Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
It's easy, just read it.


There is nothing we can eat that would defile us.

I'm saying that the [dietary] LAW is the only thing that makes the distinction between clean and unclean food. Outside of that law, there is no distinction.

But that DOES NOT MEAN that the dietary law was repealed.

Pops, you're changing the subject. If you'd like, we can discuss slavery later. But currently we're discussing the dietary law.

I dare you to find a single verse in the Bible that says (however explicitly) that the dietary law has been repealed/is no more/is abolished.

No, not fulfilled, not made invalid. REPEALED.

You can't. It doesn't exist.
Stop with the strafing.

Straight forward please sir.

The written law is what we speak of and what was expounded upon when the Truth did come and does come and dwell among us.

So sir, is the written law referring to slavery not the written law?

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New member
It's easy, just read it.


There is nothing we can eat that would defile us.

I'm saying that the [dietary] LAW is the only thing that makes the distinction between clean and unclean food. Outside of that law, there is no distinction.

But that DOES NOT MEAN that the dietary law was repealed.

Pops, you're changing the subject. If you'd like, we can discuss slavery later. But currently we're discussing the dietary law.

I dare you to find a single verse in the Bible that says (however explicitly) that the dietary law has been repealed/is no more/is abolished.

No, not fulfilled, not made invalid. REPEALED.

You can't. It doesn't exist.
What does the specific word repealed have to do with anything?

It wasn't repealed technically; it was shown through a more pure/ clearer light.

Jesus nullified no law, He showed and shows the Truth of the matter.

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What does the specific word repealed have to do with anything?

It wasn't repealed technically; it was shown through a more pure/ clearer light.

Jesus nullified no law, He showed and shows the Truth of the matter.

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The dietary law WASN'T REPEALED. GT says it was repealed in the verses she provided. Yet not a single verse that she provided says the dietary law was repealed.

My point is that GT IS WRONG by saying that the dietary law was repealed, that she no longer has to keep the dietary law, yet according to her, Jesus says to keep the whole law, but she doesn't keep the dietary law, therefore according to her own doctrine, she's sinning by eating meats that are unclean (as defined by the dietary law).


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Stop with the strafing.

Says the one trying to change the subject.

Straight forward please sir.

The written law is what we speak of and what was expounded upon when the Truth did come and does come and dwell among us.

So sir, is the written law referring to slavery not the written law?

Pretty sure the topic is a specific section of the law, and not the entirety of the law. We're talking dietary law here, Pops, not sure if you've been paying attention.

The laws in the Bible concerning slavery are a separate group of laws under the general topic of Biblical Law.

Pops, make up your mind now, would you like to change the topic to slavery? or would you like to continue discussing the dietary law?

God's Truth

New member
Beautiful words full of that light that does produce all of the spectrum though just a small glimmer.

I was basing my questions on your use of the word assumption or assumed or perhaps it was presumed.

At any rate; perhaps I read it wrong....


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Freelight's light is to try to mix the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons.

He/she takes from all kinds of beliefs and even pagan.

Freelight puts darkness spots in the Holy Bible when he/she says that it is full of error and additions that are not supposed to be.


Eclectic Theosophist


Beautiful words full of that light that does produce all of the spectrum though just a small glimmer.

I was basing my questions on your use of the word assumption or assumed or perhaps it was presumed.

At any rate; perhaps I read it wrong....


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Thank you,

All things are more or less 'assumed', so this includes all things, whether true or not. I write in the contextual playground of 'creative dialogue' and 'theosophical inquiry', towards the expansion of consciousness.

Our words have the power of life and death(spoken and written), hence the writer has great power in his craft, to hone his gift, perfect his art. It is by our words that we are judged, beyond whatever assumptions we hold, regardless of beliefs.

About your posting the text, are you only accessing the forum here thru a smartphone? Hence the limited interface restrictions? (Cut/paste apps, etc.) I suggest if possible using a desk, laptop or tablet for greater versatility and freedom. I'm usually on my desktop, loving to be at my desk with full control at the terminal, otherwise as in the past few days im out of town, so using my HDX kindle tablet (7") holding it, typing with my thumbs :) - so my commentaries are somewhat more condensed by the limitations of a smaller tablet device.

Please also remember to post the source-text identifying your quotes.

The Bahai writings are wonderful, and most of the principles of this school uphold the highest ideals of humanity, based in love for truth, justice, unity, cooperation, peace, brotherhood, solidarity. These are right in my wheelhouse as a theosophist and unitarian-universalist....liberally and more generically speaking. We've had a few threads on Bahaism in the past.

God's Truth

New member
Please please stop adding to what I say.

I knew of a name alone. And had read neither prior to receiving faith and up until years later.

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Please don't say I add to what you said.

You did go go church. So don't falsely accuse me of adding. You are a dishonest person.

"I lived with my mom. We didn't go to church much; maybe a handful of times in early childhood."

You also say, "I pleaded to GOD, Christ, Jesus, whatever."

You were born and raised in the USA and was a man in his thirties, you did go to church a little bit, but never heard that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD?!

You are really blowing smoke now.

God's Truth

New member
I'm not saying she didn't provide any verses that had to do with the dietary law. She produced plenty of verses that did have to do with it.

I'm saying that not one of those verses contains the repeal of the dietary law.[/U]


Not one of them repeals the dietary law, because it was NEVER REPEALED! You can search the entire Bible for where it says anything along the line of "the dietary law is no more," but you will not find any verse that says so.

Those verses GT provided do not repeal the dietary law, they only make clarifications on the law. They're saying just because the law describes something as clean or unclean does not mean that the food actually is clean or unclean, the verses only say that the law describes it as such.

For example. The dietary law says that hare is unclean meat. However, outside of the dietary law, there's no distinction between clean and unclean meat, so anyone not under the dietary law can eat hare. Only the dietary law says that hare is unclean. It's not fit to eat.... FOR THOSE UNDER THE LAW! Otherwise, it's a perfectly acceptable food to eat.

I proved with scripture that the dietary law was abolished.

God's Truth

New member
I don't know exactly how you get to that conclusion from the plain reading of scripture.

It is very obvious that we can eat whatever is known to be food, and that what enters is not what defiles; dietary law was expounded upon through the Truth, as all the law was.

What you say is similar to one saying slavery wasn't repealed by Christ because He didn't use those words.

Tell me; how does one justifiably own one (human)and too love them?

You can't; slavery was repealed by the command of the Christ.

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A person can love their slave. Have you not heard of a bond-servant?


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I proved with scripture that the dietary law was abolished.
Saying it doesn't make it so, GT. None of the verses you provided said any law was abolished.

They only make clarifications on the law, but none abolish it.

God's Truth

New member
It's easy, just read it.


There is nothing we can eat that would defile us.

I'm saying that the [dietary] LAW is the only thing that makes the distinction between clean and unclean food. Outside of that law, there is no distinction.

But that DOES NOT MEAN that the dietary law was repealed.

Pops, you're changing the subject. If you'd like, we can discuss slavery later. But currently we're discussing the dietary law.

I dare you to find a single verse in the Bible that says (however explicitly) that the dietary law has been repealed/is no more/is abolished.

No, not fulfilled, not made invalid. REPEALED.

You can't. It doesn't exist.

Jesus fulfilled the old law.

It makes no difference about special diets, circumcision, special days, various external washings, and animal sacrifices.


Eclectic Theosophist
One Universal Science.......

One Universal Science.......

Freelight's light is to try to mix the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons.

He/she takes from all kinds of beliefs and even pagan.

God is light.

I'm a light rebel, so am usually fighting ignorance and what I perceive to be untruths with my lightsaber :)

Freelight puts darkness spots in the Holy Bible when he/she says that it is full of error and additions that are not supposed to be.

Remember, God is light. - all else are refracted shadows and varied distorted reflections of that original light. Creation is the interplay of God's light in space and time, in both mind and matter.

A basic understanding of metaphysics, science and philosophy is essential in our study of religion. This application is even more fundamental when addressing the subject at hand.


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Take your own advice. YOU saying it does NOT make it so. hahahaha
I've already shown you, using your own post with the verses, that they do not say that the dietary law was abolished. Would you like to post them again so I can show you again that they do not say it was abolished?

You can't change scripture to say what you want it to say, GT. Either it says the d. law was abolished, or it doesn't.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pure and simple. Any "Religion" that uses another book other than the Bible for it text is a cult.

Christianity is but one religious cult among others. If you're using the word 'cult' in a biased or bigoted manner, your use is arbitrary....since I refer to the term in its nuetral, universal and generic sense.

I've also also provided ample support and reasons to invalidate your claim or belief that God is limited to any one book or cult.

God's Truth

New member

The dietary law WASN'T REPEALED. GT says it was repealed in the verses she provided. Yet not a single verse that she provided says the dietary law was repealed.

My point is that GT IS WRONG by saying that the dietary law was repealed, that she no longer has to keep the dietary law, yet according to her, Jesus says to keep the whole law, but she doesn't keep the dietary law, therefore according to her own doctrine, she's sinning by eating meats that are unclean (as defined by the dietary law).

I never used the word 'repeal'.

And, Jesus told the Jews to do what the Pharisees and teachers of the law said BECAUSE THEY SAT IN MOSES' seat. Moses' seat is GONE. The temple is gone. Jesus said it would be gone.

You sound so confused and strange. Get a grip.

God's Truth

New member
God is light.

I'm a light rebel, so am usually fighting ignorance and what I perceive to be untruths with my lightsaber :)

Remember, God is light. - all else are refracted shadows and varied distorted reflections of that original light. Creation is the interplay of God's light in space and time, in both mind and matter.

A basic understanding of metaphysics, science and philosophy is essential in our study of religion. This application is even more fundamental when addressing the subject at hand.

You are silly and defiant and rebellious to Gods Truth.