Honor God's Son or Perish


Active member
At one time I was... "The Chief of All Pharisees" That is, until I discovered the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was then that all of my religious chains fell off and I became God's free man.

So if I would provide the quotes from your own posts that prove that you have NOT renounced your religion and trusted in Christ to save you, would you address them?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So if I would provide the quotes from your own posts that prove that you have NOT renounced your religion and trusted in Christ to save you, would you address them?

The only quotes that you have that I am religious is from what has come out of your twisted mind.

See my new thread "Renounce Your Worthless Religion" which is coming soon.


Active member
The only quotes that you have that I am religious is from what has come out of your twisted mind.

See my new thread "Renounce Your Worthless Religion" which is coming soon.

So was that a "yes I would be willing to address the evidence", or a "no, I won't address the evidence"?
And that is IF I do have evidence.
I just want to know if you would discuss the evidence of your own quotes if I were to provide them?


Well-known member
The only quotes that you have that I am religious is from what has come out of your twisted mind.

See my new thread "Renounce Your Worthless Religion" which is coming soon.

Looks who talking, a person who believes that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, making His Blood ineffectual to save.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So was that a "yes I would be willing to address the evidence", or a "no, I won't address the evidence"?
And that is IF I do have evidence.
I just want to know if you would discuss the evidence of your own quotes if I were to provide them?

Sure, this is what a forum is about.


Active member
Sure, this is what a forum is about.

Good to hear. So, if I would totally ignore the post(s) where you claim to have renounced religion and trust in Christ for your salvation, and knowingly continue to post my opinion that you haven't done so, that would make me a liar, correct?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Good to hear. So, if I would totally ignore the post(s) where you claim to have renounced religion and trust in Christ for your salvation, and knowingly continue to post my opinion that you haven't done so, that would make me a liar, correct?

I am always open to criticism. If I have promoted religion in anyway I want to know about it.

RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his own spirituality.


Active member
I am always open to criticism. If I have promoted religion in anyway I want to know about it.

RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his own spirituality.

But what if I refuse and just continue to post my opinion? Would that be a good thing to do, Especially if you really want to find out where you have promoted religion?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I am always open to criticism. If I have promoted religion in anyway I want to know about it.

RELIGION: Man's preoccupation with his own spirituality.

Christianity is a faith religion. We are called to believe things that cannot be believed by unbelievers. They are things of the Spirit that unbelievers do not have access to, 1 Corinthians 2:14. We spend a lot of time on the forum trying to convince these people that are void of the Spirit things of the Spirit.




Active member
Either put up or shut up. If you want to say something then say it.
Well Robert, just like you, I also would like to know where I have ever promoted your definition of religion.
Go back and read my post #157 for starters, then go back to posts #127,#135,#137,#142,#144,#148,#150,#154 and you will see that you have not provided any answers.
All you continue to do is heap up more unfounded opinions one after another.
As far as post #271 goes, it is clear that you call Christianity a "religion", yet you have many threads that state something to the effect of "you don't need a religion",or even your latest thread about "worthless religion".
You stated in post #266 that this forum is about discussing quotes that you have made, yet many TOLers including myself have called you out numerous times for the same thing for years, your refusal to answer questions about quotes you have made. So are you going to "put up, or shut up"?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Unfortunately, Robert is an island unto himself, a man who is never in doubt of his many odd views, for he is unwilling to examine himself or submit to examination. While Robert will self-righteously make a pretense of being willing to be examined, yet when he is, Robert will retreat behind excuses in the hopes that his bluster will go unnoticed.

Unlike other venues where Robert has attempted his brand of "discussion", TOL is the only home on the internet that he has found that will tolerate his posting of hundreds of redundant topics that will never be met with a substantive rejoinder from him when his naked opinions are challenged. You see, Robert is merely blogging at TOL, nothing more.

Proper interpretation is to interpret everything in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A few examples of Robert Pate's "proper interpretation"....

You are assuming that God knows everything that is happening on the earth.
Truth of the matter is that God is very absent from what is happening on the earth.
What makes you think that angels have limited knowledge?

Does God know who will believe on his Son Jesus Christ?
I don't think that he does. To give life for the sole purpose of destroying it makes God unjust and unmerciful.
He provides salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9.

God can limit himself.
God does not see what is going on, on the earth.
God sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.
Nothing will be revealed until Christ returns and then everything will be revealed.

If a persons spirit is already in heaven then why would there be a resurrection?
There is a lot of controversy concerning this.
The way I see it is, the whole person goes into the ground and the whole person is resurrected.
The Christian does not really die. He falls asleep until the resurrection.

As usual you have demonstrated that you are in darkness.
No one deserves to go to hell.
We are ALL sinners without works. No one can become a sinner by what they do, they are born into sin, Psalm 51:5.
It is not our fault that we are sinners. If you want to blame someone blame Adam. He is the one that brought sin upon on us, Romans 5:12.
Therefore your Calvinist God is unjust.
It may not be your fault that you are a sinner, but it is your fault if you don't accept Christ as your savior.
Robert Pate said:
The bible is not a perfect book. It was written by men.
Robert Pate said:
The sole purpose of the bible is to be a witness to the work and person of Jesus Christ. If you use it for any other purposethan that you have misused it.
It was never intended to be a book to liveby.
Robert Pate said:
I have trouble with eternal punishment. I believe that the soul of the person that has rejected Christ will be destroyed in hell, but not eternally punished.
Robert Pate said:
I am hoping, but don't know for sure, that in the judgment there will be another chance to accept Christ as your savior.
What ever it is, and whatever God decides, it will be right. He is the just judge of all things.

Like I have said before the Bible was written by men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not make men perfect. It is very apparent that James was a Judaizer. Peter had to be corrected by Paul. He didn't understand the Gospel. The Bible does not hide the sins and mistakes of God's people. There are some errors in the Bible, but they are minor errors.

And of course, Robert affirms all the above as "true," resting comfortably in his seven deadly heterodoxies.



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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Unfortunately, Robert is an island unto himself, a man who is never in doubt of his many odd views, for he is unwilling to examine himself or submit to examination. While Robert will self-righteously make a pretense of being willing to be examined, yet when he is, Robert will retreat behind excuses in the hopes that his bluster will go unnoticed.

Unlike other venues where Robert has attempted his brand of "discussion", TOL is the only home on the internet that he has found that will tolerate his posting of hundreds of redundant topics that will never be met with a substantive rejoinder from him when his naked opinions are challenged. You see, Robert is merely blogging at TOL, nothing more.

[FONT=&]A few examples of Robert Pate's "proper interpretation"....[/FONT]



All that I have said is true. I RETRACT NOTHING.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Well Robert, just like you, I also would like to know where I have ever promoted your definition of religion.
Go back and read my post #157 for starters, then go back to posts #127,#135,#137,#142,#144,#148,#150,#154 and you will see that you have not provided any answers.
All you continue to do is heap up more unfounded opinions one after another.
As far as post #271 goes, it is clear that you call Christianity a "religion", yet you have many threads that state something to the effect of "you don't need a religion",or even your latest thread about "worthless religion".
You stated in post #266 that this forum is about discussing quotes that you have made, yet many TOLers including myself have called you out numerous times for the same thing for years, your refusal to answer questions about quotes you have made. So are you going to "put up, or shut up"?

Religion, whether it be the Calvinist religion or the Catholic religion, all have one thing in common. They are all anti-Gospel and are anti-Christ.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man can come to the Father but by me" John 14:6

You think that religion is the way, the truth and the life.


Active member
Religion, whether it be the Calvinist religion or the Catholic religion, all have one thing in common. They are all anti-Gospel and are anti-Christ.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man can come to the Father but by me" John 14:6

You think that religion is the way, the truth and the life.
Ah...I see you have taken your royal seat on the religious throne of the middle ground, neither putting up nor shutting up. A throne that is built upon the foundation of opinions and contradictions, dedicated to the
Perfect Pontiff Pate, who declares "I have never been refuted nor corrected".
The one who would hardly lift a finger to substantiate claims or even try to explain himself as he demands those so far beneath him to do so.
Meanwhile blasting all who would dare to ask anything of him with the fiery darts of more lies and accusations.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Ah...I see you have taken your royal seat on the religious throne of the middle ground, neither putting up nor shutting up. A throne that is built upon the foundation of opinions and contradictions, dedicated to the
Perfect Pontiff Pate, who declares "I have never been refuted nor corrected".
The one who would hardly lift a finger to substantiate claims or even try to explain himself as he demands those so far beneath him to do so.
Meanwhile blasting all who would dare to ask anything of him with the fiery darts of more lies and accusations.

You have been given enough light to light a city.

The reason that you don't understand anything is because you don't want too. You prefer to remain in darkness.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You think that religion is the way, the truth and the life.

So do you:

Christianity is a faith religion. We are called to believe things that cannot be believed by unbelievers. They are things of the Spirit that unbelievers do not have access to, 1 Corinthians 2:14. We spend a lot of time on the forum trying to convince these people that are void of the Spirit things of the Spirit.

Then again, while getting the above correct, despite your denial of all things religion, you fail at understanding the very thing you affirm:

And you and you alone are responsible for your salvation.

Accordingly, I assume your daily prayers resemble something along these lines:

“Lord, I thank thee that I am not like these poor, presumptuous Calvinists. Lord, I was born with a glorious free will; I was born with a power by which I can turn to thee of myself; I have improved my grace. If everybody had done the same with their grace as I have, they might all have been saved. Lord, I know that thou dost not make us willing if we are not willing ourselves… it was not thy grace that made us differ… I made use of what was given me, and others did not—that is the difference between me and them.”
Src: Spurgeon, Sermon on John 5:40 “Free Will a Slave” The New Park Street Pulpit, 1855- 1856, Volumes I & II (Pilgrim 1975), 395-402.

Such is the man, Robert Pate, resting comfortably in his seven deadly heterodoxies, compounding them with the deadly sin of assuming he alone is the captain of his soul, while God sits around wringing His hands in hope that all like Robert Pate will only take charge of their eternal destiny. Sigh.

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