I understand the inclination to forge the rule from limited experience, but you should resist it. If you only assume the loudest voices are the truth you'll go through life with a bizarrely incongruous understanding of the human condition...and with your hands covering your ears. Gentleness is rarely loud. Love rarely boasts. The best of our human condition and faith is found in those two things.
Christians are still people. We aren't our example, only fractured, hopeful reflections of it...Often, we're as kind or unkind as people tend to be. I know that's true for me. But I find Christ on the inside has a way of working changes that transform our outside, our relations, even as we fail, if we allow it.
The fellow I want you to consider isn't me, but the Christ, the one who looked down upon a sea of largely angry, contemptuous faces, those who had cried out for his death, and said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
That guy is worth knowing.