Hurting People On TOL

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Well-known member
which people are we gonna blow to smithereens next?

never mind, doesn't really matter

they probably deserve it

Some probably do. But because of collateral damage not all that are blown to smithereens will deserve it. Even then there will be some that got away who also deserve it, and they will in turn convert more that deserve it. Ah if only life was perfect, then we would not need war at all. But then where would the neo cons be?


Some probably do. But because of collateral damage not all that are blown to smithereens will deserve it. Even then there will be some that got away who also deserve it, and they will in turn convert more that deserve it. Ah if only life was perfect, then we would not need war at all. But then where would the neo cons be?

peering in people's bedroom windows, i reckon :idunno:


New member
Jesus' overall all messages are about being faithful to His teachings and commands where as Paul's is not. Paul emphasize too much of faith only.

Paul's over all teachings are anti-Christ because he dose not harmonize with Jesus' overall messages.

Do you understand what I am saying?

I don't agree that Paul's teachings don't harmonize with Yeshua's. I, like Peter, believe that Paul can be very hard to understand but you must remember that regardless, Peter endorsed Paul (2Peter 3:14-16) He would not have done that had Paul been anti-Christ. There is a danger calling a disciple of Yeshua an anti-Christ. Paul gave an enormous part of his life for the faith and ultimately gave his very life for it. Anti-Christs don't do that, Meshak. So the danger is in creating stumbling blocks for believers. We aren't supposed to do that.


I don't agree that Paul's teachings don't harmonize with Yeshua's. I, like Peter, believe that Paul can be very hard to understand but you must remember that regardless, Peter endorsed Paul. He would not have done that had Paul been anti-Christ. There is a danger calling a disciple of Yeshua an anti-Christ. Paul gave an enormous part of his life for the faith and ultimately gave his very life for it. Anti-Christs don't do that, Meshak. So the danger is in creating stumbling blocks for believers. We aren't supposed to do that.

Please read what I said previously. You are not paying attention as usual.


New member



So quit trying to skirt around her point.
Her point is WRONG.

I wasn't trying to skirt around her point. The point of Meshak's that I was addressing is the fact that Yeshua is enough.

Some people here keep implying that Yeshua on earth is different from Yeshua risen, that His teaching changed post resurrection and that He gave new teaching to Paul to deliver to the world, the implication then being that Peter and other disciples were chopped liver. There is nothing in Scripture that states that or even implies it.

You didn't answer my question.


New member
Please read what I said previously. You are not paying attention as usual.

I read your post and responded accordingly. If you don't like my response or don't agree with it that's one thing, but to state that I'm "not paying attention as usual" is insulting and uncalled for. If you want people to see Yeshua in you, you're going to have to leave that behavior behind.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I know some folks are going to think I'm a bit loopy here but Meshak has a point. I know, I know, I know.....don't say anything, okay?
We've got folks wanting to follow Paul and put Peter down and some don't want to consider James and some don't want to consider the Gospel books at all, taking everything solely from Acts on forward. I would have to ask AMR what exactly is wrong with going straight to our High Priest? It's the same question I ask Catholics and Jews. Why do we look to the writings of man without also looking to God and Yeshua?

Then you don't believe Paul's letters were written under inspiration of the Spirit of God?

Yes, UNDER God, not in place of, not to be held above Yeshua and Paul was certainly no better than Peter or any of the disciples taught by Yeshua.

So, what is wrong with going straight to Yeshua? Nothing.

You say go straight to Yeshua, what words in the Bible were written by Yeshua Himself? That would be a big fat goose egg, zero, zip, nada. So the question that begs to be asked would be why do you put more faith in the writings of the prophets in a dispensation before Christs birth, or the Apostles writings while he was alive in yet another dispensation and then make lesser the words given to Christ's Apostle in this dispensation of grace, which if you take all the words of the Bible by faith as inspired are Christ's most current words given by the mouth & pen of Paul. Should we bring all things before God in prayer? Yes but, discount the writings & teachings of Christ's chosen apostle after His DBR for this dispensation...that would be a no.


New member
You say go straight to Yeshua, what words in the Bible were written by Yeshua Himself? That would be a big fat goose egg, zero, zip, nada. So the question that begs to be asked would be why do you put more faith in the writings of the prophets in a dispensation before Christs birth, or the Apostles writings while he was alive in yet another dispensation and then make lesser the words given to Christ's Apostle in this dispensation of grace, which if you take all the words of the Bible by faith as inspired are Christ's most current words given by the mouth & pen of Paul. Should we bring all things before God in prayer? Yes but, discount the writings & teachings of Christ's chosen apostle after His DBR for this dispensation...that would be a no.

they both teach the same thing. once she believed in the life given by Christ to her,what need for rule or law or dispensation does she need?


New member
You say go straight to Yeshua, what words in the Bible were written by Yeshua Himself? That would be a big fat goose egg, zero, zip, nada. So the question that begs to be asked would be why do you put more faith in the writings of the prophets in a dispensation before Christs birth, or the Apostles writings while he was alive in yet another dispensation and then make lesser the words given to Christ's Apostle in this dispensation of grace, which if you take all the words of the Bible by faith as inspired are Christ's most current words given by the mouth & pen of Paul. Should we bring all things before God in prayer? Yes but, discount the writings & teachings of Christ's chosen apostle after His DBR for this dispensation...that would be a no.

Yeshua chose twelve, not just one and what He taught them ALL is applicable to our faith walks. So rather than posture that Paul's writings are being discounted, which they aren't, why not consider Paul's question?...who was crucified for us? The point is that our focus should be on Yeshua and His Words. This tendency to uphold Paul and his writings over any other of Yeshua's disciples and their record in Scripture is wrong.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I read your post and responded accordingly. If you don't like my response or don't agree with it that's one thing, but to state that I'm "not paying attention as usual" is insulting and uncalled for. If you want people to see Yeshua in you, you're going to have to leave that behavior behind.

She CAN'T!! It comes natural for Meshak! That's who she is!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You say go straight to Yeshua, what words in the Bible were written by Yeshua Himself? That would be a big fat goose egg, zero, zip, nada. So the question that begs to be asked would be why do you put more faith in the writings of the prophets in a dispensation before Christs birth, or the Apostles writings while he was alive in yet another dispensation and then make lesser the words given to Christ's Apostle in this dispensation of grace, which if you take all the words of the Bible by faith as inspired are Christ's most current words given by the mouth & pen of Paul. Should we bring all things before God in prayer? Yes but, discount the writings & teachings of Christ's chosen apostle after His DBR for this dispensation...that would be a no.


Ask Mr. Religion

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I have been talking about overall message of Paul. Yes, he gives many good things especially about fruit of spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self control and faithfulness. I like that verse the best about Paul's word.

He even speaks against all violent practice. You know I am anti-violent.

Regardless, we can learn those from Jesus' messages.

Of the 66 books in the Bible, which do you consider inspired by God?

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeshua chose twelve, not just one and what He taught them ALL is applicable to our faith walks. So rather than posture that Paul's writings are being discounted, which they aren't, why not consider Paul's question?...who was crucified for us? The point is that our focus should be on Yeshua and His Words. This tendency to uphold Paul and his writings over any other of Yeshua's disciples and their record in Scripture is wrong.

Christ, in His earthly walk was, speaking to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel! Christ chose Paul to be the Apostle to the gentiles!
Paul spoke to us of the "Dispensation of Grace" a time in which we
live today! Gentiles were NEVER given the law, nor were they under
the law! Christ was speaking to those who were under the law! In
other words, the house of Israel! We gentiles are not under law, but,
under Grace!


New member
Christ, in His earthly walk was, speaking to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel! Christ chose Paul to be the Apostle to the gentiles!
Paul spoke to us of the "Dispensation of Grace" a time in which we
live today! Gentiles were NEVER given the law, nor were they under
the law! Christ was speaking to those who were under the law! In
other words, the house of Israel! We gentiles are not under law, but,
under Grace!

I would have to ignore an awful lot of Scripture to believe this, Grosnick.
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