Yep, my former challenge and questioning of such insanity, especially by a loving God, if by his own power he detains and confines souls to a state of eternal torment and suffering (from which there is no relief or rememdy). Such is so illogical and abhorrant to any sensible person as to inspire a wholesale rejection of such a 'god' (and here we would have to further explore the philosophical and moral aspects of such, and 'free will'.
For newbies to the thread interested in my commentary on the subject go
(post links to former dialogue in this and other threads, and other resource links).
I continue to maintain that while this particular discussion is about whether ECT is "biblical" (a somewhat arbitrary term anyone can slap on their favorite 'doctrine'), I advocate research into all religious, philosophic and scientific schools and traditions on the subject, which is at last finally evaluated and considered by one's own conscience, reason, logic and spiritual intelligence. If a so called 'religious passage' or 'scripture' is inimical to such, it is to be re-evaluated and/or rejected. All things must at last pass by one's 'conscience' (the law of God written in one's own heart/soul) and the Spirit of truth (whose wisdom concurs with the harmony of all laws and principles of existence).
I've also brought up the law of karma (or 'law of compensation') as it factors into the equation here, since all actions have their following consequences, so this law of 'sowing and reaping' is integral here in the determining of conditions and destinies. There is much more to consider than just a 'black n white' duality of 'heaven' or 'hell', since by relativity and conditioning there are a multiplicity of levels, degrees and gradations. We have a fun go at 'karma'
(Way 2 go started this thread to challenge my commentaries on karma, so I respond).