I wonder what its like to be a Christian?


New member
I guess Im done then. No need to pray. No need to cover my sins. Jesus didn't have to come. No need for deception or lying wonders. No need for even a bible. Thanks I didn't realize that christianity isn't needed. No false prophet. I'm gonna go back to my old ways. Sell dope and collect the money from ones that don't pay. This Holy vow even cancels out the new covenant. Jesus descended into hell to high five Satan. Ty no need for this blog.

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God does not need Christianity ; goodness , Christianity has its hooks in you, you seem to think of it as if its a god! An interesting concept though ; "When your religion becomes a god", and one makes the religion to be equal to their god. The Pastors and teachers in their religion become prophets and apostles ; 2 Tim. 4:3-4, the truth becomes fables, or fables like Christmas and Easter and the Trinity suddenly become their truths and doctrines ; the time has come where churches cannot even endure sound doctrines , (its so sound and simple that God and Jesus want everyone saved, its reasonable for a God of power to include everyone in salvation, especially those stupid enough not to include themselves), sound doctrines get thrown out and believers start listening to their pastors and televangelist and they have itching ears ; the church of God has become one giant ear and the pulpit one giant mouth! Believers don't question their leaders and don't study for themselves.


God does not need Christianity ; goodness , Christianity has its hooks in you, you seem to think of it as if its a god! An interesting concept though ; "When your religion becomes a god", and one makes the religion to be equal to their god. The Pastors and teachers in their religion become prophets and apostles ; 2 Tim. 4:3-4, the truth becomes fables, or fables like Christmas and Easter and the Trinity suddenly become their truths and doctrines ; the time has come where churches cannot even endure sound doctrines , (its so sound and simple that God and Jesus want everyone saved, its reasonable for a God of power to include everyone in salvation, especially those stupid enough not to include themselves), sound doctrines get thrown out and believers start listening to their pastors and televangelist and they have itching ears ; the church of God has become one giant ear and the pulpit one giant mouth! Believers don't question their leaders and don't study for themselves.

You are talking about majority of churches. But Jesus says narrow is the way and only a few find it. So nothing is new here.


New member
It makes perfect sense to relate the father son relationship in bringing his son, the high priest to replace religion or the temple. He said that he would raise the temple in three days. In fact most of my Christian brothers have children. I work with three Atheists that have no children. The concept of forgiveness by the father is already been practiced. So I don't what you are talking about Willis.

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We all have a choice. That's free will. I choose Jesus. He can see into my heart. You can't. You have no bearing on my salvation. All I have is the Bible. I don't go to church. There is no truth in religion. God bless.

I would find a good bible believing church if I were you--especially now (Heb 10:25).


New member
To Meshak from Robert. God bless. Yes the whole world will bow down to your God, the antichrist as prophecy States. Once only chaff is left. Are you chaff or wheat?

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New member
then you're not a Christian :idunno:

No I am not a Christian ; why should I be one? I mean if I am allowed to just use those of you who are Christians and have interacted with me here ; I see absolutely nothing in any of you that I would want in me. What Christianity has placed in your spirits and learning ability , I don't want that in me. You celebrate pagan holidays and make all kinds of excuses for doing that. You hold fast to this unbiblical Trinity doctrine , as if your minds have lost their biblical sense.

Man I don't want Christianity in my spirit. In my honest evaluation of the religion , its doing things to believers in mass quantities that is a strong blind turning away from the true tenants of the bible. And they cannot even see the turning . Man I don't want that kind of seduction in my consciousness.


New member
There you go talking about church Christians again. God mocks religion. What is wrong with a personal relationship with Jesus.? I don't believe Christmas is the correct day of Jesus birth either. Easter is counterfeited also. So if Satan counterfeits everything of Jesus why not blame Satan instead of religion and false Christians. You are doing the job of the accuser. I blame big religion and Satan for turning you foo on Christianity. It's ok to point out specific problems with Christianity. But disrespecting the whole of it is just plain wrong.

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New member
There you go talking about church Christians again. God mocks religion. What is wrong with a personal relationship with Jesus.? I don't believe Christmas is the correct day of Jesus birth either. Easter is counterfeited also. So if Satan counterfeits everything of Jesus why not blame Satan instead of religion and false Christians. You are doing the job of the accuser. I blame big religion and Satan for turning you foo on Christianity. It's ok to point out specific problems with Christianity. But disrespecting the whole of it is just plain wrong.

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In my view , the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.


New member
I try to be wheat.

Careful Meshak...

Chaff matures the wheat...it is not wheat or tares

The harvest time is the beatings to come...it will separate you the kernel from all that matured you the chaff...

Church, religion, denomination etc is all chaff...on judgement day you must stand alone no Mary or pope or saints...just you...

And of course your Advocate if you are His and He is yours...(it's never a good idea to represent yourself btw)...but have faith in Him and obey Him now DO the Will of His Father and He will have faith in you and obey your pleas to "save me" then at judgement day...

That is the gospel...

And by divine intervention the analogy is so complete that when at harvest the chaff can NOT be separated from the wheat kernel it is called root or crown rot...

Caused by a pathogen...absorbed at the root...it causes a biological "co-dependency" of the kernel with the chaff...this dooms the plant's entire purpose...

Such spiritual lessons are just too easy...

What a joy.

