Considering the Eternal or Infinite ItSelf.........
Considering the Eternal or Infinite ItSelf.........
What a complication! Isn't it much easier to admit that only God is eternal? Eternity by definition is a condition of no beginning and not end. Only to have a beginning, one can no longer be eternal. Hence, only the One Who never had a beginning and will never have an end is Eternal. That's HaShem, praise the Lord!
Let us dissect the above for a deeper observation, as we do accept that only 'God' is without beginning and end, truly the One Alone Infinite,....yet when the good news of Jesus is received, with it comes the promise of eternal life or immortality, so that even though mortals appear to have a
beginning in time, they may receive the
gift of immortality and therefore live indefinitely (survive in the endless ages to come). Therefore in the context, the soul has
'immortality-potential' as we've shared earlier,...there is no complication in this, since a soul becomes a
'partaker of the divine nature', and by becoming a partaker, merging with the eternal Spirit, that soul and 'God' become ONE. It is then the life, consciousness and substance of 'God' alone, that is the one indivisible reality, being Pure Spirit. This Spirit-life has quickened/made alive the soul into its own likeness.
As one draws from the radiant life of God, which is ever-dynamic, ever-present,...that 'life' itself is 'eternal', 'infinite', 'divine', 'immortal'. 'God' is One. There is no 'other' besides 'God'. 'God' is One without a second. God is all there is....of all there is. There is only that Infinite ONE. This is understood from the perspective of 'God' himself seeing thru the eyes of his His own OMNIPRESENCE. This is the perspective of 'non-duality', since in the allness of God, there is no 'God' and 'another', (there is not two)....since 'God' knows no 'other' besides Him. There is Only 'God'.
There is only the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent PRESENCE,...and that presence is All There matter what transformations appear....or come and go (as movements) in the
play of creation. 'God' is ever the unchanging
heart-reality ancestral to all, supporting all, being all, transcending all.
God alone is truly INFINITE. No-one or no-thing else is.
Now from your perspective, being more of a traditional-orthodox Jewish theology,...'God' is wholly 'other', so there is a great/vast distance/divide between man and 'God',....and the breach can hardly be filled except by animal sacrifice, repentance, prayer or good works.
The Hindu view is different, since 'Brahman' is the universal ground in which all things and beings inhere, in which all souls move, live and have their being. All partake of the life-essence of Brahman, and their innermost soul is 'atman', which is made of the same reality-substance of Brahman, so there is no difference in quality, but only quantification or individualization of God in the appearance of bodies in space and time; there is only one universal essence and consciousness. Some schools do differentiate the inner soul essence (atman) from the Universal Supreme Soul (Brahman), to varying degrees, yet God is still the source of all. Others in the more pure non-dualist schools consider 'atman' and 'brahman' as ONE. Therefore the one who realizes the God-Self as Being,....that "I" of pure consciousness is 'God'. Nothing exists nor can ever be, apart from the "I" of Awareness. This Universal "I" is God, but 'God' is more, and is even prior to the arising of the "I" (recognition of one's own existence), from the realm of the Unconscious, the Unknowing or Unknowable, the very root of consciousness itself. The "I" just arises as the 'first-thought' or 'self-reflection of knowledge',...but 'Real God' or 'parabrahman' is prior to it, being its very source. Hence in the uttermost reaches of infinity, 'God' is the Unknown/Unknowable....the Mother of all knowledge/knowing.