Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member

Today is Shlishli, 11-7.

Are you talking about when someone is dirty or unclean? There are different kinds of uncleanness. A person may be unclean from a seminal emission. A person may be unclean due to leprosy. These are obviously different.

I do not understand your question from what I have read of Scripture. If you are dirty all you need to do is wash and you will be clean or you will be made clean.



You are not speaking truth. A person had to do various external washings AND bring an animal to sacrifice.


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I have told you before that I do not want you to discuss with me.

Step aside because you do not answer questions and you only want to put me down.


Not nice.

I have a feeling she thinks she's nicer than God.

Then you deny the many scriptures that tell us about clean and unclean.

Clean and unclean according to what? THE LAW!!!

Outside of the Law, there is neither clean nor unclean.

The Law is what makes something unclean or clean. Without it, there's no difference.

GT, Where did Jesus, Paul, or any Apostle or leader of the House of God REPEAL the dietary laws?

God's Truth

New member
To be clear; I do not care about gender when it comes to one's faith; but I don't take being lied to or about lightly at all, and do care about the truth.

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You are showing yourself to be a contentious person. I have not told my gender on this site. As I have already told you, it is known here by those who have been here longer than you that I don't disclose my gender. When one is saved it does not matter about gender. Maybe you are a man that would be ashamed of being called a woman on a debate site, but I am going to prove my point no matter how you feel now. I also like it that I am condemned to Hell by many here, and yet, they don't even know my gender. I have told you nothing in private. It is from your imagination. You are obsessed with this and thinking you can call me a liar and expose me of something I did not do, and if I did, even worse from you to betray a confidence.


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Maybe we are worried about a person who shows so much hate?

Maybe we want to debate here without your constant verbal abuse.


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She is a woman.
So if you believe she is some how lesser than you, then do not discuss things with her. Put her on ignore that you won't continue to make the same mistake.

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Sounds like another law to me...

God's Truth

New member

I have a feeling she thinks she's nicer than God.

Clean and unclean according to what? THE LAW!!!

Outside of the Law, there is neither clean nor unclean.

The Law is what makes something unclean or clean. Without it, there's no difference.

GT, Where did Jesus, Paul, or any Apostle or leader of the House of God REPEAL the dietary laws?

You don't seem to be able to grasp that I was speaking of the OLD LAW.

You are so bent on contention that you cannot see straight.

As for the dietary law repealed, Jesus fulfilled it. I have explained it to you many times.


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You are not honest, because I have not told you my gender. If I did tell you, but I didn't, I would tell you not to disclose it. Everyone here knows I don't speak of my gender because I am falsely condemned to Hell by people who do not even know if I am a man or a woman, and I like it like that.


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No, I would not correct you because I don't want you to know either way.

Stop yourself.
I thought you said it wasn't important.

Clearly, it's important enough for you to not want anyone to know that you're a woman.

God's Truth

New member
As for the Qur'an, notice that popsthebuilder doesn't answer all posts made to him about it.

If a sinner who is a drunk and adulterer told me something that helped lead me to being saved, does that mean I would have to now honor that man as a righteous man? No. Just like pops doesn't have to manipulate the Qur'an to say certain things it does not, just because he felt compelled to read the Holy Bible after reading the Qur'an.
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You don't seem to be able to grasp that I was speaking of the OLD LAW.

You are so bent on contention that you cannot see straight.

As for the dietary law repealed, Jesus fulfilled it. I have explained it to you many times.

Fulfilled != repealed

Show me in scripture where anyone repealed the dietary law.


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He did so first. He called me one first. Now stop derailing this thread. Anyone who accuses me of being a liar is a liar.
Are you now saying that you don't ever lie?

Liar liar
Pants on fire
Hanging from a telephone wire