How Calvinism makes a sham out of Christianity

God's Truth

New member
You followed the instructions and were saved?

You are about as lost as they come.

John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.

No, obeying Jesus doesn't make one lost.

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

God's Truth

New member
Thats you. And you show no respect for the Obedience of Christ and what it accomplished for many, it made them Righteous Rom 5:19 !

Your fake Jesus died for a few.

My Jesus changed the whole world, he died for the whole world and the whole world must now go through him.

Your Jesus condemns those whom he did not die for.

My Jesus condemns those who have done wrong and those who reject what he has done.


Well-known member
Your fake Jesus died for a few.

My Jesus changed the whole world, he died for the whole world and the whole world must now go through him.

Your Jesus condemns those whom he did not die for.

My Jesus condemns those who have done wrong and those who reject what he has done.

You believe in a False christ !

God's Truth

New member
You believe in a christ you manufactured in your own imagination and not the one revealed in scripture.

You believe in a christ that John Calvin came up with after doing his great college studies on Augustine and Augustus.

John Calvin caught the false demon teaching spirits right along with with those before him, and now you.


Well-known member
You believe in a christ that John Calvin came up with after doing his great college studies on Augustine and Augustus.

John Calvin caught the false demon teaching spirits right along with with those before him, and now you.

You reject the Christ of scripture !

God's Truth

New member
No you dont !

You are caught in your craftiness.

You said I did not have faith in Jesus' blood and I said I did.

You then lie about me and say I don't.

That proves you are ensnared by the devil, the devil who says things about others that are not true.


Well-known member
You are caught in your craftiness.

You said I did not have faith in Jesus' blood and I said I did.

You then lie about me and say I don't.

That proves you are ensnared by the devil, the devil who says things about others that are not true.

You dont have Faith in Christ's Blood. You believe sinners He shed His Blood for are lost. Thats unbelief in His Blood !