New member
For those of you with a genuine interest in the latest trends in vaccination ... the beat goes on:
This is the level of misinformed paranoia I have come to expect from Wingnuts like Mike Adams.
The photo accompanying the article shows RFID chips alongside a hypodermic needle, as if that were even remotely what such a law concerns.
Mike Adams even goes on to say: "...if these Texas lawmakers get their way, every person living in Texas will be tracked like dogs with a government-run vaccine status database that will almost certainly be used to conduct house-to-house SWAT raids and arrests of those who refuse to be vaccinated"
That would be atrocious, and no reasonable person would support this. Fortunately that is not what was proposed.
Here is what the bill actually states:
"..establishing and maintaining a single repository of accurate, complete, and current immunization records..."
So in other words, it consolidates immunization records into a single repository, since immunization records are already something clinics keep anyway. The bill even makes provision to have one's records removed from the registry upon request.
Title of article: All Texans to be tracked like dogs under ominous Big Brother vaccine database legislation
I can see how one might confuse outrage media rife with unwarranted conjecture for journalism. NaturalNews.com is news in the same way that I am a loaf of bread.