I wonder what its like to be a Christian?


New member
I like to think of myself as a true Christian. If I tell the truth of what
the Bible says it brings hate. You might not recognize a true christian or want too. It's really a deep subject as in a population of 500,000 there could be 380,000 church Christians that don't know truth. 90,000 Atheists. 20,000 Muslims and 5,000 others and few Christians. During Noah's time 8 out of 325,000 were saved.

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

God is saying the ratio will be the same.

If I did a sermon at a church most everyone would walk out. They aren't prepared for the truth.

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New member
I like to think of myself as a true Christian. If I tell the truth of what
the Bible says it brings hate. You might not recognize a true christian or want too. It's really a deep subject as in a population of 500,000 there could be 380,000 church Christians that don't know truth. 90,000 Atheists. 20,000 Muslims and 5,000 others and few Christians. During Noah's time 8 out of 325,000 were saved.

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

God is saying the ratio will be the same.

If I did a sermon at a church most everyone would walk out. They aren't prepared for the truth.

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Too bad current Christianity cannot see that many bad humans being saved. They have lost their salvation sight.


I believe that those with the knowledge of Christ are saved , and those without the knowledge of Christ are saved. Everyone will eventually know God, even those who " Do not follow him. " Its God's will and desire. 1Tim. 2:3-4, " For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior , Who desires ALL men to be saved and "To come to the knowledge of the truth." Whoever you are trying to leave out of salvation because of their lack of knowledge, or lack of following Christ" , they still will be saved ;Yes, I am saying that.

So you just ignore what Jesus said: "Go therefore make disciples of all nations... teachings them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Am I right?


New member
So you just ignore what Jesus said: "Go therefore make disciples of all nations... teachings them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Am I right?

Pope Francis says " that even those of abrahamic faith will be saved " in other words Muslims. Yes some will convert. But you must accept Jesus as your savior.

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New member
I wonder what its like to be deceived into believing that you are anointed and the people of God?


New member
I wonder what it's like to know you are gonna die but not believe in an afterlife. I can't imagine such an existence. Like a dog or cat. You don't put much worth on yourself. Lol

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I get bumped a lot.

I would like to know your belief. It seems you are universalist.

Universalists claim everyone is saved because Jesus died for the world.

But Jesus does not claim that.

Jesus says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

You see, Jesus clearly says you will not be saved if you don't believe in Him.

You guys spreading false gospel, friend.



Just because some Christians are not loving does not make Jesus is phony savior.

You see, Christians are called so because they are supposed to be following Jesus.

I am not called Christian by trinity believers but I am Jesus' follower and Christian.

I still evangelize and spread Jesus to the world.

You guys are not doing that.


New member
I am not a universalist ,I walk alone. but I believe in the salvation of all of humanity. I do not believe any human will be lost. God does not loose his children. I don't care what Christians are saying , God loves each of us far too much to loose even one.


I am not a universalist ,I walk alone. but I believe in the salvation of all of humanity. I do not believe any human will be lost. God does not loose his children. I don't care what Christians are saying , God loves each of us far too much to loose even one.

Abraham and Moses had your same zeal for humanities salvation. I wish that everyone that has ever lived would endure eternally, but I'm certain that their is a genuine wickedness in some that is so genuine, they would rather die, than be forced to dwell in the presence of unity, peace and Love.

If this were not so, it would mean that humanity has no choice in their eternal fate.

There is true wickedness. Not petty human failing, but wickedness that only desires hate and destruction.

I merely express this as an opinion.


New member
That is basically the definition of 'universalism'.

Basically yes , but I am not in their camp; years ago I got banned from most of the universalist places I know of. Ahh , those were the years ,I was at war with the world and everyone in it. And I don't agree with all their views.

I'm basically a loner.


New member
Abraham and Moses had your same zeal for humanities salvation. I wish that everyone that has ever lived would endure eternally, but I'm certain that their is a genuine wickedness in some that is so genuine, they would rather die, than be forced to dwell in the presence of unity, peace and Love.

If this were not so, it would mean that humanity has no choice in their eternal fate.

There is true wickedness. Not petty human failing, but wickedness that only desires hate and destruction.

I merely express this as an opinion.

God will change every wicked person that you think can't be changed ; its his thing , that's what he does.

And we don't have a choice about our eternity ; our future was decided before we were even born. There will be no choices , God is not giving choices or asking for them ; that is a Christian illusion.

There is only one way ;; its Gods way period!