Good, so they, with PhD's and bible college against you with your 'nothin' to start with. No question I'll go with the pro over the amateur.
That's where laymen can all beat you. After that? I haven't really seen anything from your supposed prowess of 'education' or other credentials. Your much repeated pure and only assertions are telltale signs of the lack. The ball is in your court to "PROVE" something and substantiate it, rather than undemonstrated learning asserted in fake I.D. delivering hot air. See my links? You: Naddalain:
That attack-your-education dog wouldn’t hunt the first time.
I suppose you missed the post with the education of the five Torah translators of the NET Bible, who describe the forming of man as occurring “back before anything was growing...There was no uncultivated, general growth because there was no rain, and there were no grains because there was no man to cultivate the soil.”
And I suppose you missed my quotation of the Oxford NRSV notes.
And I suppose you missed the quote of Augustine from 1600 years ago.
And I suppose you systematically reject the evidence that God has given us in creation.
And worse, you deny what the Bible actually says —- leaving no basis for discussion.
So I have done my part in encouraging you to stop turning people away from the gospel with your wrong-headed demands of literal readings of figurative language. The rest is up to you and the Holy Spirit acting on you. Do not ignore the still, small voice in your head. It may not come today, or next week, or next year even. But I will pray that the Lord convict you of this rejection of the text and His works in creation.
Perhaps it will be your children or nieces and nephews or friends who will struggle with your insistence on obviously wrong positions. Listen to your doubts and open your minds to the truth. Whatever you do, don’t try that arrogant “you’re not supposed to think about that, it is above your pay grade” nonsense. You will cause thinking people to reject God and their blood will be on your hands.