Eclectic Theosophist
Think for yourself......
Think for yourself......
The term 'sleep' or that they are 'sleeping' is also used
-as you know, some assume this 'deep sleep' is a kind of unconscious state or like 'suspended animation'....where that soul is in 'stasis' or 'comatose'. There is no life for these souls unless or until they are awakened (resurrected). A soul may appear to be at rest, but if all are judged by their works (the law of karmic compensation, sowing and reaping, cause/effect)...a soul is still responsible to atone for its sins. Remember if you believe Ezekiel, a soul can only die for its own sins....logically likewise, a soul must also make atonement for his own sins, if that is possible.
But as you might know,....the English word 'hell' is loaded with various connotations and superstition. Are you referring to Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartaroo, the lake of fire, or? If you're just riding on the traditional image of 'hell', appears these wicked souls have no rest, because they have no real peace. They are tormented by their own insanity. We might be able to say 'they have no rest' AS LONG AS the condition or state of insanity continues in their own consciousness, and they have not received or accepted the peace of God. Otherwise, its just figurative language.
Again, just a figure of speech eh? If the unrepentant wicked are actually destroyed (disintegrated) after allowing iniquity to wholly consume them....they are put out of their misery....they are no more. What are the wages of sin? What is the full and final result of iniquity whole-heartedly embraced?
As far as 'duration of punishment' goes... If you'll follow my former commentary,...see what 'aion', 'aionios' means, refers to an indefinite period of time, an age, epoch or dispensation. A condition of endless punishing is nonsensical, insane, barbaric, horrendous....not to mention unjust and unmerciful. However, there are dispensations of judgment and reward (which are age-enduring),...various measures appropriated in the providence of God. Divine love and wisdom, if they truly so in the perfect balance of justice and mercy, and remember, mercy triumphs over justice because of Love's will, unless providence allows the full reaping of the sowing of iniquity to finally end in death, the disintegration of the soul. This would have to happen if the law of sin and death are real, and their consequences, if a soul does not accept the law of the Spirit of life in Christ....see the alternatives? John 3:16 ? - 'conditional immortality'. - this is clearly 'biblical' if you want to use that term.
Think for yourself......
When a person dies, it is said that they now have rest.
The term 'sleep' or that they are 'sleeping' is also used
However, if they go to Hell, the scripture says they have no rest.
But as you might know,....the English word 'hell' is loaded with various connotations and superstition. Are you referring to Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartaroo, the lake of fire, or? If you're just riding on the traditional image of 'hell', appears these wicked souls have no rest, because they have no real peace. They are tormented by their own insanity. We might be able to say 'they have no rest' AS LONG AS the condition or state of insanity continues in their own consciousness, and they have not received or accepted the peace of God. Otherwise, its just figurative language.
So then, how do you get the agony has a time of ending if there is NO REST?
Again, just a figure of speech eh? If the unrepentant wicked are actually destroyed (disintegrated) after allowing iniquity to wholly consume them....they are put out of their misery....they are no more. What are the wages of sin? What is the full and final result of iniquity whole-heartedly embraced?
As far as 'duration of punishment' goes... If you'll follow my former commentary,...see what 'aion', 'aionios' means, refers to an indefinite period of time, an age, epoch or dispensation. A condition of endless punishing is nonsensical, insane, barbaric, horrendous....not to mention unjust and unmerciful. However, there are dispensations of judgment and reward (which are age-enduring),...various measures appropriated in the providence of God. Divine love and wisdom, if they truly so in the perfect balance of justice and mercy, and remember, mercy triumphs over justice because of Love's will, unless providence allows the full reaping of the sowing of iniquity to finally end in death, the disintegration of the soul. This would have to happen if the law of sin and death are real, and their consequences, if a soul does not accept the law of the Spirit of life in Christ....see the alternatives? John 3:16 ? - 'conditional immortality'. - this is clearly 'biblical' if you want to use that term.