I wonder what its like to be a Christian?


Well I think we should bear witness to the word as we understand it ; were doing that here now. And I do it in many places. What is in you will come out of you ;IF that is what God wants you to do. Many believers are passive and remain silent; that is not wrong , its just not for them to do certain things. Bearing witness is not easy. You just learn as you go.

You still avoiding my point.

You seem to believe we all saved without knowing and following Jesus' teachings.

am I right?


New member
I wonder what its like to be a Christian?

No, I don't have God's spirit living in me. And I have no problem admitting that. I go by the description of the fruit of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23,I don't go by the opinion of others , but I thank you for your view. I don't agree with the infinity of God meaning we all have his Holy Spirit inside of us approach. That is a stage I believe we all are destined for , but have not all been given just yet. In my understanding the Spirit can be" With us' or in us, or neither of the two. It just depends on God where one is at.

I think your disbelief is based on the personality unconsciously judging itself as unworthy. This is unconscious lack of self-worth staring you right in the face. The collective personality does not want us know this is a problem. It is too proud to admit it and has too much to lose. Please do NOT buy into it or you will be playing a part in being your own worst enemy like most everyone else. This must be stopped for the sake of future generations. Passing it to others means we are perpetuating the system and adding unnecessary suffering energy into the earth.

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New member
I wonder what its like to be a Christian?

I don't believe that.
Everyone has a spirit but it is dead to God. It cannot know the things of God. It is like a corpse inside a person that only relates to the world, the flesh, and Satan. Which is why one must become born again.

The path to God requires letting go of ALL beliefs. We need to examine why we are so attached to them and we need to examine why we are so attached to attachment itself. Why are we always dependent on something? If you search deeply and honestly you will find much fear and fear does not come from God but from the enemy of the personality. It is a projection.

Notice your beliefs are designed to keep you separate from what is infinite and eternal. The personality's job is to protect us from what is foreign and considered dangerous. The space and the emptiness we experience when we let go of ALL beliefs is so painful that the personality has developed ways to block it from our awareness. Fixation on Christianity is one example. We fixate to beliefs because we are avoiding what would happen if we let go.

That inner emptiness is part of us known as the soul so we are in effect rejecting our true infinite eternal identity without knowing it. We are so busy trying to avoid the inner spaciousness at all costs that we hardly question what we are doing. We bite the forbidden fruit and think we can judge everything including the inner emptiness. We don't know when to quit judging. That emptiness is the doorway to God. What could possibly be more infinite and eternal?

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New member
You still avoiding my point.

You seem to believe we all saved without knowing and following Jesus' teachings.

am I right?

I believe that those with the knowledge of Christ are saved , and those without the knowledge of Christ are saved. Everyone will eventually know God, even those who " Do not follow him. " Its God's will and desire. 1Tim. 2:3-4, " For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior , Who desires ALL men to be saved and "To come to the knowledge of the truth." Whoever you are trying to leave out of salvation because of their lack of knowledge, or lack of following Christ" , they still will be saved ;Yes, I am saying that.


New member
Hello , yes I agree. We will know them by their love. It requires love for a believer to see the salvation of an unbeliever. Those believers who don't see it, they have a problem with loving others unconditionally. They won't like this and are unable to admit it; but love is the key to salvation. God and Jesus saved us , because they love us.

I think this is partly true but love is just one aspect. We need understanding, wisdom, compassion, kindness, charity, peace, justice, humor, longevity, etc.

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New member
I agree with this. It took me a long time to become Christian because I thought Christians were the more judgmental people in the world. I don't think Christians realize how they are coming off to the "regular secular" people and it's not good.
Even today there are times where I get really upset at what I see some Christians doing. But that's the way it is. I try to focus on me and my relationship with God and to continue to work as hard as I can to be as Christ like as possible. The most kind, loving, least judgmental person.

OP don't like bad Christians stop you from getting to know Christ. Honestly read the gospels, and pray about it because you will see how awesome Jesus really is and you will want to serve him too. Don't worry about people.


New member

I truly believe this. Some people use the Bible to back up their hateful judgmental ideas.
The Bible overalls theme is about fearing God, while loving others and working to purify your heart and mind.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You are suggesting that I am stupid ; you have been like you are for so long , you don't even see ,nor care to see , how insulting it is to say that to someone.

And in my view , this is common Christian behavior.
I understand the inclination to forge the rule from limited experience, but you should resist it. If you only assume the loudest voices are the truth you'll go through life with a bizarrely incongruous understanding of the human condition...and with your hands covering your ears. Gentleness is rarely loud. Love rarely boasts. The best of our human condition and faith is found in those two things.

Christians are still people. We aren't our example, only fractured, hopeful reflections of it...Often, we're as kind or unkind as people tend to be. I know that's true for me. But I find Christ on the inside has a way of working changes that transform our outside, our relations, even as we fail, if we allow it.

The fellow I want you to consider isn't me, but the Christ, the one who looked down upon a sea of largely angry, contemptuous faces, those who had cried out for his death, and said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

That guy is worth knowing.


New member
I agree with this. It took me a long time to become Christian because I thought Christians were the more judgmental people in the world. I don't think Christians realize how they are coming off to the "regular secular" people and it's not good.
Even today there are times where I get really upset at what I see some Christians doing. But that's the way it is. I try to focus on me and my relationship with God and to continue to work as hard as I can to be as Christ like as possible. The most kind, loving, least judgmental person.

OP don't like bad Christians stop you from getting to know Christ. Honestly read the gospels, and pray about it because you will see how awesome Jesus really is and you will want to serve him too. Don't worry about people.

Oh I don't let them hinder me, They are transparent , I see through them.

Thank you , peace.


New member
I understand the inclination to forge the rule from limited experience, but you should resist it. If you only assume the loudest voices are the truth you'll go through life with a bizarrely incongruous understanding of the human condition...and with your hands covering your ears. Gentleness is rarely loud. Love rarely boasts. The best of our human condition and faith is found in those two things.

Christians are still people. We aren't our example, only fractured, hopeful reflections of it...Often, we're as kind or unkind as people tend to be. I know that's true for me. But I find Christ on the inside has a way of working changes that transform our outside, our relations, even as we fail, if we allow it.

The fellow I want you to consider isn't me, but the Christ, the one who looked down upon a sea of largely angry, contemptuous faces, those who had cried out for his death, and said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

That guy is worth knowing.

So true , thank you.



New member
I wonder what its like to be a Christian?

Notice the higher meaning to the story where Jesus tells the man if he wants to be perfect he must sell all he has and follow him. Selling all we have includes giving up our attachment to the ego and turning to follow what is infinite and eternal. What is infinite and eternal is the truth of silence and stillness similar to the outer space in the night sky. The soul is an all-natural phenomenon and it is reality in itself. It is total liberation, ultimate freedom, the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Our self-worth is embedded in this. If we cannot feel the value of our true identity of the soul then we attempt to get this value from somewhere outside of ourselves causing long term damage.

People turn down the soul because they think it is annihilation but it's the opposite. He who tries to save their life will lose it and vice versa. Denying the truth of the soul is the moral to the story where Peter denies Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows and to the story of doubting Thomas. We are the ones denying and doubting Jesus where Jesus is symbolic of the soul's power for salvation. Take my yoke for my burden is light points to the grace and ease of the infinite eternal spaciousness of the soul.

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New member
Notice the higher meaning to the story where Jesus tells the man if he wants to be perfect he must sell all he has and follow him. Selling all we have includes giving up our attachment to the ego and turning to follow what is infinite and eternal. What is infinite and eternal is the truth of silence and stillness similar to the outer space in the night sky. The soul is an all-natural phenomenon and it is reality in itself. It is total liberation, ultimate freedom, the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Our self-worth is embedded in this. If we cannot feel the value of our true identity of the soul then we attempt to get this value from somewhere outside of ourselves causing long term damage.

People turn down the soul because they think it is annihilation but it's the opposite. He who tries to save their life will lose it and vice versa. Denying the truth of the soul is the moral to the story where Peter denies Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows and to the story of doubting Thomas. We are the ones denying and doubting Jesus where Jesus is symbolic of the soul's power for salvation. Take my yoke for my burden is light points to the grace and ease of the infinite eternal spaciousness of the soul.

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I used to post on Spiritualforums.com, you may like that, many there are near where you are at. Look at it , tell me what you think.


New member
There is no laboratory test for Christian. The true test comes when we are chased down and arrested. Peter wouldn't pass the coming test. To not deny Jesus in the crucial moment is our test that only real bible reading Christians can pass. Most church people go into NWO and take the mark of the beast. A true Christian will already be facing persecution. I try to preach to my Lutheran mother. She is now my first real persecuter. If you aren't evangelizing you won't feel persecution. Right now a supposedly Christian country agrees with summary executions. 9 out of ten people in the Philippines think it's ok to kill young drug users. Those aren't Christians. You will know a Christian by their fruits.

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There is no laboratory test for Christian. The true test comes when we are chased down and arrested. Peter wouldn't pass the coming test. To not deny Jesus in the crucial moment is our test that only real bible reading Christians can pass.
Works-based religion (Re 3:10). :dizzy:

I try to preach to my Lutheran mother.
Yikes, what’s she doing in that dead denomination?


New member
21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the

child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.

We were all Lutheran in our family. I led her back to the church. I learned the truth and left but she is still attending.

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