How are we saved?

God's Truth

New member
Hello GT,

You believe God is ONE. You also believe God was in Heaven, while on earth as His Son and you understand the meaning of this verse; John 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

I would like to point out a thought. We know Jesus is God. We also have affirmation that He created everything; Col. 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

Now, when you speak of "Doing the will of Him Who sent Me" from John 4:34, are you aware you are referring to the very work of Creation. God sent His Son to complete creation as we know it. Nowhere in the Genesis Creation account does God declare His work finished. That's because He rested from His "Work", at a chosen stopping place. Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

GT, Jesus finished His work of Creation here... John 19:30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

To destroy is called perdition. There is the Son of God and there is the son of Perdition. Judas was the literal "Son of Perdition" in the Gospels. When God is physically present in flesh He democraticly allows His opposition to do the same. We see this here; Luke 22:3 Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.

Jesus came in Flesh for these purposes... (Heb. 2:14, 1 Co. 15:54f, 56 and 1 Tim. 3:16)

Per 1 Co. 15:56, we know that the Law was the empowering force of Satan. Jesus freed us from its curse. (Gal. 3:13)

The Law is based on "OBEY" (Dt. 6:25, 31:26) Romans 3:20 ... and Gal. 2:16f

That is a big mistake you adding to God’s Word.
Nowhere does it say the law was based on obey!!!
Don’t you fear God?
You must not lean to the left or to the right of God’s word.

The law was based on PURIFICATION/CEREMONIAL works.
That means in order to remain in good standing with God---the people had to clean/justify themselves by cleaning themselves with certain works.

Now faith is the bases of the New Covenant. That means we no longer have to do those purification/ceremonial works to clean/justify ourselves before God, because now faith that Jesus’ blood does it is what does it.

That does NOT mean in ANY way that we no longer have to obey God! HAHAHAHAHAHA

God's Truth

New member
You are exalting perdition of God's Creation by glorifying Obedience. (Gal. 2:18)

If you keep adding Obedience past perpetually admitting you are a sinner and are perpetually in need of Justification by God's work of Creation, Death, Burial and Resurrection... ALONE... you will be under this... Hebrews 10:26-29

26 If anyone sins deliberately by rejecting the Savior after knowing the truth of forgiveness, this sin is not covered by Christ’s death; there is no way to get rid of it. 27 There will be nothing to look forward to but the terrible punishment of God’s awful anger, which will consume all his enemies. 28 A man who refused to obey the laws given by Moses was killed without mercy if there were two or three witnesses to his sin. 29 Think how much more terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled underfoot the Son of God and treated his cleansing blood as though it were common and unhallowed, and insulted and outraged the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to his people.

You are the imperfect CREATION, not the PERFECT CREATOR. You can create nothing from nothing. God Created Everything from His provision and is everything. Especially HIS free gift of salvation! He made a way for us where there was no way.

By denying that salvation is a free gift that only depends on Jesus' Obedience (Php. 2:8), you are being adversarial to Jesus! You are becoming a daughter of perdition that is destroying His ultimate work and self sacrifice.

Do you see this?

When we boast of one another, we aren't boasting of one another's OBEDIENCE, but our weakness and Jesus' limitless Love for imperfect us! We boast of our failure and glorify His perfection! (2 Co. 12:9) And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

He is our OBEY and OBEDIENCE! You are a CHRISTIAN, not a student of Charles Taze Russel and his demonic "Scripture Studies".

Wake up child of God! WAKE UP! Say it!!! We are weak and HE alone is Strong!

If Satan were standing in front of you right now, tell me, who would he be more pleased with you? You preach that obeying God is wrong.

You are blind as a bat and ensnared like an animal in the woods.

Never ever is obeying wrong. Never ever is preaching obedience wrong.

Not obeying is NOT the secret to everlasting life.


That is a big mistake you adding to God’s Word.
Nowhere does it say the law was based on obey!!!
Don’t you fear God?
You must not lean to the left or to the right of God’s word.

The law was based on PURIFICATION/CEREMONIAL works.
That means in order to remain in good standing with God---the people had to clean/justify themselves by cleaning themselves with certain works.

Now faith is the bases of the New Covenant. That means we no longer have to do those purification/ceremonial works to clean/justify ourselves before God, because now faith that Jesus’ blood does it is what does it.

That does NOT mean in ANY way that we no longer have to obey God! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Law Keeping... Legalism... Obedience...

Mk. 8:15

Leavening... a little bit will spoil the whole batch. You speak in words that are leavening and I must now ask you... were you ever a Russellite (Watch Tower/Jehovahs Wittness)?

Please answer honestly and without evasion.

God's Truth

New member
Pick up that Divine BROAD SWORD of yours and CUT the Sepents head off! Tell Him that it doesn't depend on you, it DEPENDS ON JESUS AND SO DO YOU!!!

Tell Satan that... (Romans 8:38f) "You GT" are ... "persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate ... "you" ... from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Say it GT! Tell that old Obedience Freak, the Devil to "Get thee behind you"!

Let GO! Boast in Jesus Work ALONE!

Do it!

I am an enemy of the devil because I obey God and preach Truth.

The Word is words spoken from God Himself.

His words, His WORD is to be obeyed.

Common sense escapes you.

God's Truth

New member
Law Keeping... Legalism... Obedience...

Mk. 8:15

Leavening... a little bit will spoil the whole batch. You speak in words that are leavening and I must now ask you... were you ever a Russellite (Watch Tower/Jehovahs Wittness)?

Please answer honestly and without evasion.

You do not know what you preach.

The pharisees did NOT obey.

Don't you understand that?

Would you believe it if Jesus said it?

Tell me how not obeying like the pharisees is what I say and do when I preach obedience? LOLLOLLOL

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples: 2“The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.…

But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

God's Truth

New member
One would think that only the mentally disabled could not understand that telling someone, anyone, ever that not obeying will bring good things.

We are not to obey Satan. We ARE to obey Jesus.

Jesus' powerful beautiful words are not to be wasted, His words are SPIRIT AND LIFE.
You will not get the Spirit and life unless you obey.

God's Truth

New member
I will be back on later. In the meantime, really read what I wrote and think about it harder. You saying anything off the seat of your pants is nothing but vain and shallow discussion for you.

God's Truth

New member
I said this in the post above:

That is a big mistake you adding to God’s Word.
Nowhere does it say the law was based on obey!!!
Don’t you fear God?
You must not lean to the left or to the right of God’s word.

The law was based on PURIFICATION/CEREMONIAL works.
That means in order to remain in good standing with God---the people had to clean/justify themselves by cleaning themselves with certain works.

Now faith is the bases of the New Covenant. That means we no longer have to do those purification/ceremonial works to clean/justify ourselves before God, because now faith that Jesus’ blood does it is what does it.

That does NOT mean in ANY way that we no longer have to obey God! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Now read it again and answer WITHOUT your usual insult response.

READ WHAT I wrote and respond to what I said with scripture.

You are a wasteful ignorant debater.

I reply to the dull point you think you are making.

At least reply to what I say without some basic and weak reply.


I said this in the post above:

That is a big mistake you adding to God’s Word.
Nowhere does it say the law was based on obey!!!
Don’t you fear God?
You must not lean to the left or to the right of God’s word.

The law was based on PURIFICATION/CEREMONIAL works.
That means in order to remain in good standing with God---the people had to clean/justify themselves by cleaning themselves with certain works.

Now faith is the bases of the New Covenant. That means we no longer have to do those purification/ceremonial works to clean/justify ourselves before God, because now faith that Jesus’ blood does it is what does it.

That does NOT mean in ANY way that we no longer have to obey God! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Now read it again and answer WITHOUT your usual insult response.

READ WHAT I wrote and respond to what I said with scripture.

You are a wasteful ignorant debater.

I reply to the dull point you think you are making.

At least reply to what I say without some basic and weak reply.

You once had the devil down, but he's gotten you under his thumb of obedience through your pride of life.

He's got you wearing your filthy rags of Carnal obedience and proclaiming that others should do the same. It's either DO (emphasis you), or DONE (emphasis Jesus).

"Under my thumb"

The girl who once had me down

Under my thumb

The girl who once pushed me around

It's down to me

The difference in the clothes (Filthy rags of Obedience Zechariah 3:3) she wears

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb

Ain't it the truth babe? (You are deceived to preach the gift plus obedience by a worker of iniquity, disguised as an angel of light)

Under my thumb
The squirmin' dog who's just had her day
Under my thumb

A girl who has just changed her ways
It's down to me, yes it is

The way she does just what she's told

Down to me, the change has come
She's under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it's alright
Under my thumb
A Siamese cat of a girl
Under my thumb

She's the sweetest, hmmm, pet in the world

It's down to me
The way she talks when she's spoken to

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Ah, take it easy babe

It's down to me, oh yeah

The way she talks when she's spoken to

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Yeah, it feels alright
Under my thumb

Her eyes are just kept to herself

Under my thumb, well I
I can still look at someone else

It's down to me, oh that's what I said

The way she talks when she's spoken to
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb

Say, it's alright.



You do not know what you preach.

The pharisees did NOT obey.

Don't you understand that?

Would you believe it if Jesus said it?

Tell me how not obeying like the pharisees is what I say and do when I preach obedience? LOLLOLLOL

They wanted the "stones to be Bread", but you do not see nor hear what I say. You don't understand John 5:39f


Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples: 2“The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.…

But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

You indeed sit in Moses seat and glorify yourself. You indeed preach that God won't save unless people obey. You indeed tie up heavy burdens on people's backs with words of requirement that are not of Christ. You indeed are a temple infested with filthy money that is dipped in pride.

Humility is far from you and Your tongue praises what your heart denies.

Prayers for you!
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If Satan were standing in front of you right now, tell me, who would he be more pleased with you? You preach that obeying God is wrong.

You are blind as a bat and ensnared like an animal in the woods.

Never ever is obeying wrong. Never ever is preaching obedience wrong.

Not obeying is NOT the secret to everlasting life.

Satan can't stand before me. I'm clutched in the very RIGHT HAND of GOD, and nothing can remove me from HIS LOVE.

God's Truth

New member
You once had the devil down, but he's gotten you under his thumb of obedience through your pride of life.

He's got you wearing your filthy rags of Carnal obedience and proclaiming that others should do the same. It's either DO (emphasis you), or DONE (emphasis Jesus).

"Under my thumb"

The girl who once had me down

Under my thumb

The girl who once pushed me around

It's down to me

The difference in the clothes (Filthy rags of Obedience Zechariah 3:3) she wears

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb

Ain't it the truth babe? (You are deceived to preach the gift plus obedience by a worker of iniquity, disguised as an angel of light)

Under my thumb
The squirmin' dog who's just had her day
Under my thumb

A girl who has just changed her ways
It's down to me, yes it is

The way she does just what she's told

Down to me, the change has come
She's under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it's alright
Under my thumb
A Siamese cat of a girl
Under my thumb

She's the sweetest, hmmm, pet in the world

It's down to me
The way she talks when she's spoken to

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Ah, take it easy babe

It's down to me, oh yeah

The way she talks when she's spoken to

Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Yeah, it feels alright
Under my thumb

Her eyes are just kept to herself

Under my thumb, well I
I can still look at someone else

It's down to me, oh that's what I said

The way she talks when she's spoken to
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb

Say, it's alright.

What's wrong with you? Think about it. How do you ever get that Satan wants us to obey and preach obedience?

God's Truth

New member
You were taught to misunderstand the filthy rag scripture.

How do you EVER get that obeying God is as a filthy rag?!

The Jews who had to do a righteous act of giving a sin offering, which included offering BLOOD, God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins; that made the blood offering as a menstrual bloody rag offering. Not being truly sorry for the sin is what made the righteous act of sacrificing animals for their blood as a filthy rag.

Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Our righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if we do not OBEY HIM.


[MENTION=14521]God's Truth[/MENTION],

I sincerely pray for you, but more than prayer, you must know that HIS wedding garment is FREE! You must tell others that it is free! You can't afford it! It's beyond our budget! Accept it as FREE and TEACH it is free!
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God's Truth

New member
Can you imagine telling a child that they do not have to obey their parents, and that if they do obey their parents they are in bad terms, and if they do not obey they are rewarded?

Common sense eludes you.

Can you image telling someone to not obey their parents, their teachers, the police, their Government, their boss, and instructions.

You sound like a twisted nut.


You were taught to misunderstand the filthy rag scripture.

How do you EVER get that obeying God is as a filthy rag?!

The Jews who had to do a righteous act of giving a sin offering, which included offering BLOOD, God did not like it that they would sin then give a sin offering and not really be sorry for their sins; that made the blood offering as a menstrual bloody rag offering. Not being truly sorry for the sin is what made the righteous act of sacrificing animals for their blood as a filthy rag.

Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

Our righteous act of FAITH in Jesus is a filthy rag if we do not OBEY HIM.

Our Onedience is as a filthy, rotting wedding garment. I know that I was taught right! That does it GT! It's coming back... my signature is coming back.

1 John 2:27 ... You are clutching your flesh, when His glorious robe is yours... for FREE!


God's Truth

New member
[MENTION=14521]God's Truth[/MENTION],

I sincerely pray for you, but more than prayer, you must know that HIS wedding garment is FREE! You must tell others that's it free! You can't afford it! It's bottoms our budget! Accept it as FREE and TEACH it is free!

Do you know what it means to have wedding garments on as opposed to being naked?

Being naked means you are sinning.

Being clothed means you are obeying Jesus.

Do you really not know those scriptures?

God's Truth

New member
Revelation 16:15 "Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed."

Romans 13:14
Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to arouse its desires.

Galatians 3:27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Ephesians 4:24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Colossians 3:10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.