Listening to a "Crazed Calvinist" like Crucible is like stepping on a rusty nail with your bare foot.
Good points.
There was no point. You all will never make a point on this because it's impossible- you didn't choose to be a Christian anymore than you chose to believe the sky is blue.
Listening to a "Crazed Calvinist" like Crucible is like stepping on a rusty nail with your bare foot.
You all are the one's who are crazy. Crazy people deal in delusions that they know aren't true, and that's what you all do.
You suck at insults.
The reason you are a Christian, and not an atheist, Muslim, or Hindu, is due to variables outside of your control. You believe in God because God's providence.
The intellectual dishonesty is strong with you all- deluding yourself with things you know aren't true is what you all apparently excel at![]()
This is so . .
Persons who are alive, who had no part in their coming into this world, deny the reality that they are only saved, if saved, by the grace of God; not due to any choices, actions, or willingness on their part.
None of the Calvinists here disagree with her. I post this because she is back.
First of all did you have a nice vacation? Second of all, you follow a, shall we say, "False gospel" with a very small "g". No offence, however, I speak the truth.
You do not recognize Truth when it smacks you in the face . . .
1 Timothy 2:4 "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
So tell us, why are all men not saved?
Not even a majority of mankind has been saved since creation, so how come?
Do you really think the unwillingness of man is greater than the grace of God, and that sinners have the power to nullify the cross work of Jesus Christ?
I believe that every soul for whom Christ died, will be regenerated and saved in their lifetimes, by the grace and power of God's will. 100% of those for whom Christ shed His blood, will share in the inheritance of His Kingdom . . . none will be lost . . . none.