America is great because we have figured out how to live successfully without a king/monarchy; long-term. Our government, a constitutional federalist republic, turn's out to be the 1 very best way to do it, all thing's considered.
(You may prefer the parliamentary model, and thats fine, but the American founder's did not, and I don't have any reason at this point to think that we should discount America for not being more European: Europe hasn't undisputedly shown themselve's to be the cats meow, and until they do, I'll stick with the American model.

Whatever socialist advance's that Europe make's, while America isn't 1st to the party, we do watch and learn as Europe play's the part of lab rat, on themselve's. We adopt what work's and ignore the rest.
We are very, very careful, when it come's to changing our law's, especially the law's in the Constitution itself. The bar is very high when changing the highest law in the land, requiring a super-majority in Congress.
Every societies' greatness depend's upon Jesus. When the Church is organized and healthy and vibrant, that society flourish's. What we need right now is evangelism or evangelization. We need catechesis. We (the Church) must understand our shared faith better than we do now.
Our Lord want's whats best for us, including those of us who do not believe in Him (yet).
And what our Lord tell's us, in the temporal, secular, civil realm, is 1 very clear thing: Honor and protect the freedom of religion. And that is what our constitutional federalist republic is ultimately based upon, its founding document is founded upon it, and the reason the 1st European's left Europe for America was, in large part, because of the freedom of religion.