66 separate books.

"The GOD male who is mysterious in nature"

Scriptural reference please.

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God's Truth

New member
So what other sort of male is being referenced then if not the human male?

Who said anyone was naive or stupid? Not me.

Oh; and you shouldn't limit GOD to concepts you agree with only; regardless of if you believe them because the mass says so or your "church".

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Go by the Holy Bible.

If God wanted you to call Him an 'It', as you have said before, He would have said so in the Bible.

If God wanted you to call him a 'Mother', then He would have told us to in the Bible.


New member
Go by the Holy Bible.

If God wanted you to call Him an 'It', as you have said before, He would have said so in the Bible.

If God wanted you to call him a 'Mother', then He would have told us to in the Bible.
If GOD cared about the matter at all then it would have most likely been noted within scripture somewhere seeing as how GOD is a jealous GOD.

I must have missed the command the Christ didn't give, to worship GOD as if a man or male creature or likeness there of.

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New member
Common belief doesn't make said belief true, nor does the literalists translation of 66 separate books.

"The GOD male who is mysterious in nature"

Scriptural reference please.

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Scripture reference for mysterious nature of God:
He appeared in a body,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory. --I Timothy 3:16

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church. --Ephesians 5:11-12

AND, I did not say common belief makes it do not read with a critical eye it seems and so you are unable to comprehend the Truth. Here, again, is what I said...
As for the influences of the masses...I read Scripture as do many if not most in those masses...and in so doing we become a mass with common beliefs.

It is that we hold common a strict adherence to Scripture. Scripture is how God bestows Truth.

God's Truth

New member
If GOD cared about the matter at all then it would have most likely been noted within scripture somewhere seeing as how GOD is a jealous GOD.
What are you talking about? The whole Bible is filled with scriptures calling God a 'He' and a 'Father'.

Man was made in God's image first, and then woman was made second.
I must have missed the command the Christ didn't give, to worship GOD as if a man or male creature or likeness there of.

Are you kidding? Who said this:

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.


New member
What are you talking about? The whole Bible is filled with scriptures calling God a 'He' and a 'Father'.

Man was made in God's image first, and then woman was made second.

Are you kidding? Who said this:

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
So did Christ exclaim that we must love GOD or an image there of?

Are we told to worship in spirit and truth or some other spirit of deciet or needless contention about unimportant matters such as ascribing sexuality to the Creator of both sexes?

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