Hurting People On TOL

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Each revelation must be understand in its context and the fuller context of how they fit together. None of the apostles are "chopped liver", but there is currently ONE apostle for ONE body. There were and will be TWELVE apostles judging TWELVE tribes.

You mash them together and get a mess.

There is only One God and One Faith. It is already mashed together by God's design and it will never be a mess in His eyes because He is in control.


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What is your criterion for knowing what a godly message and teaching is? We know you don't give credence to the entire bible and rip out many books as without any authority, so please explain your measure for truth vs untruth when it comes to the word of God.

Still waiting meshak.


I saw no need to repeat in my own post what A4T so succinctly asked. Why be redundant?

As I have stated to you in the past, all Scripture speaks to God's redemptive plan and our Lord's purpose therein. In fact our Lord said so directly, did He not? :AMR:


this is a cheap shot.

You don't know the whole message of the Bible do you? If you do, just say it.


Still waiting meshak.

If it is about holyness, goodness, righteousness, marcy, fairness and all that good stuff, it is inspired.

I hope you are not going to tell me you do not know all those. If you don't, your faith is meaningless, friend.

God gave us discernment to know what is the right thing to do.
God created us.


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I saw no need to repeat in my own post what A4T so succinctly asked. Why be redundant?

As I have stated to you in the past, all Scripture speaks to God's redemptive plan and our Lord's purpose therein. In fact our Lord said so directly, did He not? :AMR:


this is a cheap shot.

You don't know the whole message of the Bible do you? If you do, just say it.

Do you know what a cheap shot means? You clearly don't, since you are claiming its a cheap shot for someone to ask you questions.

Nothing he said there is a cheap shot.

cheap shot

a covert, unsportsmanlike, and illegal act of deliberate roughness, especially in football, often calculated to injure an opponent.
any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, especially one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person.


Do you know what a cheap shot means? You clearly don't, since you are claiming its a cheap shot for someone to ask you questions.

Nothing he said there is a cheap shot.

cheap shot

a covert, unsportsmanlike, and illegal act of deliberate roughness, especially in football, often calculated to injure an opponent.
any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, especially one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person.

ok, thanks for lesson.

Now get back to what the Bible is all about that you don't seem to know.


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If it is about holyness, goodness, righteousness, marcy, fairness and all that good stuff, it is inspired.

I hope you are not going to tell me you do not know all those. If you don't, your faith is meaningless, friend.

God gave us discernment to know what is the right thing to do.

So basically you have no actual criterion, you pick and choose out of the bible (like your at a buffet) the parts you personally like and skip the rest.

If you believe only the parts YOU like are inspired, wouldn't that be you making yourself God to "know good and evil" like they did in the garden?

Also if only parts are inspired, how do you determine the difference, perhaps the part you like are the parts that aren't?


So basically you have no actual criterion, you pick and choose out of the bible (like your at a buffet) the parts you personally like and skip the rest.

If you believe only the parts YOU like are inspired, wouldn't that be you making yourself God to "know good and evil" like they did in the garden?

Also if only parts are inspired, how do you determine the difference, perhaps the part you like are the parts that aren't?

Ok, friend. It is obvious you never thought about it. That's the mainstreamers faith. They are following blindly their leaders, like leaders, like followers.

The Bible is all about God's love through Jesus' Christ.

God tried to teach His first chosen people, Jews, how to live godly and righteously to be the world's leaders as God's people but they could not or would not do it. So God sent His own Son to teach us to accomplish what He started out with.



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Ok, friend. It is obvious you never thought about it. That's the mainstreamers faith. They are following blindly their leaders, like leaders, like followers.

The Bible is all about God's love through Jesus' Christ.

God tried to teach His first chosen people, Jews, how to live godly and righteously to be the world's leaders as God's people but they could not or would not do it. So God sent His own Son to teach us to accomplish what He started out with.


And you still haven't answered my question. *sigh*

Lazy afternoon

Yes and so confirmed Paul in Romans 1. The lost...

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9);
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23);
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19);
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12);
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6);
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1);
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3);
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14); and
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).

Mankind either hates God or loves Him. There is no in-between position, despite the claims of those that think they are "basically good" people and just trying to sort it all out.



Children are not born hating God.

The ignorant do not all hate God.



And you still haven't answered my question. *sigh*

I already said what I have to say.

You guys talk about rif rafs of your faith without knowing the whole picture of the Bible.

It is playing scholars. Jesus described it as "scholars and scribes" and does not value at all because it is talk the talk.

You guys are playing Christian games and I don't play those kind of games.

good day, Angel. I am done with you with this, take it or leave it.

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New member
Hall of Fame
I already said what I have to say.

You guys talk about rif rafs of your faith without know the whole picture of the Bible.

It is playing scholars. Jesus described it as "scholars and scribes" and does not value at all because it is talk the talk.

You guys are paying Christian games and I don't play those kind of games.

good day, Angel. I am done with you with this, take it or leave it.


I will leave it, and listen to God instead of you, using His measure which is His entire word to receive actual truth.

You are playing games though, a game with your very life.

Lazy afternoon

So basically you have no actual criterion, you pick and choose out of the bible (like your at a buffet) the parts you personally like and skip the rest.

If you believe only the parts YOU like are inspired, wouldn't that be you making yourself God to "know good and evil" like they did in the garden?

Also if only parts are inspired, how do you determine the difference, perhaps the part you like are the parts that aren't?

How do you determine what is directed to you and what is not?



i ran over a hornet's nest in the ground with my lawn mower last week

went back at night and sprayed half a can of raid down the hole

no more hornets :idunno:
You have a tendency to mix metaphors or take them literally. Jesus' authentic voice print does not point to such interpretations. He taught the Kingdom of God in parables. And parables are not propositional theology.

What is it about Love your enemies do you not understand?

What prevents you from encountering a God who is described by Jesus thusly:

The Father makes his sun to shine on both the good and the evil and sendeth his rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike.


Pay attention to the log inside your own eye first before you deem to point out the speck of sawdust in your neighbor's


I don't agree that Paul's teachings don't harmonize with Yeshua's. I, like Peter, believe that Paul can be very hard to understand but you must remember that regardless, Peter endorsed Paul (2Peter 3:14-16) He would not have done that had Paul been anti-Christ. There is a danger calling a disciple of Yeshua an anti-Christ. Paul gave an enormous part of his life for the faith and ultimately gave his very life for it. Anti-Christs don't do that, Meshak. So the danger is in creating stumbling blocks for believers. We aren't supposed to do that.
Paul and the "pillars" in Jerusalem (Peter, Jesus's brother John and some others there) had a serious falling out which can be traced to parts of Paul's letters plus Luke's take on it. Differences and discrepancies aside, the original branch of Jesus's followers found Paul's theology to be troubling.

Common sense tells us that the group with the closest ties to the actual historical figure of Jesus was the closest to what Jesus himself preached and commanded. Paul focused on a different theology of Christ and his crucifixion and resurrection to what he called "a spiritual body."

A bit of a collision course, as any careful reader can see.

Grosnick Marowbe

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I already said what I have to say.

You guys talk about rif rafs of your faith without knowing the whole picture of the Bible.

It is playing scholars. Jesus described it as "scholars and scribes" and does not value at all because it is talk the talk.

You guys are paying Christian games and I don't play those kind of games.

good day, Angel. I am done with you with this, take it or leave it.


Is Angel now on your famous, ignore list?
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