Interview a Member Thread


Not a problem. That's not my sort of criticism. And I only picked at you about it once you and TomO had what seemed to me a good natured back and forth about it. That is, you appear to have a decent sense of humor where that's concerned.

I'll edit the thing out of my response as well. :e4e:

thank you:)


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I find it interesting how so many say that it is better to be loved than respected. Since it's ten quick questions and we can't really explain why I thought I'd post the question here.

Why is it better to be loved than respected?

From what I've seen in my life, one can be hated by people yet still respected. I would rather have someone love me and respect me. :)

Cancer seems to the main answer to which disease to cure. Has cancer, in some way, touched everyone's life here?

I know it has mine, but liver disease is more common in my family so that is why I went different than cancer.

I've had one aunt die of throat cancer and my mom's husband died of mesothelioma. I've had several other aunts and uncles battle with cancer. But, most of them died of something else.

Diabetes is a tough one for me. My best friend was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after being bitten by a spider. The night she went to the hospital, her blood sugar was over 400 (normal is 80 to 125). They said that if they hadn't been able to lower her blood sugar she would have died. The doctors also told her kids that if I hadn't ignored her and called the ambulance (She kept telling me not to do it.), she would have died that night or the next morning. I'm glad I didn't listen to her.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
My best friend was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after being bitten by a spider. The night she went to the hospital, her blood sugar was over 400 (normal is 80 to 125). They said that if they hadn't been able to lower her blood sugar she would have died. The doctors also told her kids that if I hadn't ignored her and called the ambulance (She kept telling me not to do it.), she would have died that night or the next morning. I'm glad I didn't listen to her.
Man! That must have been one sweet spider!


like marbles on glass
I find it interesting how so many say that it is better to be loved than respected. Since it's ten quick questions and we can't really explain why I thought I'd post the question here.

Why is it better to be loved than respected?

Respect can be gained and lost even as love remains constant. I could love someone, lose respect or gain respect for him or her, and still love. Conversely, if I did something which caused someone who loves me to lose respect for me, it would be a comfort to know I was still loved. God is love. And love covers a multitude of sins. :)


TOL Subscriber
I didn't receive the Ten Questions to answer earlier, so I will answer this one now . . .

I would want to receive both.

Love without respect, is not love.

Respect without love, is only o.k.

But respect with love would be the best!



Well-known member
Temp Banned
I don't know if the spider bite caused the diabetes or not. She just wasn't diagnosed until after she got bitten.
My guess is she probably was in trouble with the diabetes before the spider bite, but I count resist. :p

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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I find it interesting how so many say that it is better to be loved than respected. Since it's ten quick questions and we can't really explain why I thought I'd post the question here.

Why is it better to be loved than respected?
"Better" implied to me, when so asked in the interview process, as related to my own condition. In other words, which is better for me, love or respect.

Hence, I would prefer to be loved than respected given the investment another must make to love me versus respect me. I also find less evidence in life of begrudging love, but plenty of begrudging respect. ;)



New member
"Better" implied to me, when so asked in the interview process, as related to my own condition. In other words, which is better for me, love or respect.

Hence, I would prefer to be loved than respected given the investment another must make to love me versus respect me. I also find less evidence in life of begrudging love, but plenty of begrudging respect. ;)


Wonderful response! Love means involvement I with Thou.
Respect can stand alongside and may or may not imply involvement.


New member
sorry, English is not my first language. I speak broken English.

Well, I'm a crazy hillbilly who speaks ummm, hillbilly. That puts us on fairly equal grounds sir.

As a note and update to the thread

I believe we still have a few interviews out. I don't want to be a pest or put any folks on the spot so this will probably be the last time I mention that they have an interview pending. This is just to remind them in case they forgot.

Lon (this one is more my fault, I have a conflicting schedule it would appear to what he wants to do)

And as always, I am rather scatterbrain, so if I haven't sent you an interview and I was supposed to, let me know. If you haven't got a ten quick questions, let me know and I'll get it to you. If you want an interview, don't be shy, just ask :) .

I hope that some more people become interested and I hope that we continue to discuss things in here, keeping the thread bumped so new people can request and so the archive doesnt get forgotten. :e4e:


New member
Diabetes is a tough one for me. My best friend was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes after being bitten by a spider. The night she went to the hospital, her blood sugar was over 400 (normal is 80 to 125). They said that if they hadn't been able to lower her blood sugar she would have died. The doctors also told her kids that if I hadn't ignored her and called the ambulance (She kept telling me not to do it.), she would have died that night or the next morning. I'm glad I didn't listen to her.

Yea, that is really high..... Mine is usually about 65 :noid: . So what kind of spider was it? Shew, spiders give me the creeps.

Did you just have some kind of feeling you needed to call the ambulance?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
MrRadish's interview is on the board. :shocked:

Interviews published HERE (link).

Coming up for Super Bowl Sunday: Mary Contrary.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
If MrRadish represents the youth of this world, or even a small part of them, I have new reason to hope for humanity. What an amazingly intelligent, insightful, open, articulate, honest, and creative mind, for one so young.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Yea, that is really high..... Mine is usually about 65 :noid: . So what kind of spider was it? Shew, spiders give me the creeps.

Did you just have some kind of feeling you needed to call the ambulance?

She had been having trouble walking for a couple of weeks (Yes. The spider bit her on the foot.). I had been trying to talk her into going to the doctor. But, she wouldn't go. The night I called 911, she was pretty much delirious. She didn't know where she was, she was talking to people who weren't there, etc... And, she was only 50. So, it wasn't alzheimers or senility. And, she doesn't drink or do drugs. She cussed out the EMTs because they wouldn't let her have her bottle of water in the ambulance. That's not my friend, at all. That weekend, not only did she end up being diagnosed as diabetic, but she had her foot amputated. Basically, she got gangrene from the spider bite/diabetes. As to what kind of spider it was, we don't know. But, we assume that, because of the way her flesh "died", it was a recluse.

She's okay, now. She's got her own apartment in a senior/disabled complex. If anything happens to her, there is a nursing home attached to the complex. She's got me listed as her "daughter." So, the hospital will call me if something happens (Her kids wont. They've been jealous of our relationship since we met when I was 21.).

Occasionally, we get feelings about each other when something is wrong. And, the way we've always met, accidentally, whenever we've not seen each other in a long time borders on creepy. My daughter calls her grandma and her youngest son calls me his big sister. I call her mom. :)


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My guess is she probably was in trouble with the diabetes before the spider bite, but I count resist. :p

Well, when Penny and I first met (I was 21.), she weighed well over two hundred pounds. And, she stayed that way for many years after we met. About a year before we moved from California to Indiana, she started dropping weight drastically. She went down to under 125 in less than six months. She doesn't know why because she wasn't on any medication and didn't change her eating habits. I know that, in the five or six years between us leaving California and when she was diagnosed with diabetes, she couldn't gain weight no matter what she tried. She was unhealthily skinny. And, no matter what, she refused to go see a doctor. She was afraid that she had cancer with the weight loss.

On top of the diabetes, in the last year, she's been diagnosed with MS. That's causing her to slip very quickly. She can no longer walk. Even in her small apartment, she has to be in a wheel chair. Luckily, it's a disabled unit (counters and stove are lower, doorways are wider). So, she's not had to give up taking care of herself. Medicare supplies her with a traveling nurse and a house keeper who comes in every other day. She doesn't drive. So, the house keeper does her shopping for her.


Well-known member
Heads up to MaryContrary about a dogs bark being worse than his bite . If a dog is barking, his tail is wagging, or the hairs on his spine have not shifted position then it is not in an aggressive behavior pattern. There are three prominent cues to recognise an aggressive behavior pattern. Barking/growling, tail not wagging, and hair on spine standing up or in a different position than normal. If all three of those are not the case then the dog is just testing you to see if you will flee or not.


New member
Hall of Fame
Heads up to MaryContrary about a dogs bark being worse than his bite . If a dog is barking, his tail is wagging, or the hairs on his spine have not shifted position then it is not in an aggressive behavior pattern. There are three prominent cues to recognise an aggressive behavior pattern. Barking/growling, tail not wagging, and hair on spine standing up or in a different position than normal. If all three of those are not the case then the dog is just testing you to see if you will flee or not.
Still makes me mad. :mad: