Yea, that is really high..... Mine is usually about 65 :noid: . So what kind of spider was it? Shew, spiders give me the creeps.
Did you just have some kind of feeling you needed to call the ambulance?
She had been having trouble walking for a couple of weeks (Yes. The spider bit her on the foot.). I had been trying to talk her into going to the doctor. But, she wouldn't go. The night I called 911, she was pretty much delirious. She didn't know where she was, she was talking to people who weren't there, etc... And, she was only 50. So, it wasn't alzheimers or senility. And, she doesn't drink or do drugs. She cussed out the EMTs because they wouldn't let her have her bottle of water in the ambulance. That's not my friend, at all. That weekend, not only did she end up being diagnosed as diabetic, but she had her foot amputated. Basically, she got gangrene from the spider bite/diabetes. As to what kind of spider it was, we don't know. But, we assume that, because of the way her flesh "died", it was a recluse.
She's okay, now. She's got her own apartment in a senior/disabled complex. If anything happens to her, there is a nursing home attached to the complex. She's got me listed as her "daughter." So, the hospital will call me if something happens (Her kids wont. They've been jealous of our relationship since we met when I was 21.).
Occasionally, we get feelings about each other when something is wrong. And, the way we've always met, accidentally, whenever we've not seen each other in a long time borders on creepy. My daughter calls her grandma and her youngest son calls me his big sister. I call her mom.