Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The fundamental meaning of 'rape' means 'to seize'.
Rape is sex without consent.

Now, let's say a wife comes home, and she does not want to have sex but the husband forcibly insists. Would that be rape by the technical sense?
No, it would be rape in every sense.

Yes. But is it rape in the sense of her being assaulted?
You still don't understand the definition of assault either. You mean battery, which would also not be a necessary part of what constitutes a rape, though many rapes do involve both assault and battery.

No- it is an inconvenience wrought on by her husband.
:plain: That statement alone, the sheer magnitude of its ignorance should qualify you for Congress.

This is something that has always been considered the case through history. It was not until about forty years ago that there was even a notion of 'marital rape'.
Guess how long it took the human race to figure out that slavery was a bad idea.

Many women embrace an appearance of victimization, because it has gotten to a point where it is a prospect for them. So long as you refuse to acknowledge it, and consistently warp everything to make it about men and not them, that insanity will continue to evolve.
Yeah, here's the can't call rape an inconvenience and then expect to be treated much differently from, say, Trad discussing race.

And for exactly the same reason.

Eagles Wings

New member
Putting all doctrine and theology aside, I would seriously doubt the true conversion of a man who believes he can justify raping his wife.

As one who is in a covenant marriage, the sacrificial promise to love and cherish must be at the forefront on a daily basis, and oftentimes from hour to hour. The physical union is important and yet is just one part of the total mutual self-giving one realizes in marriage.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Putting all doctrine and theology aside, I would seriously doubt the true conversion of a man who believes he can justify raping his wife.

As one who is in a covenant marriage, the sacrificial promise to love and cherish must be at the forefront on a daily basis, and oftentimes from hour to hour. The physical union is important and yet is just one part of the total mutual self-giving one realizes in marriage.


there is no marital rape in a Christian marriage


Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

Rape is sex without consent.

No, it would be rape in every sense.

You still don't understand the definition of assault either. You mean battery, which would also not be a necessary part of what constitutes a rape, though many rapes do involve both assault and battery.

:plain: That statement alone, the sheer magnitude of its ignorance should qualify you for Congress.

Guess how long it took the human race to figure out that slavery was a bad idea.

Yeah, here's the can't call rape an inconvenience and then expect to be treated much differently from, say, Trad discussing race.

And for exactly the same reason.

Town Heretic,

I think Crucible is delicately arguing that it's not rape if you yell "surprise"!


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, among other things, I wrote: you can't call rape an inconvenience...
Boy, you really showed me with that one...really showed everyone, I'd think. :)

rape is an inconvenience
Like death, taxes or the lion's share of your posts then.

Well there's something to be said for grotesque understatement. And that certainly said it. :plain:

quit whining about it, get over it and get on with your life
Were you still talking to me or did you pass a mirror and have an epiphany? :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Like death...

not like death - death is permanent

rape, on the other hand, is a momentary instance of trauma that the victim can choose to internalize, dwell on and make a permanent scar on their psyche, and continually pick at

or, the victim can choose to quit whining about it, get over it and get on with their life

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
not like death - death is permanent
Not really getting it then, are you.

rape, on the other hand, is a momentary instance of trauma that the victim can choose to internalize, dwell on and make a permanent scar on their psyche, and continually pick at
Rather, rape is usually a deeply scaring event, a trauma that may take years to recover from. Many never fully do.

Your description of rape as an inconvenience was trivializing something that shouldn't be..a common enough staple with you.

or, the victim can choose to quit whining about it, get over it and get on with their life
And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes another episode of "Ask a Sociopath". Keep those cards and letters coming and Sod will respond as quickly as is inhumanly possible. :thumb:


You still don't understand the definition of assault either. You mean battery, which would also not be a necessary part of what constitutes a rape, though many rapes do involve both assault and battery.

Well, I got this here assault rifle, which only shoots loud noises :rolleyes:

Your legalistic nonsense has been noted from the first time you ever spoke them.

If I throw a paper ball at you, that is technically against the law. I get it- the law is a big giant joke, you don't have to keep repeating it.

:plain: That statement alone, the sheer magnitude of its ignorance should qualify you for Congress.

The only reason you get away with calling it 'ignorance' is not because it is ignorance, but because I'm one person in a mass of ignorant people on your side.

Prove that it's ignorance- you all's bald consensus does not suffice :plain:

Guess how long it took the human race to figure out that slavery was a bad idea.

As soon as we figured industrialization was neater.

Yeah, here's the can't call rape an inconvenience and then expect to be treated much differently from, say, Trad discussing race.

Cool story.

That's the case in a room full of liberal women, which those like yourself betray yourself in :wave2:


Oh, sarcasm. Alright ...

I am glad to know that you don't have the same sick, twisted mindset of a few ... well, they know who they are.

You all are desperate, is all. That's why you few can't really make a coherent, rational argument- instead it's semantics, legality, repetitive insults and back patting.

And trying to get under my skin, as you deliberately have attempted numerous times, doesn't work so you either have to simply go away or go back to the same nonsense.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Your legalistic nonsense has been noted from the first time you ever spoke them.
Like a kid telling his mathematics professor, "That numerical nonsense you're spouting won't change my opinion that 1+1= 15."

If I throw a paper ball at you, that is technically against the law.
See, even with your convoluted lack of understanding you realize there's a distinction made between the letter and spirit of the law. Doesn't impact any of the hypothetical situations taken under consideration so far, so it's a straw man approach, but better than most of what you've said relating to the point.

I get it- the law is a big giant joke
That's one way to respond to something you don't understand. A foolish way, but one of them.

The only reason you get away with calling it 'ignorance'
Is because every time you stray from bald declaration into an attempt to utilize fact you demonstrably miss the mark, as with assault and battery. By way of example:

As soon as we figured industrialization was neater.
Missing the point of my rebuttal while mistaking the end of slavery came because the industrial revolution had rendered it obsolete. Rather, the South was striving to expand the practice into new territories. That's the principle reason for the Civil War.

So you don't understand history either. Why isn't that surprising? I mean given how eager you are to repeat some of it.

Prove that it's ignorance- you all's bald consensus does not suffice
I've repeatedly demonstrated your ignorance of the law. As for your larger attitude relating to women, here's another legal term that you won't likely understand: prima facie. When someone says that rape is inconvenient, the case for the ignorance of the person uttering it is established within the utterance itself, the failure of the one stating to understand the proper usage.

That's the case in a room full of liberal women, which those like yourself betray yourself in
I'm trying to decide if that's worse as a grammatical statement or an argument. :think: But why choose?
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