aww artie, that's just your inner emo speaking :chuckle:
Well, no, it's based on several traits you've displayed over the years. Key hallmarks of psycho and sociopathic traits:
Narcissism; You had a 100 post a day average on here at one point that mostly consisted of drive by childish insults when that was still tolerated. A plethora of "look at me" threads or ones designed to bait other posters and get a rise. All typical of the need to get attention, positive or otherwise.
Obsessive behaviour: Well let's see, how many posters have you obsessed about on here? There's Barb. TH, me, Rusha, anna...even when I wasn't posting on here until my ban was lifted you couldn't help but keep gossiping about me I noticed. Your ultra obsession with TH was beyond the bizarre, to the point on challenging him on his legal credentials on pain of a perma ban for the "loser" which could only be you on the score. Even after those credentials were verified you still persisted with it. It was kinda fascinating in a car crash sort of way to watch.
Poor impulse control; Hmm, you have the worst infraction record for anyone in the history of the forum, many of those infractions related to flame outs over your child like obsessions with the above. That's even before the rules changed and that kind of behaviour was kicked into touch.
Some sociopaths can be hard to spot as they can be very clever and subtle in their behaviour and often very charming and intelligent. Not all however and your lack of subtlety gave you away a long time ago.