Hurting People On TOL

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Ask Mr. Religion

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That's why I never say I am sinless, nor saved nor true Christian.
Explain what you believe "true Christian" means.

Do you mean to say "salvation" implies the point at which we come into our final glory and anything beforehand is not a guarantee the regenerated will persevere to the very end?


Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I just reported it. I did not say I am not saved. I said I don't claim to be saved.

Your faith is so shallow, friend. You are so quick to judge anyone who are saved or not, usurping Jesus' authority.

And you claim to be true and saved Christian.

You say you are not saved because you are not saved. If you were saved you would say so and thank God who had mercy on you a sinner. That's what we do.

You say you are not a true Christian because you are not one.

It is your testimony. that's how we know.

You judged yourself...I am not saved, I am not a true Christian.

You USED Christ as an excuse to dump your old man. want to report that?
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Totton Linnet

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Why do you judge non-trins who are obviously serving Jesus as their Lord as non-believers and unsaved and heretics?

Because you judge us as non-believers, I will point out your obvious rotten fruit. Jesus says by your fruit we know them.

I use Jesus' word to discern who are deceivers.

It is ok for meshak to judge who are deceivers, but nobody is allowed to judge her rotten fruit.

You don't have much to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians".


Who strive to be loyal or obedient to Jesus, the Lord, by practicing what He teaches and commands.

Why is it so hard to understand?

Some teach works precedes salvation.
Some teach salvation precedes works.

How is what you said isn't boasting?


You have stated over and over the judgment by God on who is a christian has not been done yet and that no one can know they are saved, in effect saying you are not part of Christs church, because to be a part of Christs church, means to be born again/saved.

If you maintain you are not, then you are not part of Christs church. You yourself deny being part of it, each time you claim we cant know we are saved.

I would think "saved" is positive thinking. If one wants to be sure to be saved then they would have to save themselves. Will that work?


Some teach works precedes salvation.
Some teach salvation precedes works.

How is what you said isn't boasting?

Nope, I did not say I do good works.

I am only talking about obvious godly Christians. And you guys don't have much of fruit to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians."

Your reasoning or excuses is so childish and shallow.


Originally Posted by Angel4Truth View Post
You have stated over and over the judgment by God on who is a christian has not been done yet and that no one can know they are saved, in effect saying you are not part of Christs church, because to be a part of Christs church, means to be born again/saved.

Are you addressing me here? If you are:

Quote Jesus' word to back up your claim. I can point out your obvious flow.


I didn't know there is a rule on saying one isn't saved.

Here is another shallow comment of yours.

You don't know the basic principle of Jesus' authority. Jesus and God are the only ones that who claim who are saved or not, not anyone else.

You need to know this if you claim to be true Christian.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope, I did not say I do good works.

I am only talking about obvious godly Christians. And you guys don't have much of fruit to back up your claim of "true and saved Christians."

Your reasoning or excuses is so childish and shallow.

Watch out; Meshak KNOWS how much fruit you have! She has an
uncanny ability to see within your heart!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is another shallow comment of yours.

You don't know the basic principle of Jesus' authority. Jesus and God are the only ones that who claim who are saved or not, not anyone else.

You need to know this if you claim to be true Christian.

If you spent half your time learning English, and less time judging
posters on this forum, you'd better yourself in no time!!


It is obvious most of you are defending TL's blasphemy.

this is why I say mainstreamers don't know the very basic of Christianity.

You guys are boastful and just a mouth.
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