Hurting People On TOL

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Right Divider

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I don't believe that anyone who knows and loves God and His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach is going wrong.
Your vague generalities are very amusing.

I disagree with any form of doctrine that creates a two-faced impression of Yeshua. He did not present the faith one way on earth and present it differently after His resurrection. He would not mislead His people that way. Any doctrine that divides in that manner is inconsistent with the nature of God and with Scripture.
You liars are always putting words in other people mouths and twisting not only what they say but also what the Word of God says.

Yeshua is NOT two-faced because He gives NEW revelation to people. That is entirely God's prerogative.

Do you agree that God separated the people of Israel from the Gentiles at one point in time?

Do you also agree that CURRENTLY, His revelation says that there is NOW NO difference between Jew and Gentile?

How do YOU explain these CHANGES?

Yeshua said that He came ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. What do you make of that?

You are a very shallow believer, unwilling to understand the deeper things of God's revelation.

Right Divider

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Paul and the "pillars" in Jerusalem (Peter, Jesus's brother John and some others there) had a serious falling out which can be traced to parts of Paul's letters plus Luke's take on it. Differences and discrepancies aside, the original branch of Jesus's followers found Paul's theology to be troubling.

Common sense tells us that the group with the closest ties to the actual historical figure of Jesus was the closest to what Jesus himself preached and commanded. Paul focused on a different theology of Christ and his crucifixion and resurrection to what he called "a spiritual body."

A bit of a collision course, as any careful reader can see.
Complete and total nonsense.

Paul spent an IMMENSE amount of time with the RISEN AND GLORIED LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Paul's teachings are Jesus' teachings for the current dispensation of the GRACE OF GOD.


The question is should one overlook the hurtful comments being made towards him or her?

Psalm 69

Romans 15


Your vague generalities are very amusing.

You liars are always putting words in other people mouths and twisting not only what they say but also what the Word of God says.

Yeshua is NOT two-faced because He gives NEW revelation to people. That is entirely God's prerogative.

Do you agree that God separated the people of Israel from the Gentiles at one point in time?

Do you also agree that CURRENTLY, His revelation says that there is NOW NO difference between Jew and Gentile?

How do YOU explain these CHANGES?

Yeshua said that He came ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. What do you make of that?

You are a very shallow believer, unwilling to understand the deeper things of God's revelation.

And no difference between male and female hehe
You've been taught by women!

The difference remains.

Gentile believer and the Remnant of Israel aka Jewish believers


New member
Your vague generalities are very amusing.

Well, I'm glad I could put a smile on your face.

You liars are always putting words in other people mouths and twisting not only what they say but also what the Word of God says.

Yeshua is NOT two-faced because He gives NEW revelation to people. That is entirely God's prerogative.

Of course God can give a new revelation to His people but it will never contradict Scripture.

Do you agree that God separated the people of Israel from the Gentiles at one point in time?

No. God called for the separation of Israel from pagans and idol worshipers. Not all Gentiles were pagans and not all Gentiles were idol worshipers. God allowed for Gentiles to join Israel. Consider Boaz and Ruth. Consider the court of the Gentiles in the Temple. You seem to want to put Gentiles into one lump group. It just wasn't that way.

Do you also agree that CURRENTLY, His revelation says that there is NOW NO difference between Jew and Gentile?

That's what I meant when I said it was already mashed together. Anyone who believed in and obeyed God was acceptable to God.

How do YOU explain these CHANGES?

I don't see a change. Faith in God and in Yeshua and obedience to both has always been the criteria. It's also important to recognize that God's Grace to mankind has existed from the beginning.

Yeshua said that He came ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. What do you make of that?

What should I make of that? Yeshua healed Gentiles and Samaritans. He freely gave His Love to those with faith in know, the crumbs from His table.

You are a very shallow believer, unwilling to understand the deeper things of God's revelation.

I don't think so but you are welcome to believe whatever you wish. :)
I don't buy into any form of replacement theology. We are grafted into the vine, we're not a whole different vine. Courtesy of our adoption through Yeshua, we are full fledged members of the tribe of Judah. Yeshua is Israel and we are all (Jew and Gentile) of His Body.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ok, that's what I thought. You make simple salvation complicated and perverted one.

You scholars waste so many hours and money for simple salvation and lead people to astray.


good day.

Judging from YOUR posts, one can easily ascertain; you're no scholar!


Ok, that's what I thought. You make simple salvation complicated and perverted one.

You scholars waste so many hours and money for simple salvation and lead people to astray.


good day.

JW's New World Translation Bible are translated by JW scholars.

The JW scholars didn't know Greek or Hebrew.

How did they translate the Scriptures?

Bonus: The JW scholars removed entire verses !!!

Really BAD news !



JW's New World Translation Bible are translated by JW scholars.

The JW scholars didn't know Greek or Hebrew.

How did they translate the Scriptures?

Bonus: The JW scholars removed entire verses !!!

Really BAD news !


YOur green eye spirit it showing.

Right Divider

Body part
Of course God can give a new revelation to His people but it will never contradict Scripture.
So it would seem, but there are many contradictions none the less. We need to understand them.
Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.
(Matthew 16:20, KJV)

No. God called for the separation of Israel from pagans and idol worshipers. Not all Gentiles were pagans and not all Gentiles were idol worshipers. God allowed for Gentiles to join Israel. Consider Boaz and Ruth. Consider the court of the Gentiles in the Temple. You seem to want to put Gentiles into one lump group. It just wasn't that way.
You need to read what the Bible actually says, not what you think that it says.
Lev 20:23-24 KJV
23 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them. 24 But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people.
When God says that He separated Israel from OTHER PEOPLE, that means ALL OTHER PEOPLE. Gentiles could most certainly JOIN WITH Israel but that does not void the fact that God chose Israel distinctly.

That's what I meant when I said it was already mashed together. Anyone who believed in and obeyed God was acceptable to God.
The current dispensation where there is no separation is temporary. One day God will restore Israel to their place as the head of the nations.

I don't see a change. Faith in God and in Yeshua and obedience to both has always been the criteria. It's also important to recognize that God's Grace to mankind has existed from the beginning.
If you don't, then you are blind.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
(Romans 3:21, KJV)
What do you think "but now" means?

What should I make of that? Yeshua healed Gentiles and Samaritans. He freely gave His Love to those with faith in know, the crumbs from His table.
Crumbs to the Gentiles indeed! Second class people during Yeshua's time on earth.
Matthew 15:21-28 KJV
21 ¶Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24 But he answered and said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, "O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour."
He would not even talk to her, but did acknowledge her faith WHEN SHE PUT ISRAEL FIRST (also acknowledging her place as a 'dog').

I don't think so but you are welcome to believe whatever you wish. :)
I don't buy into any form of replacement theology. We are grafted into the vine, we're not a whole different vine. Courtesy of our adoption through Yeshua, we are full fledged members of the tribe of Judah. Yeshua is Israel and we are all (Jew and Gentile) of His Body.
I don't buy any form of replacement theology either, so don't even try to put those words in my mouth.

We, the members of the body of Christ, do not need to belong to any of the tribes of Israel. We are IN CHRIST, not in Israel.

P.S. Yeshua is NOT Israel. He is the Almighty Creator of the Universe.


Well-known member
Meshak once posted that she LOVES rock and roll music. Rock is the epitome of worldliness; originally a blend of jazz, blues and country elements that was preeminently about fostering rebellion and promoting sexual license.

I wonder...if Meshak knew about rock's worldly beginnings (she probably doesn't), would she still love it?


Meshak once posted that she LOVES rock and roll music. Rock is the epitome of worldliness; originally a blend of jazz, blues and country elements that was preeminently about fostering rebellion and promoting sexual license.

I wonder...if Meshak knew about rock's worldly beginnings (she probably doesn't), would she still love it?

I never said I am perfect. Yes, that is my worldly thing that cannot give up. I will not make excuse for it.
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