New member
I am sorry for butting in but who is interviewing whom?
thank you
Oh you are a funny one, I can't say if either you got that right or not since I never my grammar is an elementary concern
Or did I mean level?
I am sorry for butting in but who is interviewing whom?
thank you
Not to worry, brother.
My post was not implicitly directed to anyone specifically. It happens all the time from what I have seen. I rarely start my own threads, so I do notice it when I personally am the victim, of sorts.
Oh you are a funny one, I can't say if either you got that right or not since I never my grammar is an elementary concernlain: .
Or did I mean level?
Can I have an interview too?
Eventually I don't see why not. For now, you've only been around since December. Let's see if you stick first.
Interviews published HERE (link).
So longer ones first?
sorry, English is not my first language. I speak broken English.
"Shattered" would be a more appropriate adjective.lain:
Especially the grammers...Oh come on. My typing is shattered but not after edited ones. Aftrer edited ones are broken I must admit, with spellings and grammers.
Especially the grammers...lain:
:chuckle: Don't sweat it, meshak. It's what you communicate and not so much how you do that ultimately matters...oh...well...maybe you should work on that grammar then.do you have to rub it in???????????? sheesh.
Well, people who have established themselves, to be certain. You can understand that, I'm sure. We have any number of people who will come here for a short time to "educate" the locals one way or another. Most of them burn out before long. Having a thread filled with interviews of people no one remembers isn't helpful. But having an insight into the regulars around here could be of real assistance for new kids and interesting for the rest of us.
Nothing personal. If you're still here and generating buzz in the longer haul I'd be happy to nudge Quincy for you. :thumb:
She hasn't expressed an interest in the interview. Good suggestion though. And she's certainly in the thick of things, one way or another. :think:Grace has been around for a long time being out spoken. And she is not one of typical mainstreamers.
You really are just meshak with a grammar lesson.
Not a problem. That's not my sort of criticism. And I only picked at you about it once you and TomO had what seemed to me a good natured back and forth about it. That is, you appear to have a decent sense of humor where that's concerned.It was this, but I guess I misunderstood. I apologize, I delete that comment.
Thought I caught everything. I set my name on the question that stepped away from Q's template...I'm thinking of adding it to the Ten Quick title. Q did that in the original and I deleted it, but no sense in anyone pinning that "What kind of tree would you be?" on him. :chuckle:I see I forgot to change the names James and Andrew to Thomas ... You never know where a chink in the armor is.
Thought I caught everything. I set my name on the question that stepped away from Q's template...I'm thinking of adding it to the Ten Quick title. Q did that in the original and I deleted it, but no sense in anyone pinning that "What kind of tree would you be?" on him. :chuckle: