If God created...


Well-known member
Please don't pass that on to Donald Trump, he'll want to compare his own super-duper IQ.

Other than that gc appears a pretty bright guy who is willing to deal with specifics rather than Lon's ponderous meanderings.
:chuckle: Funny you have to mention it. It drips with disdain and irony.


Well-known member
I have been reading his posts. He has never bragged about his education. Many posters here seems competing there education. I know Lon is very proud of his education. He has bragged about it many times.

Thomas just corrected Lon's supposition.
You are wrong that I 'brag' about it. Interesting who is offended by it as well as a 'need' to talk about it. I'm honored. There is no such thing as bad press. John 15:18
BTW, bragging is not a good Christian thing to do.

And I have never seen Thomas bragging his education.
You just don't pay attention, nor do you see his mistakes. You are very much into cheap and veneer assessments. You should learn to judge rightly and be quiet until you know the difference. You are often on the wrong side and against God very God in your discussions because of it...like here in this thread as well. Champion God and quit trying to make another 'Meshak' show simply because of something trivial you don't like about me. This thread isn't about me.


New member
Do you know what 'progeria' means?
I was wondering the same of you.

On TOL perhaps, but no, Christians by and large are decent loving people because Jesus was a decent loving person and taught we are to be the same.
Christians are by and large decent loving people because people are by and large decent and loving. Christianity has no monopoly, and actually, many questions to answer on that topic.

As Stephen Weinberg said, With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.

Loving enemies is a high call.
Is it an ethical one?

Certainly you can rail about 'our' (respectively and including TOL) imperfections, but not our ideals. I really do want to be like the One I'm called by and really try to follow.
There are many on the planet who act on their ideals who you would think despicable. Ideology is not enough, and is almost never helpful in a democracy.

We are a little off the beaten path of the OP, but I think it worth the contemplation and side-way.
Indeed. I tend to go on the title of the thread more than the OP. It's a brilliantly open-ended title.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Light from stars millions of light-years away takes millions of light-years to get here = appearance of age.

The human population at a reasonable doubling rate is about right for a start from eight people 3,500 years ago = appearance of the accuracy of the Biblical account.

The question in OP assumes the truth of the Darwinist agenda. A rational discussion requires respect for both sides of the argument.

You can present evidence for your ideas, but the conversation cannot proceed if you're just going to demand that your assumptions be treated as fact.

Sent from my SM-A520F using TOL mobile app


I have been pay attention to Thomas and he has never bragged as you are indicating.

You have mentioned many times about your high education. It sure is bragging imo.

It seems to me, Thomas is decent Christian.
Is Thomas a Christian, do you know?
BTW, I don't get into the things I don't know.
Come on, you're joking.
I don't know anything about science but Thomas sure qualified to contribute to discussion.
You say some of the silliest things sometimes Meshak. How can you make a determination of someone's qualification in a field that you admit you "don't know anything about?" This is all very confusing! :confused:
What makes you think you are over him?

And I am with God much more than you are.
Is there any positive way to understand what you mean by this statement? It only, and I underline only looks like boasting, so I'm asking, is there a positive way to see this? Am I missing something, or are you just boasting?
You don't honor Jesus much. Remember you started judging my faith. So don't report it as troll as your are so quick to report your enemy posters.
Hi Meshak. :wave:
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Well-known member
Progeria: Aging prematurely :think:
Christians are by and large decent loving people because people are by and large decent and loving. Christianity has no monopoly, and actually, many questions to answer on that topic.
No, not really. Most of us are in communities that have not a lot to do with you.

As Stephen Weinberg said, With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.
I don't care what he says. It isn't true. Religion in the hands of bad people is no different than no religion in their hands. They are going to do what they are going to do. It is people in 'religion's' hand that makes a change and difference. However you want to see your world is how you will see it. Try to wear clear glasses and leave the poor inaccurate quotes at home.

Is it an ethical one?
Would depend on quite a bit of conversation. At face value, that gun looks loaded, however. Are we really creating a world where bringing guns is par and felt necessary? TOL isn't that rough of a place.

There are many on the planet who act on their ideals who you would think despicable. Ideology is not enough, and is almost never helpful in a democracy.
Well, that's why you are there and I'm here. It would appear a wall between what we believe is right and proper.

Indeed. I tend to go on the title of the thread more than the OP. It's a brilliantly open-ended title.

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Well-known member
I have been pay attention to Thomas and he has never bragged as you are indicating.

You have mentioned many times about your high education. It sure is bragging imo.
Nope. Look and see 'what' I mentioned about my education. Was I saying "Look at me! I'm Brilliant!" :nono: I simply said 'according to my education, you are over reaching." etc. IOW, I'm 'qualifying' my observations and supporting them. Learn to read. It is clear you despise me, but I really don't care about that. I simply ignore you most of the time because of it. You really need to learn to love your enemies and do good to them, not this mess you've offered.

It seems to me, Thomas is decent Christian.
I'm pretty sure he is an atheist. You make a LOT of embarrassing mistakes. :(

BTW, I don't get into the things I don't know.
All the time, you know very little.

I don't know anything about science but Thomas sure qualified to contribute to discussion. What makes you think you are over him?
He claims to be a professor. His English is atrocious for one thing.... :think:

And I am with God much more than you are.
Quite a boast. Why is this where your mind went? James tells us to sit at the poor-man's table, there you are taking a seat next to the Lord :Z
You don't honor Jesus much.
Incorrect. I don't honor 'you' much, is what you mean. I know you hate me, but this is a really poor way to show it on TOL. You attack me. I have you on ignore to avoid all your nonsense. You not only aren't using your brain, you aren't nice either. I have no reason to talk to you. You just aren't a nice person, don't know who Christians are on TOL etc. You are an embarrassment.

Remember you started judging my faith.
Show me. Quote me anywhere saying such. Here? :nono: I said you weren't intelligent OR nice.

So don't report it as troll as your are so quick to report your enemy posters.
It IS trolling. It has NOTHING to do with this thread. None of it. You SHOULD be reported for it.


New member
Most of us are in communities that have not a lot to do with you.
Yes, that would be one of the questions I think christianity should answer.

Steven Weinberg: With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.
I don't care what he says. It isn't true. Religion in the hands of bad people is no different than no religion in their hands. They are going to do what they are going to do. It is people in 'religion's' hand that makes a change and difference.
Yes, it's only with religion that otherwise good people shoot abortion clinic doctors or blow up themselves and other people indiscriminately in a busy market or kneecap different kinds of christians or mutilate the genitals of their children of both genders or subject people to torture on behalf of a pope.

These are not all 'evil' people, they are mostly vulnerable, loving, perhaps family people with all the usual human weaknesses. And yet here they are inspired by their devotion to a religious ideology to kill and maim in its name. That is unique, but it also applies in parallel to Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union, where ordinary people were convinced to commit atrocities in the name of an ideology.

Would depend on quite a bit of conversation. At face value, that gun looks loaded, however. Are we really creating a world where bringing guns is par and felt necessary? TOL isn't that rough of a place.
Are there some things you just couldn't bring yourself to discuss in a civil manner?

Well, that's why you are there and I'm here. It would appear a wall between what we believe is right and proper.
Wow, maybe I didn't realise just how right Steven Weinberg is.

That would be to suppose, that is, that you are in his good people category, and I have no particular reason to doubt that, whatever the specific meaning of good is in his mind.



My apology:

I mixed up Thomas with themotheos.

So I will delete my posts concerning Thomas.

I have been reading themotheos thread about non-believers' never-ending torture which I whole heartedly agree.

And I came to defense when his integrity was insulted.

I don't much about Thomas.

I falsely testify about him.



New member
Stuu said:
It depends what you mean by nothing.

Stuu... most of your reply /post 469 is your theology, beliefs and trying to parse words. Surely you know what 'nothing' means. (no energy, no vacuum, no fluctuations, no material, no space, no intelligence, etc.). Nothing can not create everything, although you may believe it.

Stuu said:
There is no scientific theory of abiogenesis.

However, there is the Law of Biogenesis.

Stuu said:
...current observations about the conditions around sea floor vents...
There have been many psuedoscintific, and wild speculations that life came from sea floor vents, ancient astronomer, sheets of mica, seeded on earth by aliens, volcanic clouds, clay, warm little pond etc.

Atheists seem incapable of consideing the most logical, and the most scientific explanation.... an eternally existing intelligence.

Stuu said:
creationists never come up with the level of explanation they demand from real scientists.

No true Scotsman fallacy

Stuu said:
You are describing magic
Yes, I am describing evolutionism; Call it magic if you like. Common ancestry is the belief a microbe can become a microbiologist.... just add time and mutations. (and a magicians hat)

Stuu said:
You might need to cite some more papers to support that claim.
Haha... you seemed to think Crow's article was just fine when you misrepresented it. His findings are still correct, although the problem of genetic load is now known to be worse than what could be known in '97.

Crow in '97 acknowledged the problem of increasing genetic load. Geneticists still are discussing the problem, and trying to understand how humanity has survived this high rate. (Crow called it the "population bomb". Recent article, 2016 as example, still discuss the problem saying things such as...

* "average newborn contains de novo mutations." (in addition to the thousands of deleterious mutations they inherit).

* "the mutation rate per generation increases by a factor of 2 between males of age 20 and 40 years "

* "there is little reason to think that the situation can be improved much by a reduction in environmental mutagens,.."

* "no amount of human intervention at the molecular level is likely to improve the situation"

* "there is no way to avoid the accumulation of somatic mutations with undesirable effects in an aging human."

* "it remains difficult to escape the conclusion that numerous physical and psychological attributes are likely to slowly deteriorate in technologically advanced societies"

ETC. ETC. http://www.genetics.org/content/202/3/869

There is more in that article and in many other articles supporting the biblical creation model. We have a good genome that is slowly being corrupted.

Stuu said:
My question is, why did you mention different methods of genetic exchange?

We can't compare mutation results in bacteria to humans, as you seemed to do.

Stuu said:
The problem with speciation is that it is an arbitrary concept at the best of times.

I think I hear Stripe cheering you on that. Yes, the word has a lot of elasticity, often depending on evolutionary beliefs, and not science.

Stuu said:
...we call Homo neanderthalensis a different name to Homo sapiens
Calling Neanderthals a different name does not make them a different species, any more than it would referring to Pygmies or Eskimos.

Stuu said:
Diversification of European hair color
Less than 5000 years they say... That's ok.

Stuu said:
Here's some data on brain volume, which is a good measure of skull morphology...(Part of the article "we can see, the Australopithecines, which appeared 3.5 to 3 million years ago, had a brain three to four times smaller than modern humans (on th e average, 450 cubic centimeters versus 1,350 cc).

I don't imagine you recognize the psuedoscience with your article? 450cc is the size of a chimp brain. There is no reason to put the Australopithecines in human lineage other than the common ancestry belief system. There is a long history of trying to make 'Lucy' and other apes more human like...and trying to make humans like Neandertals into apes. The Australopiticenes were apes same brain volume, seemingly a grass and flower diet, they were tree dwellers, ape shoulder bones, ape ear bones, ape jaw, knuckle walker wrists etc.

The common ancestry belief system arranges fossils in patterns to fit their beliefs. They have shuffled dates up and down by as much as 100 million years. (will cite if you wish).


New member
Stuu... most of your reply /post 469 is your theology, beliefs and trying to parse words. Surely you know what 'nothing' means. (no energy, no vacuum, no fluctuations, no material, no space, no intelligence, etc.). Nothing can not create everything, although you may believe it.
Well, that is the claim. A universe from nothing. It is you inserting the word create, which begs the question of how it happened. But the universe did indeed arise from nothing. Let me know if you want the detailed explanation, but I'm sure if you really did want to know you would have looked it up by now.

There have been many psuedoscintific, and wild speculations that life came from sea floor vents, ancient astronomer, sheets of mica, seeded on earth by aliens, volcanic clouds, clay, warm little pond etc.
And some scientific speculations. And you too have to engage with the basics, like what could be a formative energy gradient system, and that applies whether or not you believe in magical creation. You can't just plead ignorance then attack plausible science on the question. There has to be a starting point for making a system that allows energy to be converted.

So, science says put up or shut up: what is the speculated mechanism for a creator making an energy conversion system to get cells working? Or even for turning dirt into humans? Or ribs into humans? How, actually do donkeys talk? What about snakes communicating with humans? Is there a magical change to the reptilian larynx to enable that?

And you call speculation about abiogenesis 'pseudoscientific', when you are seriously proposing magic as an alternative 'explanation'. You are a supreme hypocrite.

Atheists seem incapable of consideing the most logical, and the most scientific explanation.... an eternally existing intelligence.
That's because atheists are generally incapable of accepting fantasy conspiracy theories in place of proper explanations. There is no explanation in goddidit.

Stuu: creationists never come up with the level of explanation they demand from real scientists.
No true Scotsman fallacy
How is that the No True Scotsman fallacy??

Crow in '97 acknowledged the problem of increasing genetic load.
Or invented it.

There is more in that article and in many other articles supporting the biblical creation model. We have a good genome that is slowly being corrupted.
Yawn. Still no news on how entropy can possibly have anything to do with it?

We can't compare mutation results in bacteria to humans, as you seemed to do.
Why not? How exactly do the different methods of genetic exchange mean a comparison can't be made?

I don't imagine you recognize the psuedoscience with your article? 450cc is the size of a chimp brain. There is no reason to put the Australopithecines in human lineage other than the common ancestry belief system. There is a long history of trying to make 'Lucy' and other apes more human like...and trying to make humans like Neandertals into apes. The Australopiticenes were apes same brain volume, seemingly a grass and flower diet, they were tree dwellers, ape shoulder bones, ape ear bones, ape jaw, knuckle walker wrists etc.
But you are fine with the data for Erectus, Habilis and archaic Sapiens, right? The slow change in skull size is established. And if course it doesn't actually matter whether australopithecines are in the direct human lineage. That was the approximate skull size of the time whether you are a direct ancestor or a branch going off to one side.

The common ancestry belief system arranges fossils in patterns to fit their beliefs. They have shuffled dates up and down by as much as 100 million years. (will cite if you wish).
So you would like to change the subject to common descent? Sure.

The fact of common ancestry is proved beyond any creationist's objection by endogenous retroviruses alone. You don't have to have any fossils at all to demonstrate common ancestry as a fact.

The age of the Earth has been 'shuffled' from a few million years in the 19th Century to 4.5 billion years since 1956. Science has a correction mechanism based in empirical data.

Tell us about the correction system that fixes the mistakes in Judeo-christian fantasy conspiracy theories. Tell us why AiG published an article telling creationists not to use entropy as a creationist argument. Love to hear from you on the furious shuffling that goes on in creationism.



Well-known member
Yes, that would be one of the questions I think christianity should answer

Steven Weinberg: With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion.

Yes, it's only with religion that otherwise good people shoot abortion clinic doctors or blow up themselves and other people indiscriminately in a busy market or kneecap different kinds of christians or mutilate the genitals of their children of both genders or subject people to torture on behalf of a pope.
:nono: Nothing but confirmation bias. History proves out exactly opposite.

These are not all 'evil' people, they are mostly vulnerable, loving, perhaps family people with all the usual human weaknesses. And yet here they are inspired by their devotion to a religious ideology to kill and maim in its name. That is unique, but it also applies in parallel to Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union, where ordinary people were convinced to commit atrocities in the name of an ideology.
I'm not Catholic, nor do a judge the entire by a fraction of its populace. Well-meaning, they allowed priests with vows of celibacy. It backfired and became an embarrassment for them. There is a difference between you and I, with a wall between. I don't tend to shoot first. You have a religious chip on your shoulder. You mention Nazis. Hitler had an unhealthy hatred of Jews. Don't be like him.

Are there some things you just couldn't bring yourself to discuss in a civil manner?
Naw. Not when it is this kind of irrationality. Not unless you really want a healthier view to espouse. There really is something tragically different between our world views of people and religion. My glass is more than half-full. I'm positive there is glass on top of that wall and I didn't put it there.

Wow, maybe I didn't realise just how right Steven Weinberg is.
And there's the glass. On this side of the wall, he's completely wrong and a poor man because of it. It is YOUR angst, not mine. Then again, a lot of people think atheists are baby-eaters too. SOME of that is founded when someone wants to use fetus parts to make their OWN lives better. It is cannibalism. There is no white-washing such. That said, I personally know a few atheists that are VERY much against the use of aborted people for self-interested research. IOW, I'm not the guy calling anybody a baby eater so I'm not building this wall or putting glass on the top but to be sure, there will be no profitable dialogue between you and I because there is glass on top of the wall. Your opinions are built to separate, not bridge anything. Generally, you are seen as a 'reactionary.' Something stuck in your craw and blinded you toward confirmation biases.

That would be to suppose, that is, that you are in his good people category, and I have no particular reason to doubt that, whatever the specific meaning of good is in his mind.


It doesn't matter as much if we can't get past the wall because it would and does, separate good from good as well.


New member
There is a difference between you and I, with a wall between. I don't tend to shoot first. You have a religious chip on your shoulder. You mention Nazis. Hitler had an unhealthy hatred of Jews. Don't be like him...There really is something tragically different between our world views of people and religion. My glass is more than half-full. I'm positive there is glass on top of that wall and I didn't put it there..
Why is it I can only think of Kool Aid now...



Well-known member
Notes on Creation Research radio this week:
Drs. Austin and Schnelling of Australia on the 2001 tsunami hydrology dynamics and the global cataclysm. The tsunami was from an area the size of California shifting 6 ft. There are surface geologic records of shifts as much as 10K and the most recent find and/or example is from S. Africa. The Ayers rock area of Australia is a slurry deposit of several thousand feet from at least 70 miles away if not more. It's exposed granitic lines runs vertically and subsurface, it is bent and continues several miles horizontally, dubbed a "J" shape. With such slurry movement found all over the world, and uplifts and shifts of similar magnitude, such a cataclysm is shown to be a global event.

It's really not hard to imagine such movements when looking at coastlines and abrupt formations such as 4 corners. What you are seeing is what was left after massive slurries blasted through. The slurry movements often show the expected tapering of a one-time global event: the final markings or 'removals' are much reduced compared to the initial.

Mitochondrial Eve
One workup of the necessary chain of DNA for today's population is as short as 6000 years. This is not by anyone in the creation science community, and comes with many disclaimers, but it is a published study. It is generally believed in these sciences that one female is, as the Biblical line in Gen 3 says, the mother of all living.


Well-known member
Why is it I can only think of Kool Aid now...


Because you only think of those who failed. Percentage-wise, you are WAY behind the eight-ball. Do you realize that such is ONLY held by atheists with angst? :think: You are hanging with the wrong crowd. At the VERY least, think for yourself instead of being indoctrinated by dupes. I watched Bill Maher defend Christians last week, by example.


New member
Because you only think of those who failed. Percentage-wise, you are WAY behind the eight-ball. Do you realize that such is ONLY held by atheists with angst? :think: You are hanging with the wrong crowd. At the VERY least, think for yourself instead of being indoctrinated by dupes. I watched Bill Maher defend Christians last week, by example.
I would defend christians too, but I would also do what Bill Maher does and expose christianity for the massive con that it has been. Just as muslims have been the main victims of islamism, so christians have been the main victims of christianity.

In my country christianity is dying at a high rate, and I think that is because people see it as a failed set of dogmas. The things they see as 'good' in christianity aren't unique to christianity, and the bad has been either really appalling or involved the assertion of claims of magic that are just ridiculous. Christianity is dying in the US as well, but much more slowly.

Perhaps we could agree on the Golden Rule, or a better form of it, as a success, but that existed much earlier than the writings of ancient Palestine. Which religion will spring up in the place of christianity, do you think? Maybe yet another totalitarian one that claims to have the unique path to Salvation™.
