Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Hall of Fame
You should pay attention to the order of those 'snippets'.

They didn't interest me. It's lazy thinking, like bumper sticker philosophy. I don't engage it.

It is not lazy thinking, it's brilliant thinking.

It's simplistic propaganda playing to a fearful and/or hostile audience. It doesn't take much to do that.

One sure sign of an irrational objection where people are concerned is an inability to credit the object of its hostility with a rationally undeniable human variance. It insists, instead, that "all Jews are driven by a love of money" or "all women are devious". The only good thing about it is that everyone not caught in the throes of the bigoted notion can't help but note the perspective and skew.



It's simplistic propaganda playing to a fearful and/or hostile audience. It doesn't take much to do that.

Sounds a whole lot like feminism :rolleyes:

Propaganda takes center stage, your nightmare never existed- they were then what they are now, the majority of women found it to be nonsense. You'll find this with many things in history, even with the American Revolution where only a third of society barely supported it. Nevertheless, how many today are spouting mindless patriotism with a much tampered revision of history?

People like to make exaggerated accounts of the past for their own interest, and feminism not only falls into that, it is an extreme example thereof.
Feminism is not a cause, it is a redundancy and a problem for men as it is, by its very name, an exclusion of men.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Sounds a whole lot like feminism.
It really doesn't, though any cause or context can make use of it.

Propaganda takes center stage, your nightmare never existed- they were then what they are now, the majority of women found it to be nonsense.
Polled them, did you? :rolleyes: I'm sure a not insignificant number of women supported the cultural inculcation that the vote was a masculine privilege, just as I'm certain that most Americans were racist for a good bit of our nation's history. And?

You'll find this with many things in history, even with the American Revolution where only a third of society barely supported it.

Nevertheless, how many today are spouting mindless patriotism with a much tampered revision of history?
All sorts of people with a distorted or insufficient understanding of history (and those without it) think and say all sorts of things. And?

People like to make exaggerated accounts of the past for their own interest, and feminism not only falls into that, it is an extreme example thereof.
Complete nonsense, which is why, again, you'll write it but never support it factually.

Feminism is not a cause,
It's a movement, a context, voting rights was a cause.

it is a redundancy and a problem for men as it is, by its very name, an exclusion of men.
Rather, it is in the foundation an inclusion of women in right. Past that point the tent widens, as does any.


Polled them, did you?

No, they did. A whopping 10% of women :rolleyes:

It's a context, voting rights was a cause.

It was a cause to deliberately one up their husbands. In a world of common sense, only one vote per household is needed.

And then, there's things that are just outright retarded, like feminists concerned about a lack of females in high places- the women vote, and they vote for men.
But I can pretty much guarantee that you nor any other male feminist ever saw that- it's a testimony to you all's blindfold- the fact that female feminists are either too dumb or deceitful enough to even had made that an issue speaks for itself.


Hall of Fame
It was a cause to deliberately one up their husbands. In a world of common sense, only one vote per household is needed.

I support husband's giving up their *right* to vote 100% percent.

However, in the real world, that will never happen ... just as women will never again be disallowed to vote ... or be excluded from all those pesky perks that use to be "men only". :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No, they did. A whopping 10% of women :rolleyes:
Cite to data? I think you're quoting the scientifically unsupported declarations of the then NAOW. That said, I love the way you stepped over the answer attempting to use cultural inculcation to brace your position. Again, for a large part of the nation's history many more people than not were racist. So that means racism is a good idea or defensible? Of course not. Even if you convinced most blacks of the time that they were property.

It was a cause to deliberately one up their husbands.
Declarations like this are equal parts silly and boring. Make an actual argument, subject to the scrutiny of reason, and sustained by demonstrable fact or you're just finding new ways to drop your gender version of the racist's n-bomb.

In a world of common sense, only one vote per household is needed.
In a world of racist misogynists only a white man's vote is needed, to satisfy a bigoted white male.

And then, there's things that are just outright retarded
Now you're starting to really look mature and considered. By all means, continue.

, like feminists concerned about a lack of females in high places
Again, feminists aren't a one mind fits all group, unlike you and yours, apparently. Maybe that's what gives you fits. You just can't fathom individualism in a meaningful context. It offends your approach and context, simple and singular as it is, established in desire and in opposition to fact or reason.

- the women vote, and they vote for men.
Women vote for men and women. Again, that probably confounds you, but many people vote that way, which is why we've had women in nearly any elected office you can think of, from judge to congressman.

But I can pretty much guarantee that you nor any other male feminist ever saw that-
I believe that everyone, male and female, is entitled to equality at law and in opportunity. How you characterize that is of no particular moment...just how young are you anyway?

it's a testimony to you all's blindfold
That's sloppy in literally every imaginable way. Remarkable.

- the fact that female feminists are either too dumb or deceitful enough to even had made that an issue speaks for itself.
Insulting nonsense aside, you prove, again, that not only isn't ignorance bliss (women have noted cultural bias within their own ranks before) it's often the stuff of malice.


I support husband's giving up their *right* to vote 100% percent.

However, in the real world, that will never happen ... just as women will never again be disallowed to vote ... or be excluded from all those pesky perks that use to be "men only". :)

Venerating a right which really only exists to give women an illusion of equality is a silly thing- it's like those car seats with a steering wheel :chuckle:

Make no mistake, that's how men saw you all's rights then, and that's what your rights serve you now- these things do not suffice, and that is why feminism continues. It is all about besetting men and obtaining their places in society simply because one is a woman.

'Equality' in law is forced- it is not egalitarian, or fair. It is flat out forced integration. The very fact that women are proud of this, and venerate it as if they, themselves, have accomplished so much...
I don't even need to say anything :rolleyes:

A man is a moron for vouching that nonsense. Not a man at all, really, if women's privilege trumps their value of a fair, working society.


Cool story ... your insignificant, little opinion has been duly noted. :)

Well that's what all opinions of men are to feminists :chuckle:




Nah, men are respected

Feminized men. You have shown that you only like men who support your bias, which always puts women at the advantage- with excuses and indifference wherever it's ugly face is clearly shown.

grudge-holding males who refuse to grow up are not.

So says the woman thanking every post of any subject whatsoever she passes on this site which goes against me. It's become part of your routine, because you're a female. I would say 'who never grew up', but that would be redundant- that's why feminism is almost exactly commensurate to ethics with children :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
Feminized men.

Translation: Males who do not prioritize their fists and temper, ego, selfish whims above all else.

Men consider the needs of those they love. Whereas males who never grow up will continue to whine when they are not respected solely on their gender rather than their character.


Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

Feminized men. You have shown that you only like men who support your bias, which always puts women at the advantage- with excuses and indifference wherever it's ugly face is clearly shown.

So says the woman thanking every post of any subject whatsoever she passes on this site which goes against me :chuckle:


I answered yes as yes and no as no.

I found common ground here, but to worry about this past the idea that rape is bad of any kind, and radical feminism is bad, will only incite a cyclic argument that has been rehearsed.

The origin of feminism was sufferage. As in Suffragettes.

However some flavors of feminism seek to undermine gender roles, and in this, there is no argument. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Now what happens from there is subject to free will, but the scientific concrete has dried long ago.

There are biological facts that cannot be bent.

Men are indeed different than women and their roles differ because of this.

This topic is sad to exist because a follower of our servant King must have suggested it was ok to rape maritally.

But more likely, it was a Muslim or religious extremist who doesn't understand Christ's commission to love and respect whenever possible, and most improbable.

This topic is typically brought up because a women has experienced terrible things, or has been close to a women that has experienced terrible things.

In that light it is good.

If however it had been brought up to demonize men, a form of sexism, then it would have been bad.

In this light, it seems the author of this thread was concerned about the simple evil of rape.

To fully lock horns with any idea that a man is not a man and a woman is not a woman would be futile.

Also, to believe any good can come from arguing the case against feminism is futile.

Every person knows their own heart, and you will know well the heart by the hearts willingness to respect or disrespect opinion.

Um.... Hidden message in this post.


Well that's what all opinions of men are to feminists :chuckle:



Also.... Picture...

Extreme feminism does seek to tip scales in an unequal fashion.

Inequality is and forever will be bad.

Though scripture calls women to be subject to men, it turns around and makes men subject to to women, and goes further to screw men over with the burden of responsibility.

Just kidding about the screwed over thing.

Biblically, leadership in home is the mans, but as Christ demonstrated in washing His disciples feet, leadership void of servitude and equality is corrupt.

Women's rights are good in that they note issues external to the house. Any man that beliefs it good to Rule his house is a tyrant, and thus in opposition to Christ.

Of course women lead as well. Mutual leadership is the ultimate call.

All surrendering to the leadership of Love.


Hall of Fame
I found common ground here, but to worry about this past the idea that rape is bad of any kind, and radical feminism is bad, will only incite a cyclic argument that has been rehearsed.

The origin of feminism was sufferage. As in Suffragettes.

However some flavors of feminism seek to undermine gender roles, and in this, there is no argument. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Now what happens from there is subject to free will, but the scientific concrete has dried long ago.

There are biological facts that cannot be bent.

Men are indeed different than women and their roles differ because of this.

This topic is sad to exist because a follower of our servant King must have suggested it was ok to rape maritally.

But more likely, it was a Muslim or religious extremist who doesn't understand Christ's commission to love and respect whenever possible, and most improbable.

This topic is typically brought up because a women has experienced terrible things, or has been close to a women that has experienced terrible things.

In that light it is good.

If however it had been brought up to demonize men, a form of sexism, then it would have been bad.

In this light, it seems the author of this thread was concerned about the simple evil of rape.

To fully lock horns with any idea that a man is not a man and a woman is not a woman would be futile.

Also, to believe any good can come from arguing the case against feminism is futile.

Every person knows their own heart, and you will know well the heart by the hearts willingness to respect or disrespect opinion.

Um.... Hidden message in this post.

:thumb: Great post. Sexism under the guise of feminism is no better than pretending patriarchy isn't about misogyny.

IF mutual respect was involved (between the genders) feminism would be non-existent.


Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

:thumb: Great post. Sexism under the guise of feminism is no better than pretending patriarchy isn't about misogyny.

IF mutual respect was involved (between the genders) feminism would be non-existent.

I cannot say anything to this. Well spoken.

Ok.. Well one thing.. Patriarchy in light of loving leadership that bears mutual respect/equality is good. But mainly, Patriarcy of the bible exists to prophesy the arrival of the servant King.

After all, according to Jesus, we Humanity are co heirs with Jesus. GOD.

This is out of leadership that died for its bride.

That is a groom worth respecting as a leader, and no groom of this age has demonstrated such love to his bride.

And those that did are merely a shining example of the Love that Jesus aches for humanity to understand.

More specifically the head of the bride/church/humanity...



Also.... Picture...

Extreme feminism does seek to tip scales in an unequal fashion.

I don't see one single feminist apologizing on their behalf, they simply say as you say. At heart, it is nothing more than subtle misandry. It doesn't matter what 'type' of feminism is- in fact, there never was a centralized feminism wven as far as the so called suffragettes. It's always been an estranging, scattered wave of ridiculousness.


Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

I don't see one single feminist apologizing on their behalf, they simply say as you say. At heart, it is nothing more than subtle misandry. It doesn't matter what 'type' of feminism is- in fact, there never was a centralized feminism wven as far as the so called suffragettes. It's always been an estranging, scattered wave of ridiculousness.

I would agree fully, but note Christianity has much Malice that flows outside its walls to people judged by how they sin and how they deny God.

I see apology in some, but many are hardened of heart.

I agree and disagree.

As feminism is an institution of Humanity, and so is The church... Though equally divided...

I am not denying that the church is led by God, but many are misrepresenting Him.

Thank God we serve the Groom of Grooms that releases us from all of humanities madness.
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