I wonder what its like to be a Christian?


Well-known member
God will change every wicked person that you think can't be changed ; its his thing , that's what he does.

And we don't have a choice about our eternity ; our future was decided before we were even born. There will be no choices , God is not giving choices or asking for them ; that is a Christian illusion.

There is only one way ;; its Gods way period!

.....which equals, existence is a meaningless, pointless charade.


God will change every wicked person that you think can't be changed ; its his thing , that's what he does.

And we don't have a choice about our eternity ; our future was decided before we were even born. There will be no choices , God is not giving choices or asking for them ; that is a Christian illusion.

There is only one way ;; its Gods way period!

He indeed desires that none should be lost and all saved. My previous statement still expresses my opinion, but I respect yours and appreciate your optimism.

I guess I would simply say, hate is a dangerous path and your optimism seems to show that you strive to rid yourself of it.

There are so many that do hate though. It's a disease that destroys a soul faster than stage 5 cancer.

All the best to you.

....... Hmmmmmm... Perhaps.... Would you please answer this one question?

Do you believe that Jesus was and is the presence of God and the ultimate revelation of Love?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
There is only one way ;; its Gods way period!

Greetings Mickiel,

Do you not think that God would communicate in some way with His creatures? Do you not think that He would communicate with them in such a way whereby His creatures can know for certain that communication is from Him?

The LORD has done that very thing. That is why those with true faith in the revelation found in the Scriptures can KNOW with certainity the things written there is true. It is wonderful to be a Christian because, as Sir Robert Anderson wrote, "The Christian is not ignorant; neither is he in doubt. We do not think this or that: we KNOW. 'We know that the Son of God is come.' 'We know that He was manifested to take away our sins.' 'We know that we have passed from death unto life.' 'We know that if our earthly house were dissolved, we have a building of God, eternal in the heavens.' 'We know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him'" (Anderson, The Gospel And Its Ministry).


New member
He indeed desires that none should be lost and all saved. My previous statement still expresses my opinion, but I respect yours and appreciate your optimism.

I guess I would simply say, hate is a dangerous path and your optimism seems to show that you strive to rid yourself of it.

There are so many that do hate though. It's a disease that destroys a soul faster than stage 5 cancer.

All the best to you.

....... Hmmmmmm... Perhaps.... Would you please answer this one question?

Do you believe that Jesus was and is the presence of God and the ultimate revelation of Love?

I believe Jesus is the ultimate revelation of love and is in the image of God.

Peace and love to you.


I am not a universalist ,I walk alone. but I believe in the salvation of all of humanity. I do not believe any human will be lost. God does not loose his children. I don't care what Christians are saying , God loves each of us far too much to loose even one.

But you are making accusation about the whole Christianity.

Jesus teaches how to love, without knowing His teachings you will make up what Jesus teaches or Jesus' love.

I work alone too but I base my servanthood according to Jesus' word.


You see Mickiel,

If you don't follow Jesus' word, you will make up your own idea of love. You are the god and your idea is only world's humanism. Nothing to do with Jesus' teachings.

Jesus' teachings are nothing like our own idea of love. His teachings are super high level.

It is arrogant to believe you can achieve or accomplish Jesus' love without knowing His word.

That's why He says to "teach them to obey everything I commanded you."


New member
You see Mickiel,

If you don't follow Jesus' word, you will make up your own idea of love. You are the god and your idea is only world's humanism. Nothing to do with Jesus' teachings.

Jesus' teachings are nothing like our own idea of love. His teachings are super high level.

It is arrogant to believe you can achieve or accomplish Jesus' love without knowing His word.

That's why He says to "teach them to obey everything I commanded you."

I've been a believer for over 50 years, I have studied Jesus teachings all that time and I still don't understand them. So according to you I cannot have Jesus love because I don't completely understand him. And I think your wrong about that. People who do not understand Jesus or God will still be saved.


I've been a believer for over 50 years, I have studied Jesus teachings all that time and I still don't understand them. So according to you I cannot have Jesus love because I don't completely understand him. And I think your wrong about that. People who do not understand Jesus or God will still be saved.

If "understanding" the divine were a requirement, we would all be sunk.

: )


New member
But you are making accusation about the whole Christianity.

Jesus teaches how to love, without knowing His teachings you will make up what Jesus teaches or Jesus' love.

I work alone too but I base my servanthood according to Jesus' word.

The Bible is the true word of God. There are very few prophecies left to be fulfilled. The previous poster says what the false prophet says- that everyone goes to heaven. 8 people were saved from the flood out of 325000.

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

God is telling us that it's a narrow path. I pray that more people heed the warnings and come to Jesus. I pray that more Muslims and Jews will see the truth. God bless.

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I've been a believer for over 50 years, I have studied Jesus teachings all that time and I still don't understand them. So according to you I cannot have Jesus love because I don't completely understand him. And I think your wrong about that. People who do not understand Jesus or God will still be saved.

Please read my posts carefully. You may know His teachings but you are not following His word. You are disregarding His word of "whoever believes in Him shall not perish...".

do you get my point?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
. There will be no choices , God is not giving choices or asking for them ; that is a Christian illusion.
Somebody hasn't read their bible.

Joshua 24:15 KJV
(15) And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.


New member
We all have a choice. That's free will. I choose Jesus. He can see into my heart. You can't. You have no bearing on my salvation. All I have is the Bible. I don't go to church. There is no truth in religion. God bless.

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New member
The Bible is the true word of God. There are very few prophecies left to be fulfilled. The previous poster says what the false prophet says- that everyone goes to heaven. 8 people were saved from the flood out of 325000.

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

God is telling us that it's a narrow path. I pray that more people heed the warnings and come to Jesus. I pray that more Muslims and Jews will see the truth. God bless.

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God says in Isaiah 45:22-23 "Look unto me and be saved , ALL the ends of the earth. I have SWORN by myself , the oath has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return tome void; that to me EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY mouth shall confess!" This is the great Father God SWEARING a Holy Vow that EVERYBODY will submit to him and confess he is Lord , the WHOLE earth! This holy vow supersedes anything written in scripture! No biblical character or writer , including Jesus , can cancel out this prophecy from God.


God says in Isaiah 45:22-23 "Look unto me and be saved , ALL the ends of the earth. I have SWORN by myself , the oath has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return tome void; that to me EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY mouth shall confess!" This is the great Father God SWEARING a Holy Vow that EVERYBODY will submit to him and confess he is Lord , the WHOLE earth! This holy vow supersedes anything written in scripture! No biblical character or writer , including Jesus , can cancel out this prophecy from God.

Though you know my stance, I confess that this is one of my favorite scriptures! Thank you for posting this.

Isaiah is a beautiful book! My favorite is Isaiah 1:18 and of course, the scripture you have posted.


New member
I guess Im done then. No need to pray. No need to cover my sins. Jesus didn't have to come. No need for deception or lying wonders. No need for even a bible. Thanks I didn't realize that christianity isn't needed. No false prophet. I'm gonna go back to my old ways. Sell dope and collect the money from ones that don't pay. This Holy vow even cancels out the new covenant. Jesus descended into hell to high five Satan. Ty no need for this blog.

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