Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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like marbles on glass
Yeah, where men aren't even safe in their own marriage.

Their wife can cry rape, or take everything away from them in a flash. All she has to do is have sex with him and run into door, and there goes his life :rolleyes:

The odds don't look good when domestic courts are virtually inquisitions- guilty until proven innocent.

Interesting. Now it's her running into a door, not him shoving the door into her. Makes his version of "all she has to do is have sex with him" look pretty questionable.


Hall of Fame
Thanks for making my point..

:chuckle: You didn't make a *point*. Not currently or over the last several years have you ever made a valid point.

Admittedly, I have no sympathy for anyone who participates or promotes violence and will continually celebrate when they end up on the losing end of the battle ... which they alone are responsible for creating.


Rusha's logic

Murder- life in prison
Rape- death

Man punches man- minimal sentence, life goes on
Man punches woman- seize house, children, jail, and debt

But.. no enmity against men, right?

For someone so against violence, she sure doesn't seem to mind things that are equally as bad.


Rusha falls back on 'da law' only when it serves her interests.

Thank God for 'progression' right, Rusha?
Murderers don't get the death penalty in most of the 1st World anymore.

Interestingly, in the old world you hate so much, because ~patriarchy~, rapists were put to death.
Isn't that something.


Hall of Fame
Rusha falls back on 'da law.

Works ... and serves all decent people who are not guided by their own self-interest ...

The laws we are speaking of are only protested by those who either rationalize violence or are violent themselves.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Interesting. Now it's her running into a door, not him shoving the door into her. Makes his version of "all she has to do is have sex with him" look pretty questionable.
Peculiar. It's as though he suddenly realized how important it was that he shifted his narrative of long standing. :plain:

But this one isn't much better. All sorts of problems with it. Self inflicted injury tends to look different. If it isn't real there's unlikely to be a history and a person capable of that will leave another sort of trail for an investigator to follow. Not impossible, but very difficult to manage.

The simpler and actual rule is that women (and some men) who get restraining orders relating to domestic violence are precisely what they present as, victims in need of help.


Works ... and serves all decent people who are not guided by their own self-interest ...

Laws against domestic battery are only protested by those who either rationalize violence or are violent themselves.



You had to straight up cut out the rest of the post in order to assert that little bit of nonsense you just spouted.


Hall of Fame
Works ... and serves all decent people who are not guided by their own self-interest ...

The laws we are speaking of are only protested by those who either rationalize violence or are violent themselves.


Well, I don't consider the current laws that protect others from unruly animals as being funny but they do give me a sense of satisfaction.


It's a progression into madness how society is going about these matters.

The evidence?
Well, let's look at the next wave:




like marbles on glass
Peculiar. It's as though he suddenly realized how important it was that he shifted his narrative of long standing. :plain:

But this one isn't much better. All sorts of problems with it. Self inflicted injury tends to look different. If it isn't real there's unlikely to be a history and a person capable of that will leave another sort of trail for an investigator to follow. Not impossible, but very difficult to manage.

The simpler and actual rule is that women (and some men) who get restraining orders relating to domestic violence are precisely what they present as, victims in need of help.

What's disturbing is that the narrative now has a sexual element (defined by him) that wasn't there before.


Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

So, genuineoriginal, if you held your wife down and forced yourself on her, you believe you would not be raping her.

YES or NO?

Any other 'Christian' men agree with genuineoriginal and Crucible?

Not only No! But Hell no. Marital rape is horrible!!!!

Um... Granted there are some women that might have a humorous comment about this and there personal preferences, but that would would denote a different concept anyhow and nullify the question.

The only thing worse than marital rape these days is modern Feminism. Or the let's emasculate men movement.

Just saying.


Thank you for that.

The two are aren't even comparable, one is a crime and one isn't. And I don't see why feminism has to emasculate men. How does that happen?

If you don't try to emasculate men, but only seek equal rights, respect and believe in universal Respect....

You don't have to even worry about the meaning.

There is a form of liberal feminism that seeks to demonize men and remove their nature of being a protector.


like marbles on glass
If you don't try to emasculate men, but only seek equal rights, respect and believe in universal Respect....

You don't have to even worry about the meaning.

That's where I am, and where most women are who have feminist ideals.

There is a form of liberal feminism that seeks to demonize men and remove their nature of being a protector.

I wouldn't call that liberal feminism, maybe radical feminism, but yes. There are some women out there who are in that camp, but I think they're on the margins.

Feminism has a lot of different levels, and then influences which bear on those levels. To radical or liberal or socialist feminism you can add influences from generation, culture, religion (or not),sexual orientation, political ideology, etc. And then there's first wave, second wave, third wave. Ultimately, these can be distilled down to equal rights under the law and equal respect in human society. Most of the advances in equality have only come in the last century, some in only the last two generations, and unfortunately there are still men who believe women shouldn't have even the most basic of civil rights (the right to vote) or an equal say in marriage. Or, as you can see in this thread, to see marital rape as the crime that it is.


Hall of Fame
The only thing worse than marital rape these days is modern Feminism. Or the let's emasculate men movement..

The two are aren't even comparable, one is a crime and one isn't. And I don't see why feminism has to emasculate men. How does that happen?

Of course they are not comparable ... and emasculation is in the eye of the beholder and has nothing to do with feminism. The only reason a man would feel emasculated would have to do with a desire to control others who are unwilling to be controlled.
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