How the Gospel Interprets the Bible


Then it would be the Christian thing to do NOT to accuse others of doing something you cannot prove they are doing. It is called false testimony and it is a :nono: with God.

MADs claims have been refuted over and over. Why do you repeat the same questions over and over and over?

Have you asked marhig the same questions?

Why dont you accept her answers? My potions is exactly the same as hers. And I know she has been answering all the questions asked by MADs.

It is so strange that you buys have been claiming and asking the same questions over and over and over....

what gives?


New member
MADs claims have been refuted over and over.

When you say that MADs claims have been refuted you are saying that the BIBLE has been refuted, which is totally nonsense.

Have you ever read The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan? It was written in 1678 while he was in prison and he understood MAD (and MAD wasn't even on the public domain yet).

Why do you repeat the same questions over and over and over?

Because the answers given DISAGREE with the Bible.

Have you asked marhig the same questions?

Have I asked you, meshak?

Why dont you accept her answers?

Why don't you accept my answers?

My potions is exactly the same as hers. And I know she has been answering all the questions asked by MADs.

Who is accusing her of not answering the questions?

It is so strange that you buys have been claiming and asking the same questions over and over and over....

It is so strange that you buys have been claiming and answering the same answers DISAGREEING with the Bible.

what gives?



It is so strange that you buys have been claiming and answering the same answers DISAGREEING with the Bible.

Simply put, you dont know Jesus' teachings or rather you dismiss it.

It is a shame that His word is much important than anyone elses teachings.


Well-known member
No, marhig. That is the body of Christ, which is composed of Jews and gentiles who are saved exclusively by faith in Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

Many have the tendency of conflating the members of the nation of Israel (Jews exclusively) with the members of the Body of Christ (mixture of Jews and gentiles).
Are the body of Christ the sheep brought in from both folds (Jews and gentiles) through Christ Jesus?


New member
Are the body of Christ the sheep brought in from both folds (Jews and gentiles) through Christ Jesus?

I do not understand why it is so difficult to understand:

Israel = Jews exclusively period
SAVED by faith in their WORKS (which is what God told them was His rules for them).
Not one Israel today can be saved by FAITH in DOING WORKS not one single one (there is no temple, no high priest, etc., etc., etc.)

The Body of Christ = mixture of Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews].
SAVED exclusively by faith in WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary which is OK because that is God's rules for TODAY.

TODAY there is neither Jew NOR Gentile for BOTH are CHRISTIANS.

Two totally different groups, both saved, both saved by the RULES God established for each group.
TODAY there are ONLY CHRISTIANS, be it Jew, non-Jew, male, female, boy or girl, tall or short, black or white, yellow or brown --- ALL are CHRISTIANS members of the Body of Christ.

TODAY, there is NO other way TO BE SAVED but WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did. No other way.

Now, when the fullness of the non-Jew (gentiles) is come... (Romans 11:25)
I am so in the expectancy of the fullness of the gentiles because then......


New member
Simply put, you dont know Jesus' teachings or rather you dismiss it.

NO CHRISTIAN goes around not worshipping the Lord with all their heart and their soul and all their being
NO CHRISTIAN has other gods before the Lord
NO CHRISTIAN makes images and bow down to them
NO CHRISTIAN takes the Lord's name in vain
NO CHRISTIAN forgets to honor the rest day
NO CHRISTIAN forgets to honor their father and mother
NO CHRISTIAN goes around murdering people
NO CHRISTIAN commits adultery
NO CHRISTIAN bears false witness

Why do you keep on accusing CHRISTIANS of doing such saying that CHRISTIANS don't know Jesus' teachings or dismiss it?

It is a shame that His word is much important than anyone elses teachings.

Really, meshak? Really?
You should read back what you write before clicking the submit button.

God's Truth

New member
I do not understand why it is so difficult to understand:

Israel = Jews exclusively period
SAVED by faith in their WORKS (which is what God told them was His rules for them).
Not one Israel today can be saved by FAITH in DOING WORKS not one single one (there is no temple, no high priest, etc., etc., etc.)

The Body of Christ = mixture of Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews].
SAVED exclusively by faith in WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary which is OK because that is God's rules for TODAY.

TODAY there is neither Jew NOR Gentile for BOTH are CHRISTIANS.

Two totally different groups, both saved, both saved by the RULES God established for each group.
TODAY there are ONLY CHRISTIANS, be it Jew, non-Jew, male, female, boy or girl, tall or short, black or white, yellow or brown --- ALL are CHRISTIANS members of the Body of Christ.

TODAY, there is NO other way TO BE SAVED but WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did. No other way.

Now, when the fullness of the non-Jew (gentiles) is come... (Romans 11:25)
I am so in the expectancy of the fullness of the gentiles because then......

You don't get it that Jesus did not preach the old law to the Jews when he walked the earth.

You don't get it that Jesus is not waiting to come back to live in a man made temple while the Jews offer animals.

You don't get it that 'not obeying' is good and 'obeying' will send you to hell.


Well-known member
I do not understand why it is so difficult to understand:

Israel = Jews exclusively period
SAVED by faith in their WORKS (which is what God told them was His rules for them).
Not one Israel today can be saved by FAITH in DOING WORKS not one single one (there is no temple, no high priest, etc., etc., etc.)

The Body of Christ = mixture of Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews].
SAVED exclusively by faith in WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary which is OK because that is God's rules for TODAY.

TODAY there is neither Jew NOR Gentile for BOTH are CHRISTIANS.

Two totally different groups, both saved, both saved by the RULES God established for each group.
TODAY there are ONLY CHRISTIANS, be it Jew, non-Jew, male, female, boy or girl, tall or short, black or white, yellow or brown --- ALL are CHRISTIANS members of the Body of Christ.

TODAY, there is NO other way TO BE SAVED but WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did. No other way.

Now, when the fullness of the non-Jew (gentiles) is come... (Romans 11:25)
I am so in the expectancy of the fullness of the gentiles because then......

You say Israel=Jews. So we're the ones who crucified Jesus his sheep?

Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, there were many natural Jews who did not hear his voice hence they are not his sheep and not of his fold, the lost sheep are all those who hear his voice from both folds and are brought in by the shepherd who is Christ Jesus.

The true Jews are not natural Israel, but all those who are a Jew inwardly, circumcised of the heart, Jew and gentile brought in through Christ Jesus.
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Well-known member
NO CHRISTIAN goes around not worshipping the Lord with all their heart and their soul and all their being
NO CHRISTIAN has other gods before the Lord
NO CHRISTIAN makes images and bow down to them
NO CHRISTIAN takes the Lord's name in vain
NO CHRISTIAN forgets to honor the rest day
NO CHRISTIAN forgets to honor their father and mother
NO CHRISTIAN goes around murdering people
NO CHRISTIAN commits adultery
NO CHRISTIAN bears false witness

Why do you keep on accusing CHRISTIANS of doing such saying that CHRISTIANS don't know Jesus' teachings or dismiss it?

Really, meshak? Really?
You should read back what you write before clicking the submit button.

No one who truly follows Christ does, but there are many that profess to know Christ and are workers of iniquity. Jesus even said he will say depart from me to those who do so.

Not all who say that are Christ's, are Christ's. Those who truly belong to Christ, walk in faith and live by the will of God. Truly following Jesus.


No one who truly follows Christ does, but there are many that profess to know Christ and are workers of iniquity. Jesus even said he will say depart from me to those who do so.

Not all who say that are Christ's, are Christ's. Those who truly belong to Christ, walk in faith and live by the will of God. Truly following Jesus.

Continue on spreading the whole truth, my sister.

thank you.


New member
You say Israel=Jews. So we're the ones who crucified Jesus his sheep?

Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, there were many natural Jews who did not hear his voice hence they are not his sheep and not of his fold, the lost sheep are all those who hear his voice from both folds and are brought in by the shepherd who is Christ Jesus.

The true Jews are not natural Israel, but all those who are a Jew inwardly, circumcised of the heart, Jew and gentile brought in through Christ Jesus.

When is it that we are going to understand/comprehend that salvation is TOTALLY, EXCLUSIVELY of God?

We had/have absolutely nothing to do with salvation, if we had, we would soil His incredible sacrifice and it would be for nought.

He decided that even though we ALL are guilty (Jews and Gentiles), those who call on His name, He by His own volition, will save.

Today, a Jew call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.
Today, a Gentile call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.

Today, a Jew or a Gentile who has called on the name of the Lord is NO LONGER a Jew or a Gentile, we are now CHRISTIANS. Why is this so difficult to accept?


New member
You don't get it that Jesus did not preach the old law to the Jews when he walked the earth.

Oh, He made something up. Got it.

You don't get it that Jesus is not waiting to come back to live in a man made temple while the Jews offer animals.

Well, then your god is a liar. My God is not a liar and every single word He pronounced HAS TO BE fulfilled. It matters not that you do not agree with God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

You don't get it that 'not obeying' is good and 'obeying' will send you to hell.

Did you start your missionary mission in Jerusalem, passing by Samaria, going into Judea, and then to the end of the earth? No? Then you are a DISobedient servant of the one you say you obey precisely.


New member
No one who truly follows Christ does, but there are many that profess to know Christ and are workers of iniquity. Jesus even said he will say depart from me to those who do so.

Not all who say that are Christ's, are Christ's. Those who truly belong to Christ, walk in faith and live by the will of God. Truly following Jesus.

Go talk to meshak all about it.

Simply put, you dont know Jesus' teachings or rather you dismiss it.


Well-known member
When is it that we are going to understand/comprehend that salvation is TOTALLY, EXCLUSIVELY of God?

We had/have absolutely nothing to do with salvation, if we had, we would soil His incredible sacrifice and it would be for nought.

He decided that even though we ALL are guilty (Jews and Gentiles), those who call on His name, He by His own volition, will save.

Today, a Jew call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.
Today, a Gentile call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.

Today, a Jew or a Gentile who has called on the name of the Lord is NO LONGER a Jew or a Gentile, we are now CHRISTIANS. Why is this so difficult to accept?

When is it that we are going to understand/comprehend that salvation is TOTALLY, EXCLUSIVELY of God?

We had/have absolutely nothing to do with salvation, if we had, we would soil His incredible sacrifice and it would be for nought.

He decided that even though we ALL are guilty (Jews and Gentiles), those who call on His name, He by His own volition, will save.

Today, a Jew call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.
Today, a Gentile call on the name of the Lord, the Lord saves.

Today, a Jew or a Gentile who has called on the name of the Lord is NO LONGER a Jew or a Gentile, we are now CHRISTIANS. Why is this so difficult to accept?

And those Jews and gentiles that are being brought in through Christ, were lost sheep from both folds, why is that hard for you to accept? Why can't you see that? If Jesus has sheep in two folds and he is gathering them in, then they are those that were lost but are now found. And all those who's heart are circumcised are Jews inwardly hence they are the true Jews.

Are the Jews who murdered Jesus his sheep? What do you think? They are naturally of Israel but they are not Israel, they are children of the flesh because they loved their flesh and the world before God.

Romans 9

For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God

Those who are children of the flesh, Jew and gentile are not the children of God, the children of God are those who have complete faith in him and live by God's will and turn from sin, turn from the flesh and obey him, following Jesus. Those brought in by Christ no longer follow the written law, but having the laws written in their hearts and minds by the Spirit who guides and teaches them in the truth daily, showing them their sins and helping them to overcome them, these are God's true children. These are they who walk in the Spirit of God, and as they walk in the light, their old life is gone and hidden in Christ and Christ covers them and they are seen no more, and Christ is seen in and through them, because they are dead to self and they put God first in their lives. These are God's true children these are those who truly love him. They are those who truly follow Christ Jesus.

By the way, there is no salvation without obedience, no obedience, no Spirit, no Spirit, no salvation.

Acts 5:32

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

God's Truth

New member
Oh, He made something up. Got it.

Well, then your god is a liar. My God is not a liar and every single word He pronounced HAS TO BE fulfilled. It matters not that you do not agree with God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Did you start your missionary mission in Jerusalem, passing by Samaria, going into Judea, and then to the end of the earth? No? Then you are a DISobedient servant of the one you say you obey precisely.

Jesus didn't preach the old law he preached the new law.

Luke 16:16 "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.


New member
Jesus didn't preach the old law he preached the new law.

Luke 16:16 "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.

Oh, He made something up. Got it.

Well, then your god is a liar. My God is not a liar and every single word He pronounced HAS TO BE fulfilled. It matters not that you do not agree with God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

You, gt, are a DISobedient servant of the one you say you obey precisely. Even though you boast of your perfect obedience.


New member
And those Jews and gentiles that are being brought in through Christ, were lost sheep from both folds, why is that hard for you to accept? Why can't you see that? If Jesus has sheep in two folds and he is gathering them in, then they are those that were lost but are now found. And all those who's heart are circumcised are Jews inwardly hence they are the true Jews.

:think: No.

Are the Jews who murdered Jesus his sheep? What do you think? They are naturally of Israel but they are not Israel, they are children of the flesh because they loved their flesh and the world before God.

Romans 9

For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God

Are the GENTILES who murdered Jesus his sheep? What do you think? You do realize that there are gentiles who are murdering Jesus since then, right?

Those who are children of the flesh, Jew and gentile are not the children of God, the children of God are those who have complete faith in him and live by God's will and turn from sin, turn from the flesh and obey him, following Jesus. Those brought in by Christ no longer follow the written law, but having the laws written in their hearts and minds by the Spirit who guides and teaches them in the truth daily, showing them their sins and helping them to overcome them, these are God's true children. These are they who walk in the Spirit of God, and as they walk in the light, their old life is gone and hidden in Christ and Christ covers them and they are seen no more, and Christ is seen in and through them, because they are dead to self and they put God first in their lives. These are God's true children these are those who truly love him. They are those who truly follow Christ Jesus.

:think: No.

By the way, there is no salvation without obedience, no obedience, no Spirit, no Spirit, no salvation.

Acts 5:32

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

What was that obedience, marhig?

Did Peter obey Him?
Did any of the disciples obey Him?

If you answer yes, then why did the Risen, Exalted Lord Christ Jesus sent Paul?

Think about it for a while, marhig, before answering.


Most who spend all their lives REFUTING

- WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did

in place of their own obedience as the EXCLUSIVE way to get to God, miss it totally and completely. Building their house starting with the roof, instead with the foundation. First get the foundation right, then the roof will stand.


New member
By the way, there is no salvation without obedience, no obedience, no Spirit, no Spirit, no salvation.

Acts 5:32

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

To whom was the above addressed, marhig?
I can guarantee you that it was not addressed to you or moi.