Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


Well-known member
'God' is that sublime and universal reality or principle....omnipresent.

In the act of devotion (bhakti)....we may extend our affections towards 'God' in the response of love and the feelings of awe and appreciation that emenates therefrom.

Worship (worth-ship) is the inner-recognition of the divine value of life itself and its inward movement, however it reveals itself by the Spirit within our soul(temple).
Ah yes: that thing you do so well: self-worship. :blabla:


Well-known member
Those who know The Lord worship Him out of love, respect, admiration and awe at Who He is. We know and love Him because He gave His Life for us. We have his Life now, in bodies of flesh. We behold Him in one another. Those who we recognize as pretenders to Christianity we root out of The Kingdom and expose. They are less than insignificant. Attempting to rescue them before their un-timely demise is our forte. We're on a mission, with orders from Headquarters. We aren't any more slaves, since we only serve His Purposes and His Pursuits out of love for Him. His ways are past knowing. You cannot out-think or out-maneuver The One Who made the human brain. He's beyond comprehension.

Well you don't need to root me because I don't claim the title, those that put on a suicide belt for their god can have the same respect and love for him, and claim the same heroic baloney, your doctrine exposes the charade your mind is under when you can speak of love and concern for others and hold the position of eternal torment.

Your under a spell Aimi-EL.


Well-known member
We are the only ones on this earth who are not under any spell. Everyone else is blind to the truth. Only in Christ is there any Truth. He is all Truth.


Dear All,

I've read what you've said. I ask that you go and read my latest thread "God Creates Good and Evil." That should help you understand ALL of all of this. Pick your sides now, there will not be a better time.

God Bless You All,



Dear All,

I've read what you've said. I ask that you go and read my latest thread "God Creates Good and Evil." That should help you understand ALL of all of this. Pick your sides now, there will not be a better time.

God Bless You All,



Well-known member
The truth speaks for it self, we see the true spirit of Christs love and forgiveness in the ones who have a loved one killed, and then they have the ability that passes the naturals mans heart to except, they release the hate, revenge, anger, bitterness, etc.. and can turn that into true Love for the one who did the evil deed.

There is no mystery to where this doctrine is spawned from, and it didn't come from the heart of the spirit.

They can claim bible and scripture till their hell is froze, write mountains of flowery theology based on love:eek:, but have no clue concerning the love of Christ! they have a false christ a false perception of the Most Highs Heart, they can no longer hear the still small voice hidden in the scripture, maybe at one time they felt that unconditional love when they first met Christ within, but that voice has been silenced by their roaring lions of dog-ma.


Active member

re: "God's Word is clear in It's description of eternal conscious torment for un-believers..."

With the possible exception of the devil, as the KJV has it, I'm not aware of any scripture that clearly says that. What do you have in mind?


Well-known member

re: "God's Word is clear in It's description of eternal conscious torment for un-believers..."

With the possible exception of the devil, as the KJV has it, I'm not aware of any scripture that clearly says that. What do you have in mind?
Revelation 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


Active member

re: Revelation 20:15
re: Revelation 20:10

I don't see where either verse says that anyone other than the devil "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever".


Well-known member
The 'beast' and the 'false prophet' are persons. Those who receive his mark or worship his image are cast into the Lake of Fire. Do you think there is an exit door which they're allowed to use that demon spirits and Satan himself are not allowed to use? Scripture doesn't say there is. Why not use logical inference to realize that they are tormented there for ever and ever as any thinking person would read there?


New member
Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT) biblical or not?

Which verses in the Bible support ECT and which verses in the bible support the doctrine that the wicked perish instead?

Does it matter?

You love God or you don't.

If the only reason you aspire to be a "christian", whatever that is, is to avoid Hell, you love self, not God.

If there is a hell or not, knowing about it is irrelevant. You can't do anything to stop God from sending you there if He so chose. So, rather than from hell, run to God. You can run any direction away from Hell, but only one direction runs to God.


Active member

re: "Does it matter?"

If the subject of "hell" didn't serve some purpose why do you suppose it's talked about so much in the New Testament?


Eclectic Theosophist
demythologizing 'hell'.......

demythologizing 'hell'.......


re: "Does it matter?"

If the subject of "hell" didn't serve some purpose why do you suppose it's talked about so much in the New Testament?

Go here for starters :)

As you may know, the various words later translated into the english word 'hell' have different indications/meanings, coupled with so much superstition and ignorance feeding various concepts like ECT.

The kingdom of heaven takes precedence in Jesus teaching, despite claims from some religionists that he speaks more about 'hell' (however translated), although he spoke more about 'gehenna' which was later translated as 'hell'. That a 'place' or 'condition' antithetical to 'heaven' exists, would naturally be assumed, so that place would be related to a state of negation, waste, desolation, destruction, disintegration, etc.

We must also note that all energy undergoes transformation, and how energy and consciousness work together is even more interesting, regarding the condition and potential of souls regarding their renewal or resurrection.



Well-known member
It is warned about in the New Testament, indeed; and more sternly than anything Jesus ever spoke of. He said:

Matthew 18:8
Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

We know that Jesus wasn't joking around. He meant what He said and said what he meant. Double-talk and confusion from people like Freelight won't change that fact.


New member
The 'beast' and the 'false prophet' are persons.

The beast and false prophet symbolize human government and human religion, both will end.

How does one torment symbolic representations forever and ever. It's simple, the lessons learned will be taught from generation to generation to never be forgotten.

As for Satan himself he will be destroyed by fire after inciting warfare and getting a lot of people killed. When Satan is resurrected after his thousand year time out it does not say he will have a spiritual body. He could be resurrected in a physical body and be subject to death, eternal death, his second death.


Well-known member
The beast and false prophet symbolize human government and human religion, both will end.
Nope. They're humans.
How does one torment symbolic representations forever and ever.
You don't.
It's simple, the lessons learned will be taught from generation to generation to never be forgotten.
Sorry... just doesn't make sense.
As for Satan himself he will be destroyed by fire after inciting warfare and getting a lot of people killed. When Satan is resurrected after his thousand year time out it does not say he will have a spiritual body. He could be resurrected in a physical body and be subject to death, eternal death, his second death.
You're clearly ignoring Scripture:

Revelation 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


Eclectic Theosophist
Revelation 20:10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

How is God's will fulfilled here or his love satisfied?



Well-known member
It isn't. He gave man free will in the Garden, and he chose treason over obedience. It takes His forgiveness to wipe the slate clean. Without it, there is no hope. God is not satisfied by anyone ending up in eternal torment. He wants all to be saved. Not all will be saved, obviously.


Thanks Michael,
Do you believe that I am going to be eternally tortured in hell forever and ever because I believe that the wages of sin is death (as the Bible clearly states in Romans 6:23) rather than eternal conscious torture in Hell?

The topic is "Is the doctrine of eternal conscious torment biblical or not?" I've shown good evidence that it is not biblical. The plain language of scripture shows that the penalty for sin is death rather than eternal conscious torment.

Dear Timotheos,

This just came to my attention. Yes, we inherit eternal life, or death, which then ECT falls in place. Those who do not make it to heaven this time around (inherit eternal life) will die and sleep for 1,000 years or be sent to hell (the center of the earth, the bottomless pit). (And the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1,000 years were fulfilled. Rev. 20:5. Then you live again and try to get it right before the second death kicks in. After that, if you don't make it, and if your name is not found in the Book of Life and your works (how you treat people, etc.) don't measure up, you are sent to burn forever in the lake of fire. It says that the sea, death and hell gave up the dead in them and they were judged everyone according to their works. Read it for yourself in Rev. 20:13, etc. You'll get the whole picture then. It does say 'blessed are those who make it in this first resurrection, on whom the second death has no power. So I would guess that it's going to be a lot worse in the 2nd death. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. You read and learn. Open your KJV Bible. That NKJV Bible isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Too much gets lost in their translation. Hope this helps now. If you don't want to try to make it during this resurrection, that means you know, but you don't want to try or make changes to repent. So, your works will be tainted already. Good luck.

God Bless And Teach You!!


