Hurting People On TOL

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Go on ahead! It makes you look dumber each time you do it!!

I was in another forum with meshak. She was banned for two main reasons: Saying lies about the Trinity, and saying horrible things about Catholics (the Admin is a Catholic). The rules were a little more strict over there than here.

Now she is here talking about people judging her. That's too funny.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I was in another forum with meshak. She was banned for two main reasons: Saying lies about the Trinity, and saying horrible things about Catholics (the Admin is a Catholic). The rules were a little more strict over there than here.

Now she is here talking about people judging her. That's too funny.

Yeah, she's not known for being a genius!


I would think "saved" is positive thinking. If one wants to be sure to be saved then they would have to save themselves. Will that work?

Nope, I did not say I do good works.

I am only talking about obvious godly Christians. And you guys don't have much of fruit to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians."

Your reasoning or excuses is so childish and shallow.

You following Jesus and Christians following Jesus share similar faith in some ways but you find no similarities in them at all except when you use the word, "most", "some", "not everyone". You don't back up your fruits with Bible quotes out of your 4 book Bible. I'll read your quotes and see for myself if you have the fruits. You got your philosophy/theologies from someone or somewhere else. It's in plain view on TOL cause we don't see your proof texts. It's not childish or shallow to want to see your proof texts to back up your claims. How do TOL know you're following Jesus? Your repetitive slang words are like a baby saying ma, ma, da, da, da with excitement. We love to hear your excitements but repetitive ma, ma, ma, ma, ma or da, da, da, da is getting boring.

You're not "obvious"


I was in another forum with meshak. She was banned for two main reasons: Saying lies about the Trinity, and saying horrible things about Catholics (the Admin is a Catholic). The rules were a little more strict over there than here.

Now she is here talking about people judging her. That's too funny.

Most main streamers don't use Jesus' word to discern what is true Christian or not, and your RCC forum is no different from protestants.

You don't like to use Jesus' word to discern who is true christain or not because you have nothing much to back up your claim of "true church and Christian".

It is so obvious. You can run but you cannot hide.


You following Jesus and Christians following Jesus share similar faith in some ways but you find no similarities in them at all except when you use the word, "most", "some", "not everyone".

You churches' deceitfulness is obvious with your rotten fruit.

Your shallowness is old, dude.


I was in another forum with meshak. She was banned for two main reasons: Saying lies about the Trinity, and saying horrible things about Catholics (the Admin is a Catholic). The rules were a little more strict over there than here.

Now she is here talking about people judging her. That's too funny.

Even though Meshak is responsible for what she say or believe, It's a domino effect. I go further back and blame her parents/relatives for raising her to say what she say. It isn't really funny for children being raised from sick families


You guys have nothing to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians".

So you go down to the same road of personal attacks.

so cheap, everyone. You have no class.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Most main streamers don't use Jesus' word to discern what is true Christian or not, and your RCC forum is no different from protestants.

You don't like to use Jesus' word to discern who is true christain or not because you have nothing much to back up your claim of "true church and Christian".

It is so obvious. You can run but you cannot hide.

Last time you said; "You can hide but you cannot run!" I see you're


You churches' deceitfulness is obvious with your rotten fruit.

Your shallowness is old, dude.

what church do I go to? You don't have to answer this. Swedenborgian church, I think, only recognizes the four Gospels out of the New Testament as authoritative. I know I don't go to that Church but you might like it. You'll have more people to crucify in real life.


You guys have nothing to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians".

So you go down to the same road of personal attacks.

so cheap, everyone. You have no class.

Go for it, Meshak ! use quotes of your choice to back your claim. Just try. We want to talk to you with a Red letter quotes between us.



Your childish and shallow comments are not worh reading and replying, so you are back to ignore.

You need to grow up since you claim to be true and saved Christian, dude.



Your childish and shallow comments are not worh reading and replying, so you are back to ignore.

You need to grow up since you claim to be true and saved Christian, dude.

Oh, well, thank you for your time you already put in. You're showing signs that your parents abused you. I'm sorry you went through that.


New member
Should one, while posting on tol, be sensitive to the emotional fragility of others and post in such a manner as to be sensitive to their feelings?

and no, i'm not talking about deliberately picking at a sore spot, like a disability or loss in the other poster's past

i'm talking about the normal type of discourse that has been happening on tol for the past fourteen years, where those with bizarre beliefs and behaviors, resistant to gentle language and persuasion, persist in their nonsense

iow, is truthsmacking passe?

Atheists should be tortured here.

thank you.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
here you go again, usurping Jesus' authority to judge me as unsaved.

I will report again.

Report again, if you were saved you would be in the mainstream [which is still the small flock-the narrow path in the world] you would have respect for the brethren.

You have been judging me for years...drip drip drip, every time you pan the mainstreamers that's me.

You judge yourself because you hate God's church.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Pointing out obvious sin is not unbiblical. Jesus says we know them by their fruit. You need to take heed of Jesus' word if you claim to be true Christian.

Hating God's church is sin BIG time. You are actually judging God for He it was who saved say He did not ought to have. Your fruit is rotten.
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