I believe many churches are corrupted.

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God's Truth

New member
And they are the majority and popular churches of denominations.

What is the formula of being popular church?

All denominations teach some falseness.

There shouldn't even be all this money from the members given to pay for the big buildings and electricity, etc. Meetings with other Christians should be in people's homes, and any money you want to give should go to helping any poor person in the group.

No one should get paid in the group to speak about God and teach. The denominations make all kinds of money to pay for the pastor and the building. What a waste.

God's Truth

New member
The most popular formula is; "you don't have to follow Jesus to be saved".

This is not true statement but popular.

What in the world are you talking about? You said no one can know if they are saved. So are you now saying we can know after all?

I thought your popular formula was we have to follow Jesus and not know we are saved.


New member
Let me stop you there. if someone disagrees with me, I don't immediately call them a heretic, especially if we're not talking about the Bible.

I call people heretics who disagree with what Scripture says, who reject scripture in favor of their own interpretation. I call you a heretic because you reject scripture in favor of your own interpretation.

I honestly don't care how deep you go in your studies. If you disagree with what Scripture says, or place your own interpretation of it above what scripture says, you're a heretic, no matter how deeply you've thought about it.

And you put your own interpretation above the Bible's, instead of letting scripture interpret scripture.

While I agree that some churches have abandoned scripture to varying degrees, it still doesn't give you the right to place your own interpretation of scripture above the Bible.

Keypurr, you have yet to establish which teachings were introduced by pagans.

Your faith comes from your own understanding of scripture, and not simply what the Bible says.

You deny the deity of Christ so casually, yet you ignore the fact that over 400 times in the Old Testament it says "Thus saith the LORD" (yes, small capital letters indicating YHWH), but not once in the New Testament does it say that, but instead Jesus says over 100 times "I say unto you."

False. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

Keypurr, there's a difference between calling someone stupid because it's the truth and calling someone stupid as libel (bearing false witness). One is a sin and a crime, the other is righteous judgment. I'm sure you can figure out which is which.

Calling me stupid just because you don't like me calling you a heretic because you reject what scripture plainly states does not reflect well on your character.

Me calling you a heretic is a statement of fact. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

You calling me stupid is your own opinion, and you have no supporting evidence. Therefore it's libel (written).

So is your interpretation right because it follows right along with the majority?

Is his wrong because it is against the majority? Are they not both derived from scripture, even if one is from the traditions of the masses and the other is not?

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So is your interpretation right because it follows right along with the majority?

If my interpretation is right, then it has nothing to do with the majority or minority, it's because it lines up exactly with what scripture says.

Is his wrong because it is against the majority?

No, it's wrong because it goes against scripture.

Are they not both derived from scripture, even if one is from the traditions of the masses and the other is not?

Derivation from scripture != being in line with scripture

His position, while he can find some scripture to somewhat support it, he has to reject other scripture which contradicts it.


New member
If my interpretation is right, then it has nothing to do with the majority or minority, it's because it lines up exactly with what scripture says.

No, it's wrong because it goes against scripture.

Derivation from scripture != being in line with scripture

His position, while he can find some scripture to somewhat support it, he has to reject other scripture which contradicts it.
What scripture does he reject please?

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What scripture does he reject please?

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For starters? All of John 1. Every verse. He rips individual verses out of context, and strips the greater meaning from them, but when viewed in context, verses like 14-15, 26-27, and 30-33, are all clearly talking about the same Person, Jesus, who is the Word, and since the Word is God (1:1), then Jesus is God, and Keypurr has to reject that to keep his beliefs intact.

Those verses alone (not that there aren't others) tie Jesus to Word to God as being the same Person.


Well-known member
All denominations teach some falseness.

There shouldn't even be all this money from the members given to pay for the big buildings and electricity, etc. Meetings with other Christians should be in people's homes, and any money you want to give should go to helping any poor person in the group.

No one should get paid in the group to speak about God and teach. The denominations make all kinds of money to pay for the pastor and the building. What a waste.
Great post GT and that's so true!


Well-known member
So basically your saying if the majority believe a certain doctrine, they are wrong. So its the minority opinion that prevails in your and [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION]s warped brains.
That's exactly what Jesus says

Jesus says, narrow is the way and few there be that find it. And it's a narrow way because we have to be ready to to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him and lose our lives for his sake, but not many are willing to do this, yet Jesus said that those not willing to do so, are not worthy of him. Many are quite happy saying "I believe" and thinking that's it, I'm saved and going to heaven. But that's not the truth, we are to partake in the sufferings of Christ, and live by the will of God.

Any church teaching that we are eternally saved even if we carry on wilfully sinning, or even saying that we are eternally saved in any way, or that we don't have to obey God because Jesus has done it all for us, are teaching a false doctrine. Those who are truly being saved, are those who are starting to overcome the works of the flesh and ways of the world through Christ by the power of the Spirit.


Well-known member
For starters? All of John 1. Every verse. He rips individual verses out of context, and strips the greater meaning from them, but when viewed in context, verses like 14-15, 26-27, and 30-33, are all clearly talking about the same Person, Jesus, who is the Word, and since the Word is God (1:1), then Jesus is God, and Keypurr has to reject that to keep his beliefs intact.

Those verses alone (not that there aren't others) tie Jesus to Word to God as being the same Person.
And what about all the verses that many here ignore that clearly say that God is the God of Jesus and even Jesus himself says that the father is the only true God. And Jesus also says that the words he speaks are not his, but the fathers who sent him and that without the father Jesus said he could do nothing, and that the father is greater than he, what about those and many other verses which I'll quote of you wish me to? There is so much that shows us that it is the father who is God and that Jesus Christ is God's son. Even after Jesus has ascended back to the father he calls the father his God in Revelation 3. And Paul also says that the head of Christ is God.

And nowhere are we told in the Bible that we must believe that Jesus is God, or in a trinity, yet we are falsely judged as heretics. It says in the Bible that we are to believe that Jesus is the son of God, and that he is risen from the dead, and that's what I believe, this is the truth.

People here need to be careful how they judge others, God is looking at all our hearts, me included. None here can judge who is saved and who isn't, that's for God to judge we are just flesh and sinners ourselves.


That's exactly what Jesus says

Jesus says, narrow is the way and few there be that find it. And it's a narrow way because we have to be ready to to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him and lose our lives for his sake, but not many are willing to do this, yet Jesus said that those not willing to do so, are not worthy of him. Many are quite happy saying "I believe" and thinking that's it, I'm saved and going to heaven. But that's not the truth, we are to partake in the sufferings of Christ, and live by the will of God.

Any church teaching that we are eternally saved even if we carry on wilfully sinning, or even saying that we are eternally saved in any way, or that we don't have to obey God because Jesus has done it all for us, are teaching a false doctrine. Those who are truly being saved, are those who are starting to overcome the works of the flesh and ways of the world through Christ by the power of the Spirit.

yes, it is so difficult to overcome the world for most of us. I for one.

I believe even if I cannot overcome the world, I am hoping the HS will wash away my sinfulness if I strive to be true to Him.


because Jesus' standard is perfection, I don't believe anyone can achieve that goal without the HS wipe away our imperfections.

It is so many ways to be imperfect.

That's why John says to claim sinless is a lie.

If you are not perfect, you cannot claim to be sinless.


Well-known member
yes, it is so difficult to overcome the world for most of us. I for one.

I believe even if I cannot overcome the world, I am hoping the HS will wash away my sinfulness if I strive to be true to Him.
Yes I believe that the Holy Spirit can help us overcome anything in this world and help us to to turn from the works the flesh, if we keep our faith and love God with all our hearts and live by his will, listening to our conscience.

And if we put God first and try to do what's right before him, I believe that through Christ God will help us to gradually overcome.


Yes I believe that the Holy Spirit can help us overcome anything in this world and help us to to turn from the works the flesh, if we keep our faith and love God with all our hearts and live by his will, listening to our conscience.

And if we put God first and try to do what's right before him, I believe that through Christ God will help us to gradually overcome.

I think you are missing my point.

but that's ok.
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